Chapter 8

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"I hate guys" Brooklyn announced as soon a Alex was gone. "what happened?" I asked "Jack is so stupid and I haven't been trying to ignore you and become distance but Jack and I havent been in the best place and I need a drink" she rushed her words "what's he doing?" I asked "he's been hinting about seeing other people and he's been a total dick lately" she confessed "well I say dump him and focus on yourself" I proudly said "that's a good idea but seeing you with Alex isn't really helping" she told me "what do you mean?" I asked "well I've had a major crush on him since I started school and plus he's best friends with Jack which doesn't help" she told me "but he has nothing to do with yall" I defended him "I know but I'm jealous of you. You get here and he automatically likes you,  I've been trying to get him to notice me for months" she admitted "wait I'm confused. You were upset because of Jack but now you're upset with me?" I asked "yea I guess so!" she yelled and stormed out of the dorm room.

I just hung out around until it was time to go to the game. A knock at the door got my attention. I stood up and walked over to it and opened it. Alex was there with his baseball bag in one hand and and a rose in the other "hey" I said as he handed me the flower "thank you" I told him "you're welcome" he replied as he smiled and walked in "can I change here? We kind of have to get there earlier than normal" he asked "Uhm yea sure. The bathrooms through that door" I told him pointing to the bathroom "thanks" he replied and went in and changed.

A few minutes past and Alex walked out carrying his shirt, belt, shoes and his bag. He was only wearing his pants and socks. "ready?" he asked "you can't leave dressed like that" I told him "why not?" he asked while smirking "you're pretty much naked" I told him which made him laugh "I'm not naked, shirtless yes, naked no" he said while he walked towards me "close enough" I told him as he pulled me into a hug. It felt nice to hug him. It was very comfortable and cozy. His chest was warm and I couldn't help but let my hands roam around his back. I noticed the bruise was still visible on Alex's side, it was faded but still there. "what happened?" I asked as I ran my hand across the bruise. "a nasty curve ball to the ribs" he told me and laughed "does it hurt?" I asked and furrowed my brows "no but it did whenever it happened. Sometimes if I throw too hard it'll hurt for a little bit but nothing major" he told me "did you get it checked out?" I asked him "yea nothing's broken don't worry" he said looking down at me and smiled "we should probably go" I told him and moved away. "ugh" he groaned "we could've held each other for a while longer" he told me as he put on his shirt "not today. You have a game to play" I told him causing him to laugh. He put his belt on and carried his shoes and bag towards the door. I grabbed my things and I followed him. We drove to the field and he put his cleats on the we walked through the gate. I surprisingly didn't have to pay since the guy at ticketbooth knew I came with Alex. We walked to the field and I noticed Brooklyn was with Jack. We walked to them and I noticed my dad. "Alex its good to see you made it" my dad announced as he looked from Alex to me. "Anastasia" my dad sighed "it's nice to see you" he continued I stopped walking and Alex noticed and looked back at me "it'll be ok" Alex quitely told me, I nodded and walked over to everyone. Apparently Jack and Alex were changing positions today so they had to train in the new position early. Alex was going to be pitching the game and Jack was taking second base. As the guys took their positions on the field a few more guys arrived early for the game. My dad made use of them and made the catcher help Alex while the other guys threw the ball around the infield. Brooklyn went to use the restroom and left me alone with my dad. "Anastasia I know you're mad at me" he spoke up "I see you've become friends with my best players" he spoke again. I decided I wouldn't reply and save the fight that was coming for another day. "how's the job searching?" he asked "not that I'm rushing you or anything because I'm not, I'm just curious" he added "I've found one actually I start Monday" I informed him "that is wonderful I'm proud of you" he told me. "Josh, Whitney and Ethan are coming to the game tonight" he said. Josh and Ethan were his sons, my half brothers and Whitney was his new wife. "that's cool." I replied as I watched Alex pitching the ball. "he's a good player" my dad said after a few minutes of silence I just nodded in agreement "as much as I'd love to say have fun and be friends with whoever you want, I just want you to know that this team is important to me. You're important also but I hope neither of you cross any boundaries. You're my daughter. This team is like another baby of mine. I'd hate to see something tragic happen to them." he said which confused me "so you're basically saying I shouldn't be friends with any of the people who I've became acquainted with?!" I asked a little annoyed "no that's not what I said Anastasia" he said nonchalantly "but you just said don't cross the boundaries. What boundaries dad! I've made friends and you can't be happy for me?" I asked "I am very proud of you" he replied "but I want my team off limits. That goes both ways. You're off limits to the guys and the guys are off limits to you" he said and got up to walk away. "this is so stupid! You're always making the most pointless rules! But guess what dad. Cut me off. Out of your life even. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing Whether  you like it or not!" I shouted towards him and I walked in the opposite direction "Alex stop. This is personal business and you have no right to be overstepping here" I heard my dad say. I saw Brooklyn walking towards me with a confused expression. As she reached me I heard footsteps approaching behind me very fast. I turned around and saw Alex running towards me. He stopped as soon as he reached me "are you ok? I heard the last bit what happened?" he asked worriedly "what's going on?" Brooklyn asked "I'm fine. It's fine. Alex you should go back everything will be alright." I said more to convince myself than him "we will talk later" he told me and ran back to the field. I explained what happened to Brooklyn since now she knows who my dad is and why I'm at this school to start with.

The game went by super fast. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone except Alex. The way he threw the ball and caught the balls and also hit them intrigued me. Whenever we were talking the other he mentioned sports were always there for him. If he had trouble at home he'd go out to the field and hit and throw as hard as he could. Now it's just a tiny escape from reality, whenever he plays it's only his team against theirs. I can tell he genuinely loves the sport and he gives 210% into every game.

Once the game was over Alex took me home immediately not making too much conversation but just enough to make sure everything was ok. Whenever I got back I took a shower and feel asleep.

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