Chapter 56

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I turned on the lights and looked around. It looked the same. Off white walls, my old school desk with pencils and pens in the holder, a large world map over my headboard. It looked plain and simple. I remembered during my senior year I decided I wanted to take all of my posters off the walls. Thankfully I did or else Alex would be seeing one direction everywhere. I walked over to my bed and sat down, Alex shut the door behind him and then laid down next to me. We stayed like this for a while, not talking just relaxing. He suddenly sat up and pulled me on his lap. "what are you doing?" I laughed "I love you" he smiled. I could tell he was tired, I was too. But he didn't seem to care. I ran my hands through his hair and watched as a few strands fell onto his forehead "I love you too" I told him and held onto the back of his neck. Suddenly he stood up, I squealed and grabbed onto him tighter. He left the room and walked back downstairs "where are you taking me?" I asked as he dropped his arm underneath my butt and removed his other arm from my back. "I'm taking our bags upstairs" he told me "well let me help" I told him and tried to pull away but he stopped me "I want to hold you" he replied. "how are you going to do both at once?" I asked "just wait and see" he smiled which caused me to laugh. He carefully leaned down and grabbed the two biggest bags at once and carried them to the room, then he went back downstairs and grabbed the rest. Once he dropped the bags on the floor I pulled away. I walked downstairs and got us some water and walked back to my room and sat it on my desk. I noticed Alex moving the bags into a  corner so it wasn't such a mess. I watched how his muscles flexed as he picked up the bags and how his shirt mixed up his arms to let his biceps get bigger. I leaned on the door frame and continued watching him. Once he finished he turned around and saw me. "what are you doing?" he smirked I pushed off of the door frame and walked towards him. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. He watched me confused but he smiled at me. "can I not watch my boyfriend?" I asked and smiled "of course you can" he smiled and kissed my neck. I pulled at the bottom of his hair and he lifted his face to mine. I instantly took advantage and kissed him. Our lips moved in perfect sync. The kiss quickly escalated and he slipped his tongue into my mouth at the same time he picked me up. I pulled away and looked down at him, his eyes were a shade darker and his lips were parted slightly. I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. He walked to the bed and sat down. I felt his hands go under my shirt and rest on my back. I rocked my hips which made him moan. I smiled and did it again. He pulled my shirt off and pulled me close. He kissed my neck and down to my chest, I rocked my hips again and he pulled me into a desperate kiss. I tugged at his shirt until it finally came off, I leaned into him so our skin touched. He laid down and I hovered over him. He ran his eyes across my body and smiled. "you're wearing too much clothes" he said huskily and he grabbed onto my yoga pants and tugged them down. He smiled and unbuckled his pants. I could see his growing erection and I rocked my hips again. He closed his eyes and held onto my hips. I stood up and finished taking my pants off as well as his. He watched me intently as I reached for his boxers. I quickly pulled them off and threw them on the floor. I climbed back onto his lap and rocked my hips again, this time only a thin piece of fabric separated us. I leaned down and kissed him, his hand pulled off my bra and his hands immediately started massaging. I bit my bottom lip and he flipped us over. He kissed me again then trialed kissed down my body until he reached my belly button. He then kissed the inside of my thighs and worked his way up. I whined because he was taking too long. He smirked and wrapped his hand around the side of my panties. He kissed me and at the same time he ripped them off of me. "alex!" I said surprised. He smiled and then dripped his head down and started sucking on me. I gasped and arched my back as he slid his fingers inside of me as well as keeping his lips on me. He pumped his fingers in and out as his other hand held my hips down. I looked down at him to see he was already watching me. I ran my hand through his hair and put my feet on his back. I moaned as he removed his mouth and rubbed me with his fingers. His eyes were even darker and he reached up and rubbed my boob. "Alex" I moaned as I started getting closer he pumped his fingers back into me and he started sucking again. I closed my eyes and arched my back he pulled away "look at me" he demanded. I opened my eyes and watched as he continued his magic until I came undone and screwed my eyes shut as I moaned. He easily pushed my legs off of his back and kissed my lips. I was breathless and I ran my hands up and down his back. "you're so fucking beautiful, I love you" he told me "I love you Alex" I told him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer "I need you" I whispered as I kissed his jaw "if you keep talking to me like that were not getting out of this bed until dinner time" he told me as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "what if I don't want to even get out of bed for dinner?" I whispered in his ear. He immediately inserted himself and I dug my nails into his shoulders as I screamed. "I wouldn't say that if you don't mean it" he warned me and he started thrusting into me. My nails dug deeper into his shoulders but he didn't seem to mind. "al" I started but I gasped as he thrusted even deeper and harder. "what was that?" he smirked "i" I said but I didn't finish my sentence. "baby I asked a question" he said I opened my mouth to speak but I ended up screaming. I pulled him down and he kissed my neck. "I meant it" I whispered. He kept going until both of us were exhausted and came undone several times.

We laid next to each other, talking about sweet nothings until we both fell asleep.

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