Chapter 15

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A few hours later I'm with Alex in his dorm room.

"So how old are your siblings?" I asked him as we sat on the couch "my older brother Chris is 28 he's a lawyer, my older Pauline sister is 25 she's a artist, and my younger brother Ronnie is 20 he's trying to be a lawyer." He told me as he stood up and walked into his room "and you're.." I started and walked behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders. "Just a 21 year old baseball player" he laughed and sat on the edge of his bed "you're more than just that" I told him "my dad, his name is Patrick he is a 46 year old lawyer." He told me "my moms name is Casey she was also a lawyer but she stays at home she's 45, I'm not sure if she's coming tonight but that's her name" he finished as I sat on his lap. "Well I guess it's easier to introduce you to my family since I'm an only child" I spoke up "what about your half siblings?" He asked "yea but I was talking about the kid between my mom and dad" I told him "my dad Charlie is 43 but you already knew that, he works as a baseball coach but you knew that as well. His new wife Whitney is a writer she's 39, Josh is 8 and Ethan is 10" I told him "my moms name is Jessica she's 41 she works with a realtor company" I informed him "they have those in Michigan?" He jokingly asked "at least you're not some boring lawyer sitting in an office all day dealing with other people's problems" I smiled and he wrapped his hands around my back.

I looked around his room since I haven't really been in it. I normally stay in the living room. He only had a painting of a city and a few pictures of what I assumed were his family. He has a low dark wooden bed and matching dressers and tables. "What are you thinking about?" He asked "oh nothing, just wondering where you keep your whips and stretchy pants" I smiled and he remembered what I was talking about because he smiled and stood up and sat me down. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. He walked over to a dresser and opened the bottom drawer. He pulled out handcuffs and then went to his second drawer and pulled out a pair of baseball pants. "Sorry babe I was joking about the whips" he laughed and walked to me and sat them on the bed next to me. I looked at him in shock whenever he turned around and grabbed three bats out of his closet "I have a variety of these though" he laughed and sat them next to me, then he kneeled down in front of me. "Now you know where I keep my toys." He smirked and winked "first of all..." I started and stood up "I don't even want to know how many girls these have been on" I threw the handcuffs on the ground "and you should never hit anyone with a bat" I stared "unless there's an intruder trying to kill you, then it's ok to hit them" I said "you like the pants" he smirked "what in the world.." I started "never mind" I said and turned around and started to walk out. I was stopped before I could even leave the room because alex had his arms wrapped around my waist. "4, I don't hit people with the bats, and I wear the pants during games babe calm down" he whispered in my ear. It took me a second to realize what he just told me. "I vote those nasty chlamydia filled metal holders get thrown away" I spoke out loud "metal holders?" He laughed and turned me around "I'll throw them all away" he kissed my cheek "trust me babe I don't have any disease I get checked and make sure they get checked too" he told me before going back to his bottom drawer and pulled out two more pairs of handcuffs and a ring looking thing. He gathered all of the things and left the room.

While he was gone I ran over to the drawer and peeked in to find it completely empty. "I told you I was throwing them away" he spoke up scaring me "I-i" I started "you were curious?" He asked "I haven't done much experimenting sorry" he smiled and sat on his bed "how many.." I started to say but I stopped myself "how many what?" He asked "times I've had sex?" He raised an eyebrow "honestly I don't know. I'd estimate close to 200 possibly. Probably not even close but-" he said but I cut him off "no, how many girls here?" I asked "like ten. Multiple times though I don't like new girls" he started "oh" I said "why are you so open about it?" I asked "it's not a secret. I mean I don't go around bragging about it but it gets obvious whenever I switch girls every few times" he told me. He laid down on his bed and put his hands behind his head and watched me. "You know you can sit on the bed or in a chair or something" he laughed "uhm" I said and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket which scared me. I pulled it out and felt Alex's eyes on me the whole time, I saw Brooklyn texted me about studying together. "I actually have to go, I'm sorry" I told him and grabbed my bag and left his dorm. Whenever I got outside Brooklyn was waiting. I got in her car and headed back to our dorm room.

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