Chapter 53

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The rest of the week went by pretty fast. Everyone finished their finals and got ready for the holidays.

Today were having  a small Christmas party at the dorm before everyone leaves for the holidays. So I'm going Christmas shopping with Brooklyn and Madison. "We obviously can't shop together since we're buying gifts for each other" madison said as the car came to a stop in front of the mall. "Well I'm going to Victoria's Secret first so y'all can't follow me there" Brooklyn announced as she got out of the car. "I'm going to the sports store" I announced "let's meet up in the food court in two hours" Madison spoke up. Once everyone agreed we went our own ways.

I walked into the sports store and looked around. "is there anything I can help you find?" a lady walked up to me. "do you guys sell sports equipment or do you just sell team merchandise?" I asked "just team merch, sorry" she told me. I looked around the store but I didn't see anything I liked, so I left. The next store I went to was Urban Outfitters. I roamed around for a while. I found a cute lace halter bra in ivory and navy so I grabbed those for myself, then I got Brooklyn a Gift Card. The next store I went to was lush, I grabbed a bunch of bath bombs for both of them, then I went to gap and got Madison a Gift Card. I went to a few more stores and grabbed both of them small things and then I decided to head to the food court to meet up with them. I sat down at a empty table and debated on what i wanted to eat. Before I could decided Madison and Brooklyn sat down. "I couldn't find Jack anything" Brooklyn confessed "I couldn't find Alex anything either, I was thinking about going to an actual sports store" I told her "I have no idea what to buy David or mason" Madison spoke up "I completely forgot about them! Oh my gosh I'm a terrible friend" I sighed "I didn't look, I kind of wanted to get them something big but I'm not sure what to buy" Brooklyn admitted "why don't the three of us look together" Madison suggested. We agreed that would be the best thing and then we decided to eat. I got chick-fil-a while Brooklyn got pizza and Madison got Chinese food.

Once we finished eating we went to find Mason and David a present. After looking in five stores we finally found a good present. We put our money together and bought mason a drone and wireless headphones, and we got David some nice shirts and a pair of shoes.

After we finished, we packed everything into the car and drove to dicks sporting goods. As soon as we parked I got out and went to the baseball section. I grabbed a couple dry-fit shirts Alex could wear while he runs or when he's at practice. I got him some new batting gloves because his have a rip in them, I also got him a new backpack and gym shorts. Then I grabbed Jack a Nike jacket and I grabbed me some yoga pants. After I purchased everything I met up with Brooklyn who bought Jack new cleats and socks.

We made one last stop at the party store and grabbed wrapping paper, tape, bows, name tags and anything else we could think of. Then we headed back to the dorm to wrap presents before we called everyone over for friendsmas.

Once we got back to the dorm I grabbed my bags and headed into my room and shut the door so I could wrap all the presents. I got a little irritated because I couldn't get the lush products wrapped right so I just put them back into the bag they came in and I wrapped the bag instead of each individual one. I wrapped Alex's presents even though we weren't going to open each others until we got to my moms. Then I wrapped jacks and I wrapped masons while Brooklyn wrapped David's.

Once I finished I put them under the tree. It wasn't a big tree, it was only three feet tall so the presents didn't actually fit underneath it we had to put the presents around the tree. After all of us finished we called everyone over.

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