Chapter 49

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The next morning I woke up to Alex getting out of the tent. I laid there awake until I heard him peeing. "don't pee right next to the tent!" I yelled at him "I'm not, I'm like 20 feet away" he told me. I sat up and dug through the bags until I found the soap. I put it outside of the entrance and then dug through my bag and I changed into my swim suit. I heard Alex splashing in the water then he got back inside of the tent. "did you wash your hands?" I asked "yes" he groaned and laid down. "what are you doing?" he asked "I'm planning on trying to get a nice tan later. I might take a morning swim, who knows" I told him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me back onto the bed. "lay with me a little while longer?" he asked and I nodded. I brought my laptop and some portable chargers if you want to watch a movie or something later" he told me "maybe later" I replied and turned over and kissed him. He smiled and held me tight. I saw how he looked so peaceful. He opened his eyes and scanned my face "what?" he asked "nothing" I smiled and then sat up. I climbed out of the tent just in time to see the sunrise. "Alex look!" I squealed. He climbed out of the tent and sat with me "it's so pretty" I smiled "if you woke up with me every morning you'd see it more often" he smiled and kissed me softly. He walked away but I continued to watch the sky change colors.

Once the sky was completely blue I turned around and found Alex sitting for behind me holding a canvas and a paint brush. "what are you doing?" I asked "it's a surprise" he smiled "can I see?" I asked "no, that'd ruin the surprise" he smiled and I groaned. I jumped into the lake and swam around for a while. The whole time Alex kept painting. "how long does a normal picture take?" I asked "it depends, if it's small and doesn't have much detail then probably only an hour or two. But if it's this size and a lot of detail maybe a few days" he told me "days?" I asked and he looked up at me "yea days. I mean not constantly working, maybe like four hours a day for two or three days" he told me "wow" I replied in awe "it's amazing how you can do that" I smiled and swam around "you're really talented" I told him and climbed out of the water "thank you" he smiled.

I laid in the morning sun as Alex continued to paint. After three hours finished he laid it inside the tent. "let's go get breakfast" he annonced "good idea" I replied and stood up. I threw on some clothes and we left. We went to a diner and got food. We hung out for a while eating and talking, not doing much. We also got sandwiches for later. We drove around for a while just exploring before we went back to the lake. Alex parked and we started walking back. "I'm going to get in shape If I have to walk this everyday" I annonced which cause Alex to laugh "what?" I asked "nothing" he smiled and kept walking. Whenever we arrived Alex changed into his swim trunks and he blew up the floaty.

It took a while to blow up but once he got it full of air he threw it in the lake and then jumped in. I laid out and enjoyed the sun. "try not to get burnt" Alex annonced as he laid on the floaty. "we forgot sunscreen" I sighed "it's fine, just don't sit in the sun too long" he stated.

I rotated a few times and then jumped in the water. I swam over to where Alex was on the flotation device. I put my arms on it and rested my head on my arms. "do you want a turn?" he asked while looking at me "sure" I smiled and climbed on. Alex didn't get off though. "get off were going to sink it" I laughed "we won't, just get on it all the way" he replied "no, get off" I pushed him "there's no way I'm getting off now" he smiled and laid down "fine. If we sink it's your fault" I told him and got on. "see were fine" he pointed out. He moved his arm around me bit when he did the whole thing moved and we both fell into the water. Whenever I resurfaced Alex was laughing "see look what happened" I smiled as he pulled me to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me softly. "I love you" he told me "I love you too" I smiled and kissed him. He pulled the floaty towards us and he lifted me up onto it. "I'm going to go paint for a little bit" he told me "ok" I smiled and kissed him before he swam to the edge and climbed out of the water.

After a while I started to get hungry. I swam to the edge and climbed out, I pulled the floaty onto the grass and I wrapped up in a towel. I grabbed the sandwiches and started to eat. "you need to eat Picasso" I annonced and moved the bag towards Alex. He looked up at me and smiled. "please don't look at it?" he asked "I won't I promise" I smiled. He stood up and sat it in the tent. He washed his hands off and then ate with me. "can I paint?" I asked, he looked up at me and nodded "of course you can" he smiled. We ate our food and talked about the lake and painting.

Once we finished and washed our hands Alex handed me the painting stuff. Can I paint on your leg?" I asked and he smirked "is this going to become a habit?" he asked "maybe" I laughed "let's paint on each others at the same time" he said and I nodded my head. "I know what I'm going to paint" I annonced excitedly "you do? What is it?" he asked "you'll find out" I told him. I rolled up his swim trunks a little bit and I started to paint. We were facing each other with one leg crossed and the other extended. He would be seeing what I painted upside down and I'd be seeing what he painted upside down.

I noticed he was using a lot of colors and I wasn't. He ran the brush across my leg and it tickled. "what was that?" he asked as I repositioned my leg "it tickled" I laughed and he smiled. He did a few more stroked and then stopped. I continued to paint even though he already finished. "a lion?" he asked me and I nodded "why a lion?" he asked "I like big cats" I laughed and put a few finishing touches. Once I finished I looked at mine. It was a collection of tropical flowers that trailed down my thigh. "it's beautiful" I smiled and looked at what I painted, it was about the size of my hand in the middle of his thigh. "lions are fucking awesome" he laughed as he looked at it. "I love it" he smiled "really?" I asked and he nodded "you paint masterpieces, honestly you're so talented" I smiled as I looked at the flowers. "I'm ok" he said as he took a picture of both of our legs. "you're kidding right? All of your artwork is amazing. Each one has meaning behind it and it's so personal and beautiful" I smiled "what does this one mean?" he asked "you're happy, you like a variety of different things, and you're very observant" I spoke "you're amazing" he smiled and kissed me. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of our legs. I painted my hand with the remaining paint then I slapped his chest leaving a hand print behind. "oh you want to do that?" he asked and I stood up to run away as he painted his hand but before I could he slapped my butt. "Alex!" I yelled as he laughed "it's on" I smiled and grabbed the paintbrush. I ran after him and ran the paintbrush across his face and down his neck. I laughed and ran away as he slapped my other butt cheek. I turned around to say something but he painted my lips and nose instead. I gasped and ran my hand down my face. I threw the paint at him causing him to have spots. He ran up to me and kissed me. The paint that was on my face rubbed off onto his face. When we pulled away we both started laughing.

We let the paint dry and then Alex tried to wash some of it off. When he wasn't looking i took a few pictures of him. "I tried to get everything except the lion off" he annonced as he walked back towards me "you did a good job" I told him and stood up. I walked over and tried scrubbing it off. I heard Alex laugh so I turned around and he took my picture. I laughed and continued to scrub at the dry paint. When I was satisfied with the results I sat next to him in the grass. "want to watch a movie?" I asked and he nodded. We climbed into the tent, laid down and watched a few movies.

When we got hungry we walked to the car and got some food. Then we came back to the lake and went to sleep after a while.

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