Chapter 54

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Once everyone arrived we ate dinner which was wings and pizza then we sat down and handed out the presents. I sat on the floor next to the tree so I could grab the ones I wrapped and hand them out, Alex sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "stop it" I smiled and leaned into him "I love you" he smiled and kissed me once more. "ok, the wrapping isn't the best but it's the thought that counts" David laughed as he handed me a present. I sat it next to me as I finished handing out the gifts. "should we all unwrap or should we do it one at a time?" Madison asked "I say let's do it one at a time" Jack annonced. We decided to do it like that.

Jack unwrapped his gifts first, he got a few games from mason and David, Alex got him a few gift cards, Madison gave him $30, then he opened my gift and thanked me. He finished by opening Brooklyns and he thanked her as she whispered something in his ear.

Mason unwrapped his presents from me, Brooklyn, and Madison, he smiled and thanked us. David gave him a nice pen set, Jack and Alex teamed up and gave him a nice camera.

David got the presents from me, Brooklyn, and Madison. He also got a Gift Card from Alex, a Gift Card from mason, and a movie collection from Jack.

Madison opened her gifts next. She laughed at my horrible wrapped present but she smiled once she saw the gifts, Brooklyn gave her a new pair of shoes and a dress, Jack and Alex gave her a portable speaker, Mason and David gave her a cute phone case and a portable charger.

Alex opened his presents next. Madison and Brooklyn teamed up and got him a sketch pad and pencils, Jack gave him new compression arm and leg sleeves, Mason and David gave him a Gift Card.

Brooklyn opened hers, she got makeup from Madison, Jack got her a really pretty dress, Mason, David, and Alex gave her gift cards, and she smiled at the gifts I gave her.

I opened mine last. I grabbed the biggest item which was from David, I ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a candle set, I smiled and thanked him. I grabbed the next gift which was from Jack, it was a Gift Card for Urban Outfitters. Madison gave me a new curling iron, Brooklyn got me a new pair of ankle boots, and Mason gave me a Gift Card for amazon. I smiled and thanked everyone for the gifts.

We hung out for a few more hours but it started to get late and everyone had to finish packing so everyone except Alex slowly left. "so what'd you get me?" he asked as he followed me into my room. "I'm not telling you" I laughed and finished packing. "why not?" he asked as he pulled me into a hug "because then it won't be a surprise" I smiled and kissed him after I zipped up my luggage. "jacks coming over later" Brooklyn announced from the hallway "we should probably get going then" Alex laughed and grabbed my luggage. "Ok, I just have a few more things to grab and I'll be ready" I told him as he walked towards the door. He nodded, told Brooklyn and Madison bye, then walked out. I grabbed my backpack, threw my new clothes into it and put my chargers and computer inside. I hugged Brooklyn and Madison before I left.

I walked down to the car, put my backpack in the trunk, then got into the passager seat. Alex drove the familiar road that lead to his dorm. When we arrived I grabbed my backpack but left the luggage. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my yoga pants and put on the new ivory lace halter bra with a baggy shirt on top. I walked into Alex's room and sat on the bed and played on my phone while Alex did something in the kitchen. After a few minutes he walked into the room and sat next to me on the bed. "what we're you doing?" I asked curiously "your legs look amazing in those" he announced. I looked up at him confused and saw his eyes darken. "you didn't answer my question" I stated "I know" he replied and pulled me up and kissed me. I moaned at the contact of our lips and kissed him back. He gently bit my bottom lip and picked me up so I was standing his waist. My hands went to his hair and tugged as the kiss got more passionate. His hands quickly lifted my shirt off and he stared at me. "you're so fucking beautiful, I love you" he told me in a deep voice "I love you" I replied out of breath as he started sucking on my neck. I pulled off his shirt and then he turned over so I was laying on the bed with him hovering over me. He kissed me again as he slipped his hand into my pants and rubbed me. I pushed onto him and moaned as I pulled his hair. He moved my underwear to the side and he slipped his fingers inside of me. I gasped and tugged on his hair even harder. He pumped his fingers in and out as his other hand pulled off my bra and massaged my boob's and he sucked on my neck. All of my senses were going wild and I felt myself tighten around his fingers but then he pulled them out. I whined but before I could do anything he quickly pulled my pants off and replaced his hand with his mouth. I screwed my eyes shut as his mouth worked wonders and I came undone. After he finished he lifted his face back up to mine and kissed me. I groaned and tried pulling his pants off but they were stuck. "Alex" I whined and pulled away so I could try to get his pants off again "baby they're tied. Hold on" he kissed my neck and unties them and pulled them down. "that's stupid" I told him as he finished getting undressed. He laughed and reconnected our lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He aligned himself and slowly entered me. I gasped and scratched his back as he started thrusting into me. After a few times he started thrusting harder and deeper which made me scream and pull him down to kiss me. He kept going at the same pace and I felt myself tighten around him once again and he thrusted even deeper and started rubbing and I screwed my eyes shut and screamed as I came undone just as I came undone I felt his body stiffen and he pulled out and finished.

We didn't even bother to move for the rest of the night, we laid in each others arms and eventually drifted off to sleep.

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