Chapter 42

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Today isn't the best day. I woke up this morning to Brooklyn and Madison arguing over a pair of shoes, I heard Alex and Noah almost had a fight last night, and I have a quiz in one of my classes.

I'm on my way to my second to last class of the day. I noticed a few people glance at me while I was walking but I ignored them. Wherever I got to class I sat in my normal spot and did my class work. I heard a few whispers behind me but I did my best not to focus on that. I finished my quiz which I definitely felt confident about. But by the time the class was over I was slightly annoyed.

I grabbed my things and walked to my last class, English. I noticed the girls I didn't like we're right behind me the whole time. I overheard them say something about me and I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. I turned around "if you have something to say, say it to my face" I told them "look at how pathetic she looks, her boyfriend dumped her and Noah rejected her" one of the girls laughed. "what?" I asked in disbelief "you know, good news travels fast, bad news travels faster" she laughed and pushed my shoulder. I gripped onto it and pushed her against the wall. "you have no right to talk about me, you have no right to talk about my personal life. Especially not after what you've done." I spat "what is she talking about?" her friend asked cluelessly "you haven't told her?" I huffed "wow" I told her. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from them. "what the hell do you think you're doing?" Alex asked "leave me alone" I sighed and pushed away from him "stazie talk to me" he asked and walked next to me. I saw Noah out of the corner of my eye. "what happened with Noah?" I asked "nothing" he replied. "whatever" I laughed and walked in the other direction. "where are you going?" he asked "to my dorm" I annonced "what about class?" he asked "I'm obviously not going" I told him "don't do this. Come to class. I won't talk to you I promise" he asked "I don't care if you talk to me" I told him and started walking to the class. I sat at the back of the room next to a random girl.

During class alex kept turning around and glancing at me. "Whatever he did, its clearly bothering him" the girl whispered "what?" I asked and looked at her "I know it's not any of my business but the way he's looking at you, I can tell he wants to apologize" she stated. I glanced at Alex and caught his eye before he turned around. "I don't think he really did anything wrong I'm just having a bad day" I whispered to her.

The rest of the class went by smoothly, I talked with the girl next to me for a while and then decided to talk to Alex.

I collected my things as the professor dismissed the class, I watched alex slowly get his things together. I walked over to the desk he was at and stopped in front of him. "I'm sorry. Today hasn't been the best" I apologized "what's wrong?" He asked as he picked up his books "well I got woke up by me roommates arguing, I had a quiz, people have been whispering about me all day, and apparently you tried to fight Noah" I stated "not the best" I sighed "the whole Noah situation was a mess, he tried telling me about what happened and I blew up on him" he started "I'd rather not hear things about you from other people" he told me "I agree" I spoke up "what happened in the hall?" He asked as we walked out of the class "like I said people have been whispering all day" I started "I confronted them and I guess the whole school knows you broke up with me" I told him "and apparently Noah rejected me" I admitted "what? Did he really tell the whole school what happened!?" He shouted "Alex" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from the crowded hallway "let's go" he demanded and walked away.

I followed him to his car and got in. "where are we going?" I asked "I need to get away from here" he told me "ok, but where are you taking me?" I asked "the lake" he annonced as he drove off campus. The car ride was silent, we didn't say anything at all. We were like half a mile away from the school when I turned on the radio. "I don't like him" Alex suddenly said "he acts like a spoiled brat and the whole baseball team loves him" he told me as we stopped at a red light "are you upset because hes a new competitor?" I asked and he looked at me "a new competitor? What is this a game to you?" he asked in disbelief "what? No, I mean I heard he's a good baseball player." I spoke up "this isn't about baseball Anastasia" He told me and hit the steering wheel. He continued to drive until he stopped in the familiar spot "I'm sorry, I never saw him as anything more than a friend. I don't know why it happened" I told him "I'm not like that, I've never slept with anyone else. I've never wanted to. It just happened ok. I don't know what else to say. I love you Alex but you just keep hurting me" I started to cry. I got out of the car and walked down the path. I heard the door slam and hurried footsteps following me. "stazie" he called out but I didnt reply "Anastasia please" he asked "baby please stop"  he announced. "stop" he told me as he ran in front of me so I couldnt walk anymore. "I'm a mess, I know. I got jealous and I panicked. I got myself angry and I took it out on you. I slept with those girls because- I don't know why. I didn't want to think about you but it didn't work. I literally called one of them Anastasia and she slapped me and left. I deserved it" he laughed "but you don't deserve all of the shit I put you through. Yea I saw him as competition, you were hanging out with him a lot. He was all over you every day. It pissed me off and I'm sorry" he hurried his words. "I finally got myself somewhat normal and I let him ruin everything. I'm sorry" he told me. "you're a jerk" I laughed at him "I know. I'm sorry" he told me. He cleaned the tears off my face and then he kissed me. I wanted to push him away but I couldn't get myself to do it, so I kissed him back..

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