Chapter 61

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Alex followed me into the house and to the front door where Bri stood laughing at something my mom said.

"Hey babe" Bri smiled once she saw me, she pulled me into a tight hug once we pulled away she glanced over towards Alex and scanned her eyes up and down his body. "So are you staying for dinner Bri?" I asked snapping her eyes away from him "sure. Mom and dad are out of town until tomorrow afternoon" she announced "oh well then come in honey there's plenty of food" my mom said as she walked into the kitchen. "Your gift is being shipped. Sorry I can't hand it to you nicely wrapped." I told her as we walked towards the table. Alex quickly went into the kitchen and helped my mom finish the food and set the table. "Anastasia how in the world did you manage to get him?" She asked as she watched him work his way around the kitchen "I got lucky I guess" I shrugged and decided to change the subject "have you been skating yet?" I asked "no! I was thinking about it the other day, oh my gosh I miss skating every year with you" she laughed I smiled and got sucked into my thoughts.

I thought back to when we were in school and Bri was the outgoing girl while I was the quiet one. How every year she'd pick a day and both of our families would get together and go skating for the day. How we were inseparable until she went to Boston and I went with my dad. I continued to think about the past but a couple of hands rested on my thighs and i felt hot air by my ear. I turned around and noticed Alex was leaning over the chair "were you thinking about me?" he whispered in my ear and i shook my head no. "its ok if you were. I can't stop thinking about you" he whispered and kissed my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him "what?" i questioned he jusy winked and turned around laughing. I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned back towards bri who was smiling at me.

Whenever dinner was finally put on the table my mom sat next to bri, and Alex sat next to me. The food smelt amazing as always. My mom made buffalo wings, french fries and a salad. "so how is everything at school going?" my mom asked everyone "i absolutely love the school im going to. It's not duke or anything but Its perfect" bri started which made alex laugh. "in all seriousness the school is great i love how the professors teach and ive made a few friends" she smiled "hows school for you guys?" she asked looking towards alex. "im really enjoying it. Im finally away from home playing baseball, doing what i love. Plus i met this beautiful lady and the rest is history" he smiled as he placed a hand on my thigh under the table. "what about you?" bri looked at me. "i hated it at first. Well not really, i just hated that i was forced to go. I actually love it. Ive become really great friends with my room mates and im experiencing a lot of new things" i smiled and took another bite of my food.

The rest of dinner went rather smoothly. Alex seemed to notice how I got jealous of the looks bri kept sending him. When she would giggle at what he said even though it wasn't funny, or when she looked like she was undressing him with her eyes. He would draw circles on my skin or he would let his hand drift a little too high up. He even leaned over and whispered in my ear that he only wanted me.

Around ten o'clock bri went home and my mom went to bed. I walked into the kitchen to start cleaning up when Alex walked up behind me and gently pushed me against the counter. "i love seeing you get protective of me." he said huskily "she had no right to look at you like that, shes supposed to be my friend not a home recker." i sighed and looked into his eyes. He smiled at my choice of words "baby she has no chance. I only want you, and damn. I really want you" he told me as his eyes darkened. "we have to clean the house." i sighed and pusbed past him. I grabbed the plates and started washing them. He groaned and started helping.

As soon as the last plate was washed and dried alex picked me up and laid me over his shoulder. I squealed and he smacked my butt causing me to gasp. He quickly carried me up the stairs and closed the door after he walked in the room. "Now, where were we?" he asked as he sat on the bed with me on his waist . He started kissing my neck. He found my sensitive spot almost immediately and he started sucking. I gasped and pulled on his hair, accidentally moving my hips across his growing member. He groaned quietly and ran his teeth across the mark he left on my neck. I moved my hips again and he thrusted his up against mine causing me to moan. "baby you're so fucking beautiful" he told me as he lifted my shirt off and started running his hands over my chest. He kissed down my neck and undid my bra. I started getting impatient so i pulled off his shirt. I ran my hands down his arms and then back up into his hair. I rotated my hips again which caused him to throw him head back in pleasure. I leaned up and fiddled with his pants. He watched my every move. Once his pants were undone i pushed them down along with his boxers. He quickly pulled my pants down and i helped take them off, before i could remove my panties he ripped them off of me. I gasped and looked at him "ill buy you some new ones" he smirked and pulled me back ontop of him. He positioned himself at my entrance and he gripped my waist and slowly pushed me down onto him. I bit my lip so i wouldn't scream and he gave me a few seconds to adjust. I slowly lifted up and down, he moaned and started sucking on my neck. I rotated my hips and he thrusted up. I gasped and continued to rotate my hips. He thrusted harder and faster until we both came undone.

We laid down after we finished, I rested my head on Alex's chest as he ran his fingertips across my back. "Normally around this time of the year I'm so drunk I don't even know my name. My nights would start out by remembering my childhood and how all of us kids would wake up early and run downstairs to open presents. How everyone was so happy to get something we wanted, but as the day progressed we would go to my dads sisters house. She'd invite everyone over and we'd hang out. Most of the time arguments would break out immediately. My dad really doesn't know how to keep his fucking mouth shut. My mom would always try to calm him down and Ronnie would try to calm everyone down but he was only a kid so nobody listened to him. By the end of the night in one way or another Pauline and Ronnie were crying while Chris and I took them home. It fucking sucked, every year some shit would happen and they'd leave us to clean up the mess. I mean my mom tried, she really did but my dads a manipulative asshole who didn't care. " he confessed. I sat up and listened to him. "When I turned 15 I gave up trying to fix the family. I stopped going to my aunts house, instead I went off and got drunk, fucked girls and didn't care anymore. Shit that wasn't how that was supposed to come out" He stated which made me laugh "All of that's in the past now. I'm not getting shitfaced, I'm not sleeping with random people. I'm in bed with you, the one I love, and it's..." he started "currently midnight so merry Christmas baby. You make my life so much better" he finished and pulled me into a kiss. "You don't know how amazing you are. I love you so much, it breaks my heart to hear the kind of stuff you had to go through. But I'm so happy that you're sharing it with me." I told him once we pulled away. I softly kissed him again as I straddled his waist. "You know, I love waking up early on Christmas morning and tearing open my gifts" I smirked and kissed him as I pulled the sheets off of us. "Is this you tearing open your gifts?" He asked smirking "maybe" I whispered softly into his ear "we didn't even sleep yet so how are we waking up early?" He asked "shut up" I told him which caused him to laugh "I can stop you know" I threatened. He quickly ran his hands into my hair and pulled roughly so my head went back exposing my neck "You better not" he groaned and started kissing me. One thing led to another and we went at it until we couldn't anymore.

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