Chapter 52

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A few days have passed since the time spent at the lake. The semester is finally coming to an end which means finals and Christmas is on the way.

"Alex hurry up" I yelled as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "I'm almost done" he laughed as he peaked his head out from around the shower curtain. "Stop staring and finish showering so we can get to class on time" I told him. I brushed my teeth, and put my hair into a bun. I had on black skinny jeans with tan suede boots and a tan long sleeve shirt. After I finished I walked back into Alex's room and made sure I had all of my stuff in my backpack.

A few minutes later Alex came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He still had water on his chest which made him look amazing. He noticed me checking him out and he smirked. "now who's staring?" he laughed and dropped the towel. I quickly turned around and fiddled with my thumbs which caused him to laugh.

After he finished getting dressed we left. "do we have time to get Starbucks before class?" I asked, he checked the time and nodded. We drove the familiar way to Starbucks and hummed along to the songs playing on the radio. "Do you have practice tonight?" I asked as he stopped at a red light "yea but since finals start today I'll get done early" he told me as he pulled into the Starbucks drive thru. We both got our regular drinks and we started driving towards the school. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled "your the best, you know" I Annonced "how?" Alex asked as he placed a hand on my thigh. "You make me happy" I said nonchalantly and placed my hand on top of his. "Even when skies are grey?" He asked which caused me to laugh. The ride eventually grew silent, the only sound was from the radio quietly playing. I took another sip of my coffee and focused my eyes on Alex's hand resting on my thigh. He slowly started rubbing circles as we stopped at another red light. He removed his hand in order to grab his coffee and drink some but then he rested it back on my thigh just a tiny bit higher up than before. My stomach involuntary fluttered and I crossed my legs after removing his hand. "what was that about?" he smirked and glanced at me. "nothing" I simply replied.

The rest of the car ride went by quickly and before I knew it we were parking at school. As soon as Alex turned the car off he reached over and kissed me. He slowly pulled away and whispered in my ear "we still have a few minutes if you wanted to get your mind off of the finals" and then his kissed my neck. I gasped and awkwardly undid my seatbelt and opened the door which made him laugh. We both got out and walked towards my first class.

"I love you" Alex annonced as we stopped at my class "I love you too" I smiled and played with his fingers in my hand. "what kind of clothes should I pack for your moms?" he asked and I looked at him confused "don't tell meet you forgot" he smiled "I didn't forget I just didn't think you would actually come with me" I told him "I'd go anywhere with you" he replied "except inside this class because I wouldn't know what anyone was talking about" he laughed and kissed me "bring warm clothes because it gets kind of cold" I told him "Ok, I have to get to class but I'll see you tonight" he kissed me quickly before walking away.

After my classes were over I immediately went back to my dorm room and hung out. After a while I decided to go through my clothes and pack my old winter clothes and prepare for Christmas.

I lost track of time and before I knew it alex walked into my room. "What happened in here" he laughed and pulled me into a hug. "I decided to pack, but all of my heavy duty winter clothes are at the bottom of my drawers." I groaned and hugged him back but I pulled away quickly since he was sweating "How cold are we taking about?" He asked laughing at my reaction "well it depends, sometimes it's in the 40s and sometimes it's below 20" I told him as I folded my duke hoodie and shoved it into my bag. "I was expecting you to say it'd be -17 or something" he laughed and sat on my bed. "It can be, but I doubt it'll be that cold right now" I replied and started cleaning my room. "So how long does the car ride take?" He asked as he stretched out "about 12 hours" I told him as I refolded my clothes. "Well I need to shower and study for tomorrow but I'll pick you up in the morning?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me before he left.

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