Authors note

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I feel like i owe everyone a serious apology and an explanation for not updating so here I go.. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and I am really sorry I never do these authors notes but I just wanted to say, I came online and saw over 1,000 notifications, 98% of which were for this story. And I just want to thank all you guys, the readers for everything you do. When I had this book idea I never thought it would even get 10 reads. Everything since i posted my first chapter has just been amazing and I'm so thankful for all the support. I am a full-time college student studying medicine so i don't really have time during the semester to write anything, but what I did write somehow got deleted and I just never rewrote it. So now I'm going to get back into writing this so I can finish it and give you guys the final product, thank you for staying with me and supporting my story through months of not writing I'm back I promise. I'm sorry again, but it might take me a little while to rewrite everything but I will get it done and I'll try to upload my next chapter by next weekend. Please remember this is my first draft so there is going to be typos and maybe a little confusion, but when I have enough time I am going to re-read and re-write the whole story. ❤️

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