Chapter 9

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The next few weeks went by extremely slow. I stated my job at the sushi place I came to love. I've sent all of my dad's money back to him and I've been seeing Alex a lot more. He normally comes in after his classes and after baseball practice since I work after my classes until closing. Alex comes by the dorm room every chance he can get. Brooklyn accidently told him she still has a huge crush on him but he shook it off like nothing was said. Jack and Brooklyn ended up going separate ways so David and Mason go to the games with me while Madison and Brooklyn go shopping.

*DING* I heard the front door open. I heard a bunch of loud guys which ended up being the entire Baseball team. "hey you're that girl that's been with Alex right?" one of them asked "Yo Alex your girls working!" another one yelled grabbing Alex's arm and dragging him out of the croud. They had a game earlier tonight but I couldn't go due to working. "hey sweetheart why didn't you come to the game? We missed you today" another guy said. Alex came up to the counter laughing "hey babe I missed you today" Alex said and leaned over the table and kissed me but I moved so he hit my cheek. "sorry" I told him "what can I get y'all?" I asked "I want you" Alex slurred "have you been drinking?" I asked him "yes" he admitted truthfully "Ok Alex let's get out of here" Jack grabbed his arm and pulled him away "Jack let me go" Alex protested but Jack eventually got him outside. Some of the guys ordered and then i closed up.

Whenever I walked out I noticed Alex on the ground and Jack standing next to him but the other guys were gone. "What are you two doing?" I asked "I tried to get him to leave but he wouldnt" Jack told me "who's that?" Alex asked "it's Anastasia" Jack told him "stazie. Beautiful stazie come here" Alex said which made Jack look at me. I slowly walked towards them and I squatted down in front of Alex. "you're pretty" he told me as he raises his hand and stroked the side of my face "you should go home Alex" I told him "will you take me?" he asked which made me look towards Jack "if you don't mind" Jack said "where's your keys?" I asked him "we brought his car" Jack admitted "you what!? You let him drive drunk?!" I asked loudly "shh you're too loud beautiful" Alex spoke up "no I drove but he won't get back in the car" Jack told me "Alex where are your keys?" I asked him "in my pocket" he slurred. I groaned and grabbed his keys out of his pocket causing his eyes to go wide and darken. I got him up with the help of Jack and we put him in the backseat of the car. Jack sat up front and I drove "how much did y'all drink?" I asked "I didn't have any but AJ here had a few too many" he admitted. About halfway to their dorm Alex sat up and started running his hands over the side of my arm "stop" I told him and he fell back on the seat and groaned. "it was his idea to get sushi and the guys just agreed to it" Jack told me as I parked the car and got out.

We finally got Alex to the dorm and he walked into his room and flopped on his bed. "STAZIE!" I heard Alex call out for me "STAAAAZZIIEE!" he yelled as I was getting a cup of water "ANASTASIA!" he screamed so I groaned and walked into his room forgetting he doesn't like people in there. "what do you want?" I asked as I set the cup on the bedside table. "stay here tonight?" he asked "it's late don't go" he said loudly "you can stay on the couch if you want I don't care!" Jack called out from the other side of the dorm "ok thanks" I replied which made Alex smirk. I walked out to the living room and took my shoes off then texted Brooklyn and Madison I wouldn't be back tonight. "are you staying? I can get you a pillow and some sheets if you are" Jack walked out of his room shirtless only wearing gym shorts "Uhm yea I guess I don't have a way back because he can't be left alone. Who knows what he'd do" I told him causing him to laugh. He got a snack and a drink then disappeared again coming back a few moments later with a fluffy pillow and a pile of sheets and blankets "I didn't know what you liked so you can choose what you want" he said as he set the pile down on the floor. "thanks" I told him and he nodded as he walked back into his room and shut the door. I laid out a sheet then the pillow and laid down and covered up with the blanket. Next thing I know Alex walked out of his room in nothing but his boxers. He walked into the kitchen and dug through the fridge. I tried not to pay attention to him but he turned on every possible light and he decided to make so much noise digging through the food. "could you be any louder?" I asked which made the noises stop for half a second then become louder "is that better?" he asked clearly with through a smile. I groaned and covered my head with the blanket to block out some of the light. I heard the light switches flick off after the fridge door shut. Not long after I heard Alex's door shut. Soon after I drifted off to sleep.

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