Chapter 45

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He walked back in with a few cups of water and the food. He sat next to me on the bed and opened the boxes. "your back" I started "i enjoyed it" he said nonchalantly and ate a piece of chicken. "what if someone sees it?" I asked "it wouldn't be the first time" he stated and then realized what he said "shit. Stazie I'm sorry. But I don't care if anyone sees it. Its none of their business what happens between us" he told me "do you have any markers?" I asked. He looked at me confused "I have some why?" he asked "can I see them?" I asked and he got up and pulled out a backpack. He laid it in front of me. I opened it and pulled out a sketch pad and saw a lot of markers and paints. I opened the sketch pad and gasped at what I saw. "Alex these are amazing" I told him as I flipped through the drawings and I found one that took my breath away. I looked at the drawing of the lake and a silhouette of a person. "I drew that one a couple days ago, it's you at the lake" he told me "it's beautiful" I told him as I ran my fingers across the page. "I didn't know you could draw" I looked up at him "Ive never told anyone" he looked at the bed "all of them are so beautiful" I told him "this one is my favorite" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "so what did you need markers for?" he asked "lay on your stomach" I told him "what why?" he laughed "just do it" I told him. He rolled over and laid on his stomach. I sat on his butt and took a picture of his scratched back. "so you like it that much" he asked "stay still" I told him as I grabbed a marker.

After a few hours of drawing on his back he stretched his arms above his head. "Alex!" I yelled as I was careful not to mess up. "I need to move around" he laughed "I'm not done yet" I told him "I need to pee" he told me "fine. You get five minutes" I told him as I moved off of him. "finally" he groaned and stood up. He walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I finished my nuggets and walked out of the room and into the bathroom to wash my hands as Alex walked out. "I could get used to this" he smiled as he saw I still wasn't wearing pants then he kissed me. "Alex are you here?" Jack shouted "shit. Stay in here" he said as he shut the door. "Jack get out" Alex demanded "what?" jack asked "I need you to leave for a few hours" Alex told him "why?" Jack asked "it doesn't matter why" Alex told him "whatever. I'm going over to Brooklyns" Jack said and then a door shut. A few seconds later Alex walked into the bathroom. "you didn't have to be mean" I told him "he could've just left" he replied. I walked back into the bedroom and waited for Alex to lay down. He walked in, shut the door and laid down, I sat on his butt and grabbed a marker.

I continued to draw, stopping periodically to let Alex walk around and to rest my hands. After a solid four hours I finished. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the final product. "can I see?" he asked I handed him my phone. "that's nice" he told me. I looked at his back and then to the picture on my phone "it's an under the sea theme?" he asked "yea I don't know why I chose it" I laughed and I got off of him. "those turtles are awesome, there's so much detail in them" he smiled "it's not the best" I started "it's amazing" he smiled and looked at me "if you would have taken this picture a little higher you would've been showing your panties" he laughed "no! Only mid thigh is showing" I zoomed in on the picture. "I was joking" he smiled and pulled me down and kissed me. "could you send that to me?" he asked and I nodded "ok my turn" he smiled and I turned over onto my stomach. He removed my shirt "don't move" he told me and I nodded. "wait, can I get a charger or something? I'm going to need some entertainment" I asked "here's my laptop, you can watch Netflix" he handed me his laptop then sat on my butt. I scrolled through the shows and movies and settled on Captain America. "ready?" he asked "yea" I replied.

I felt as the markers drug across my skin and how he rubbed the wet marker to blend it out. He was gentle with his movements. I smiled to myself and continued watching the movie. I grabbed my phone and took a selfie with him in the background. He didn't even notice. I looked at it and saw how focused he was. I smiled and took a few more. He finally looked up and I took the picture. "what are you doing?" he smiled and I took another one "you look so cute and focused" I told him "are you trying to see what I'm drawing?" he asked and I shook my head no. "I was watching your face" I smiled and put my phone down. He laughed and continued drawing.

After the movie was over he asked if I wanted a break but I told him no and I put on Thor.

When Thor was almost over he grabbed my phone. He got off of my butt and handed me the phone. I looked at the pictures and smiled. "you stayed with the ocean theme?" I asked "I couldn't resist" he smiled "it's beautiful" I told him as I saw the drawing. It was a sunset at the beach. It had palm trees and birds, the water and the colorful sky. "what's this?" I laughed as I went to the next picture "what does it look like?" he asked "a picture of you with me in the background" I told him "it's a selfie with my artwork and my queen" he smiled. "come take a picture with me" I told him and stood up. I walked to his mirror and he stood next to me. We had our backs to the mirror and Alex lifted my phone up and took pictures of our reflection. I yawned and walked back to the bed. "we can go to bed if you're tired" Alex suggested "that sounds like a good idea" I smiled and pushed the markers off of the bed and laid down. He laughed and laid next to me.

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