Chapter 67

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We arrived back at school at midnight so alex just dropped me off at my dorm and he went to his. When I walked in Brooklyn and Madison were sitting on the couch with mason and David watching the old Spider-Man movie. "OH MY GOSH ANASTASIA YOU'RE BACK!" Brooklyn shouted and ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Hey" I replied and sat my bags down "How was Michigan and New York?" Madison asked as she paused the movie. "Cold but really fun" I replied and walked over to the group and sat on David's lap. His arms loosely wrapped around me "I'm so jealous. I just watched the ball drop on tv with mason but you were actually there in Times Square." David told me "it was amazing." I replied smiling "so did anything interesting happen on your break?" I asked the group. "I just went home for a while but after a few days I was ready to come back. I forgot how annoying my little sister is" Madison said laughing.

We continued talking about how everyone's break was for about an hour. I got really tired eventually so I told everybody good night, and I grab my bags and walked into my room and fell sleep.

The next morning I woke up and started cleaning up from my trip. I washed all of my dirty clothes, put all of my presents away and just relaxed. I decided to see what Alex was up to so I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Me: Hey do you have any plans for the day?
Alex: yea, why?
Me: I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something
Alex: can't I'm busy
Me: ok, maybe tomorrow?
Alex: I don't know. Maybe
Me: ok
Alex: k

I sighed and put my phone down and decided I could just hang out with Madison and Brooklyn for the day.

We ended up just staying at the dorm and watching movies and eating.

The next week was pretty much the same. Alex kept blowing me off and giving me stupid excuses as to why we couldn't hang out. Brooklyn said he's probably just trying to get back into the flow of getting ready for school and preparing for baseball but he seemed different. He seemed distant and I hated it. Was it me? Did I do something? When I tried to ask him he'd shut me down saying he was just busy and we could hang out soon. But something seemed wrong and it was driving me crazy because I didn't know what it was or how to fix it.

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