Chapter 57

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. "Anastasia, Alex!" my mother called out "what?" I groaned "dinner is almost done!" she replied. I groaned again and rolled over and Alex pulled me to his chest. "good morning" he smiled and kissed my forehead "ughh" I groaned which caused him to laugh. "rise and shine sexy, it's... " he started and I opened my eyes to see him looking at the clock "5:45" he finished "just let me sleep" I leaned closer into his chest which caused him to laugh again. "no can do beautiful, your mom's cooking smells amazing" he said as he sat up. I groaned even louder and sat up next to him. The blankets slid down to my waist revealing my naked chest but I didn't care. "come on let's go shower" he said as he stood up, walked to my side of the bed and picked me up. "Alex I'm still half asleep you can't expect me to shower right now" I told him as he walked into the shower with me. "then I'll wash you" he said nonchalantly and turned on the water. He blocked the cold water with his back and when it warmed up he put me under the water. The water definitely woke me up. I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner and washed my hair as Alex washed his. We took turns rinsing off. Then I washed my body and got out leaving him alone. I dried off and put on pair of sweatpants and a regular shirt. Then I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "hey sleepyhead" my mom smiled at me "hey" I replied and got a cup of water. "how long have you guys been sleeping?" she asked "pretty much since we got here earlier" I laughed and sat at the table.

About ten minutes later Alex came downstairs dressed. "hey Jessica how was work?" he asked as he sat next to me. My mom gave him a cup of water and then turned around for the plates. "it was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. I heard you two had a good day" she said as she started putting food onto the plates. Alex momentarily choked on his water and then looked at me. "we pretty much just slept all day" he replied after he finished recovering from the water incident. "that's what Anastasia said, but sleeping is always fun" she smiled and handed us our plates. She made steak with mashed potatoes and a salad. "I've definitely missed your home cooked meals mom" I smiled as I started eating "what have you been eating over there?" She asked "mostly pizza, Chinese, and sushi" I laughed as i took another bite "wow this is really delicious" alex spoke up "thank you" she smiled.

Throughout the meal my mom asked alex about his family and how he decided he wanted to play baseball. He told her about his brothers and sister and when he first started playing baseball in middle school. The conversations continued jumping back and forth from College to our relationship to my dad.

After we all finished eating and the conversation died down I went back into my room. I have had a weird pain all day and I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I grabbed fresh sheets and changed them. I threw the dirty sheets in the corner so I could wash them later, then picked up our clothes off the floor. I threw my ripped panties in the trash and then I dug through my bags until I found my laptop. I pulled it out and sat on the bed scrolling through Pinterest. About 15 minuets later alex walked into the room and laid down next to me. "You totally ditched me with your mom" he smiled "sorry" I quickly replied as I continued scrolling. "What's wrong?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I gasped in pain and he looked at me worried. "What happened?" He asked as he sat up and looked over me "I just hurt" I told him "where?" He asked and grabbed my arm looking at it "not there" I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows "baby tell me where. How can I help?" He asked and I looked at my lap not replying. "Anastasia what hurts?" He asked, I looked up at him then back to my lap. He sighed and I widened my eyes and looked from him to my lap again. He looked confused for a second "oh!" He said loudly "shh" I replied noticing the door was open. "Baby" he started as he smiled and got up and shut the door. Then he walked back over to me. "I think we were just a little too rough" I whispered which made him smile "you should've told me" he said as he softly kissed me "oops" I laughed and he smiled and laid down next to me.

We laid together for the rest of the night. Alex gave a a back massage because he wanted me to feel better and honestly I did feel a bit better after.

We eventually fell asleep while watching Batman

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