Chapter 31

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I woke up the next morning wrapped up in Alex's arms. I sighed remembering last night. I wiggled out of his grasp and tried leaving. Just as I was opening his door to leave he woke up. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a deep husky voice "I'm leaving" I told him "that's not what I asked" he stated and sat up. "you called me and asked if I could come over last night" I told him "and why would I do that?" he laughed. "I don't know, why would you do that?" I replied and walked out of his room. I noticed Jack was awake and making a smoothie. "I'm serious Anastasia what are you doing here" he asked running out of his room "like I told you. You called me" I replied and grabbed my stuff. "I wouldn't do that" he stated "well you did. I wouldn't just come over here for no reason" I told him "we all know you're not over us" he laughed "over us? There barely was an us" I laughed. "you're such a bitch!" he yelled and Jack stopped what he was doing "and you're an ass" I replied "hey guys why don't-" Jack started but Alex threw up his hand to stop him "I wouldn't ever call you, I'm not in love with you anymore. I don't think I ever was! I have new girls that'll do things you wouldn't" he rubbed it in my face. "I'm glad I never slept with you!" I yelled and left.

As I walked back to my dorm I noticed Jack pull up next to me. "hey get in I'll drop you off" he told me softly.

I walked around and got in with him. "I know he called you, he just wouldn't let me say anything" he spoke up "it doesn't matter, when he's drunk he's always so nice and caring but it's always the same. As soon as he sobers up he's a dick" I told him "he left us last night because he wanted to see you" he said "I know he told me" I replied.

After a few minutes we stopped at my dorm. "thanks for the ride" I smiled and got out. I walked inside and took a shower and got dressed for work.

About halfway through my very slow shift I heard the door open. I looked up and noticed it was the baseball team with a few cheerleaders. "hey girl, long time no see" Trey annonced smiling. I looked past him and saw Alex with a different girl from the one I saw with him before. "yea sorry, I've been busy" I lied. "why haven't you been to any games recently?" he asked "I have no reason to go anymore" I smiled as the rest of the team walked in. "you should come tonight" he smirked "are you inviting me?" I asked "yes I am" he replied "I'll think about it" I laughed. I felt Alex's eyes on me but I didn't bother to look his way.

After taking everyone's orders I helped prepare the food. Once everything was done I handed it out. "thanks" Trey smiled at me "not a problem" I replied. "babe can I try some of that?" the girl with Alex asked "sure" he replied and I watched as she took a bite of his sushi and then moaned very loudly. "that's so good" she batted her eyelashes. I scoffed and walked away.

"thanks again" Trey told me after everyone finished eating "anytime" I smiled as I cleaned up the table. "so about tonight, I'll let the guys at the gate know you're coming" he smiled which caused me to laugh "Ok, fine I'll come to the game" I smiled "thanks" he smirked and handed me a thirty dollar tip. "that's too much, it's practically the bill" I told him "it's not a problem. You deserve it" he winked "Trey let's go!" Alex shouted which caused me to look at him. He looked angry. "were in the middle of a conversation" I told him and he looked at me then back to Trey "well we're leaving" he stated and walked out and slammed the door. "I should probably go, sorry about him" Trey told me "no it's fine" I laughed "I'll see you later" he told me as he walked out "ok" I replied.

I finished my shift and went back to the dorm. I didn't have time to study so I just got dressed. Brooklyn couldn't join me at the game but David, Mason, and Madison were coming with me.

Once we were dressed we left. I just had on a grey crop top with white high wasted shorts and shoes.

We arrived not too long later. Whenever we got to the gate none of us had to pay. "we should come to games with you more often" Madison laughed as we walked to our seats.

The game went by smoothly, I noticed a group of girls swarm Alex after the game but I didn't care enough to pay attention. "there you are" Trey smiled and walked over to us "here we are" I replied. "did you have fun?" he asked and I nodded in agreement. "that's good. Hey do you want to hang out tomorrow or something?" he asked as we hung out near our seats. "she can't" I heard Alex say from behind me. "actually I can" I told Trey "ok, great. What time should we meet up?" he asked "I said she can't" Alex stood his ground. "why are you here? Go back to your cheerleaders" I told him. "let's go" Alex demanded and dragged me away from the group and into the parking lot by his car.

"what are you doing?!" I yelled at him "why do you keep talking to him?" He asked clearly upset "its non of your business who I talk to and what we talk about" I told him "look I just don't want to see you fall in love and get hurt by some guy" he told me "oh trust me, you've already claimed that spot" I pushed past him. He grabbed my waist and turned me around and kissed me. I leaned away and pushed him off of me using all of my strength. "you're disgusting leave me alone!" I yelled at him. "don't talk to my like that" He warned "you're useless for everything but a good baseball game and sex. I don't want anything to do with it so leave me alone!" I yelled and pushed him back. He looked shocked at first but then he got angry. He walked close to me and I stepped as far away as possible until I hit the car behind me. He didn't stop walking until he was inches away. He slammed his hands onto the car while stating into my eyes. "don't you ever talk to me like that again!" he yelled "why not!?" I screamed at him "you'll regret it" he threatened "how?" I asked "I'll ruin you" he said nonchalantly "I'd like to see you try" I pushed him back and walked away.

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