Chapter 3

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We arrived at the baseball grounds and we make our way through the gates. Jack goes in ahead of us after kissing Brooklyn on the cheek. We each had to pay $7 to get our ticket. Madison and Brooklyn demanded to pay for mine which I didn't want them to do but I demanded to buy some snacks. All of us made our way to the concession stands and I got everyone a drink and some food. We made our way over to the seats and we ended up sitting in the front row on the left side between home plate and the dugout. Not many people have arrived yet because we arrived like 45 minutes before the game. Shortly after we finished our food the baseball team ran on the field. My dad hasn't arrived yet but he will be soon. My dad and I haven't got along since I graduated a few months ago. Mostly because he was forcing me to come to this school with him but we've been getting in stupid arguments lately but I love him to death still. I pushed my thoughts away and I watched the baseball guys stretching. Three guys were standing with their backs to us with the rest of the team in front of them facing us. I noticed Jack was one of the three at the front his number was #22. The guy in the middle #15 was a tall nicely tanned guy with dark brown hair and a nice booty. The other one #26 was shorter with red hair. Once they finished stretching they started running laps around the bases. I noticed my dad walk into the dugout and he didn't notice me. Once they finished running laps they partnered up and started throwing the ball. "who's number 15?" I asked "that's AJ the hottest guy in the school" David said causing Mason to slap his arm "his name is Alex Johnson hence why everyone calls him AJ" Madison said. "he doesn't really pay attention to anyone unless it's his friends or the coach." Brook added. The coach I thought. "but yea he's the hottest guy in the school" Madison announced smiling as I watched Alex run in outfield to catch a popfly. He wasn't close enough so he dove and caught it in his glove then threw it all the way from outfield to home plate where the catcher caught it. "AJ nice throw!" I heard my dad yell and clap a couple times. Alex moved to second base and warmed up there then he grabed a ball and walked towards the catcher. "Coach I'm gonna warm up my arm real quick" Alex announced while walking towards the pitchers mound. "his voice is so nice" I accidentally said out loud causing everyone to laugh "oh goodness were gonna have to find you another guy to swoon over just like we did for Brooklyn and Madison" Mason and David said in unison. I just ignored then and continued to watch the guys. Alex threw the ball so fast after the catcher caught it he shook his hand to relive the pain. "slow it down a bit AJ" I heard my dad say again right before he stared talking to the refs that showed up. He threw the ball for a few more minutes then everyone lined up for a quick batting practice. Alex threw everyone three balls before it was his time to bat. He walked towards home plate and kicked the clay then looked up and made eye contact with me before smirking. I felt my insides doing flips and Brooklyn nudged my arm and whispered "did you guys see that!" but it was too loud and Alex's laugh was audible. He hit every ball perfectly one even went over the back wall "YEA ATTA BOY ALEX THATS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!" I heard my dad yell. Once Alex was done he ran off field and back behind the wall and then back towards the dugout with the ball. But he walked right past the entrance and may his way into the stands and over to us. "heeeey there's my boy AJ" David said and they did a bro hug "that was a nice hit" I spoke up shocking everyone even myself. Alex walked towards me and smiled "thanks it means a lot." he said then handed me the ball and kissed my cheek quickly before running back onto the field. I just stood there in shock. What just happened.

"No way" Brooklyn broke the silence "there's no way he just walked past all of us and kissed you!" she said loudly as the crowd stared pouring into their seats. Whenever I didn't reply Brooklyn nudged me again "Anastasia how did it feel?" she asked and i looked at her like she was crazy "she's been obsessed over him since she started school but then she met Jack and everything settled down. That is until now" Mason said laughing which caused David to send him a death glare "wait why did he even do that? He never gives girls the time of day. Even his on again off again hook ups I heard he just sends them a text and they have sex then he doesn't talk to them until he's horny again" Brooklyn said "what the cheerleaders talk" she said laughing "have you ever?" I started to ask "with Alex?! I wish but sadly I have not. He sticks to two to three girls and never changes." she said which made me confused and a bit disgusted. I zoned out of everyone's conversations and focused on the game that just started. Alex wasn't pitching which made me curious "why is he playing second base?" I asked "that's his favorite spot" David replied "but he's a good pitcher" I replied "I don't know he just likes second the most I guess" he replied again then all my focus went back on the game.

They've just entered the 6th inning and it was time for Alex to bat. He walked towards the box and did a few practice swings before he stepped in. One ball after another came and he didn't swing. "what the heck! Why isn't he swinging?" I asked and everyone shrugged once the count reached three balls and two strikes he swung the bat and a loud noise reverberated through the stands. The ball flew through the air and Alex took off running, the outfield players ran towards the wall until they hit it and the ball went over. Alex ran super fast through all of the bases before slowing down and jumping on home plate. All of the players ran out onto the field and hoisted him into the air and he leaned his head towards me and pointed as the fans cheered as loud as they could.

The rest of the game went by smoothly and we won 10-4. As everyone was leaving we stayed back to wait on Jack. I noticed my dad as he looked my way but he turned around like he didn't see me. About 35 minutes later the stands were cleared and the team was walking out way. Alex was at the front and everyone was talking loud and hitting his back and he bent down and laughed. Whenever they got to us Jack pulled Brooklyn into a kiss and I made eye contact with Alex. He had grayish blue eyes and I felt myself getting lost in them. "I've never seen you around before" a guy said pushing last Alex and walked up to me "oh uhm yea I'm new I just got here earlier" I told him. He was the third person standing at the front while the team was warming up. I noticed Alex looked upset and sighed loudly before walking away. What the heck I thought. I continued to talk with the guy I learned his name was Trey, he is from Washington State, he has Hazel eyes, and his favorite food is sunflower seeds. He ended up dropping me off at my dorm after we went to a nearby diner.

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