Chapter 34

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The rest of the semester was boring. I finished all of my classes and decided to go see my mom for break. I haven't talked to Alex nor Lucy in a while. I haven't spoke to Alex since that night at the sushi place, I continued being friends with Lucy until we slowly faded away.

My dad and his wife and their kids spent the break with my mom as well. Ever since I realized how much family means I decided to hang out with them a lot more. My mom was happy about my decision and supported me with anything I wanted to do.

My dad obviously knew about Alex and I but I guess he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe because we're finally on good terms or maybe it's because he doesn't want to know what happened between the two of us.

I haven't been to any baseball games and I don't talk to trey at all. Brooklyn is still dating Jack and Madison is still doing her thing.

"ready?" my dad asked as I finished packing my bags "yea" I replied and carried my bags downstairs. "call me whenever you get to School" my mom told me as she walked me to the car "I will, I love you" I told her as I hugged her then got into the car.

The ride back to school was long and since it wasn't just my dad driving we didn't have to stay the night in a hotel.

I got back to campus around 1am. I drug my bags through the halls and that's when I bumped into someone. I stepped back and saw who it was. "I'm sorry" I told Alex and I quickly grabbed my things. "no Its all my fault, I wasn't looking" he smiled. I felt my heart so flips. He looked so healthy and happy. "sorry again" I told him and stared walking "why are you out here so late?" he asked and ran up next to me. "I just got back" I told him "why are you out so late?" I asked "I was going to go for a run" he told me. "oh" I said and continued walking. "how was your break?" he asked after a few minutes "it was nice. I hung out with my parents and my step-mom and siblings" I smiled "how was yours?" I asked "pretty boring. There's nobody on campus to hang out with usually" he told me. "why didn't you leave?" I asked "I got into a heated argument with my dad so I didn't want to show up and get yelled at even more" he told me "I'm sorry" I replied.

Whenever we got to the dorm I stopped and looked at him. He was so beautiful, his eyes shinned in the moonlight and his hair was perfectly messy. "how's Lucy?" I asked "I don't know. I told her I didn't want anything after I saw you two were friends" he told me "why?" I asked "you hurt her" I stated "I couldn't have sex knowing it was with your friend. I know I'm a horrible person but im not that bad" he laughed "but why? You could've been happy with her" I looked into his eyes. "I wasnt happy with anyone except you" he told me. My heart started hurting. "I can't have this conversation with you" I told him "what conversation?" he asked "the one about us. You'll listen for a while but then you'll turn into a jerk. It's too late and I'm tired" I told him "I'm not the person I use to be. Just let me explain please?" he asked.

After a few minutes I finally agreed to let him talk. We walked up to my room and Alex carried some of my bags. Whenever we walked in nobody was inside because I returned back a week early. I didn't even bother taking my things into my room I just dropped them down and flopped onto the couch. Alex laughed and took my bags and put them in my room and then sat across from me.

"how do I start this?" he asked himself. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Ok so are we broke up, or whatever the hell happened that made us hate each other-" he started "I didn't hate you" I cut him off "I didn't hate you either" he smiled. "anyway, after that happened I went crazy pretty much. I've never trusted someone as much as I trust you. It killed me to know you didn't want me around. I used it against you. I threw it in your face by sleeping around and bragging about it. I got wasted pretty much every night." he started and looked at the ground. "I hated seeing you look so emotionless so I tried my best to get any emotions out of you. I know what I did was wrong. Please believe me I screwed up pretty bad" he continued. "I remember the night I called you to come to my dorm. I know I was the one who started everything but I was too selfish to care how it affected you." he confessed "I stopped drinking again. But this time I'm serious. I run instead. That's why I was outside, being here alone is so boring and all I wanted to do was forget about how much my life at home sucks. Everytime I want to drink I think about you, how you would feel if you knew what I was doing. I really messed up" he told me and his voice cracked. It hurt to see him like this. I really did care about him, even through everything that's happened I still care about him.

I stood up and squatted in front of him. "I was only hanging out with Trey because you didn't like it" I confessed and he looked at me. "I know but it still hurt" he told me "you hurt me a lot" I stated and he looked up at me. "I know and I honestly do regret it" he told me and a tear fell. I cleaned it off and hugged him. "What'd you do during break?" I asked trying to change the subject, he seemed to be thankful of that. "Mostly I went to our spot and swam" he told me but I saw pain flash in his eyes "let's go tomorrow" I offered "really?" He asked and I nodded "I'm not sure if you can tell, but I desperately need a tan" I laughed and he smirked. "So tanning it is" he smiled. "Do you want to stay here? I'm really tired so I should probably go to bed" I announced and stood up. "I can always go back to my dorm" he said "whatever is more comfortable for you" I smiled "I'm going to finish my run, I'll be over tomorrow morning" he told me and stood up. "Hey" I stopped him from walking out. "Please be safe" I asked and he smiled "of course" he smiled back and hugged me before leaving.

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