Chapter 33

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The next two months were pretty good. I became good friends with Lucy, she told me she's been seeing a nice guy and she even asked if I wanted to join them for lunch to meet him.

Just as we were closing the shop the door opened. I heard Lucy squeal and I looked up in a panic thinking something bad happened. What I saw broke my heart. Lucy ran to Alex. She jumped on him and kissed him all over. He laughed whenever she pulled away. "I want you to meet my friend I've been telling you about" she said. I ran into the back to hide from them. "she was just right here, I wonder where she went" I heard Lucy say. I accidentally hit a pan and it made noise. "oh she's in the kitchen" she annonced and I heard footsteps walking towards me. "Alex meet Anastasia, Anastasia meet Alex" she smiled as I turned around. "this is the friend?" he asked "yea isn't she even more pretty in person" she smiled and hugged him. He pushed her off gently "I can't be with you anymore" he told her while he looked at me "what?" she asked in disbelief "if you're her friend I don't want to date you" he told her. "what why?!" she asked. I could hear her heart breaking. "no you stay, I'll leave" I annonced and started to walk out but she grabbed onto me. "can someone tell me what's going on?" she asked as tears formed "this is the girl?" I asked calmly and he nodded "wait you two know each other?" she asked "no we don't." I looked at her and walked away. "Anastasia wait!" she yelled as I got to the door. "can you please tell me what's happening" she asked. I turned around to see Alex still behind her. "we dated" he suddenly annonced "you two use to date?" she asked "not for long. He turned into a jerk. I hope he's better with you" I told her and left.

Whenever I got back to my dorm I noticed Lucy was there waiting. "please explain what happened" she cried "he left and said he didn't want anything to do with me" she cried. I unlocked the door and walked her into my room.

"what's there to say? I fell in love with him, things changed and we split up" I told her "how far did you guys go?" she asked "he told me he didn't date and we'd only occasionally have sex. I thought I could get him to love me" she cried "you can't change someone that doesn't want to be changed." I told her

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