Chapter 46

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I woke up the next morning to Alex getting dressed. "what are you doing?" I groaned and turned over "I'm going for a run, I'll be back later" he told me "ok" I replied. I heard shuffling then he kissed my cheek and walked out. I rolled over and eventually went back to sleep.

"stazie wake up" I heard someone say. I moved away and pulled the blankets over my head. "stazie you have to wake up" the voice repeated. "go away" I groaned "baby you have class" the voice said I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Alex. "what time is it?" I asked "almost 7" he told me, I groaned and stretched. "what time did you run?" I asked "I left at 5, I just got back" he told me "how do you do it? Its too early" I groaned and wrapped the blanket around myself and stood up. "Its my morning routine" he smiled "I put your bag in the bathroom" he told me "thanks" I replied and left the room.

I showered and as I was drying off I noticed the marker was still on my back, none of it faded or washed away. I smiled and grabbed my clothes.  I remembered the shirt I grabbed had a lace back. I put it on and looked in the mirror. There's no hiding it I guess. I smiled and finished getting ready. I walked out and Alex saw my back. He smiled and gave me a kiss before getting in the shower.

I got my books together and picked up all the markers. Alex walked into the room with the towel around his waist. "do you have another one of those shirts?" he asked while smiling "sorry I don't have any that would fit you" I told him and looked at his back. He dropped the towel and started getting dressed. Once he had his pants on I walked behind him. I ran my hands across his back and kissed his shoulder. He smiled and looked over at me. "the first game is tomorrow, will you come?" he asked "sure" I smiled and walked away. I finished picking everything up and I grabbed my books. "do you want to drive?" he smirked "no, you can drive" I told him and walked out of the room. "are you ready?" he asked following me "yes" I told him and turned around "you're not leaving like that" I told him and he smiled "what?" I asked "you told me the exact same thing when we first started dating" he smiled and put on his shirt "happy?" he asked and I nodded my head.

We walked out of the car and got into his car. "I have practice tonight so I probably won't be able to drive you home" he told me as we buckled our seat belts "I'm working right after school so it's not a problem" I told him. He drove to the main parking lot and we got out. He rested his hand on my waist as we walked towards my first class. I noticed people glancing at us and whispering. "ignore them, people always want to talk about someone" he told me.

Whenever we got to my class he gave me a quick kiss "I'll see you later, love you" he told me before walking towards his class.

Not many people talked about me during class and that was a huge relief. A few girls complemented the drawing on my back and they asked who did it but I didn't tell them. I don't know why I wanted to keep Alex's art a secret but I did.

After my second class ended I went to the Starbucks to grab a coffee before my next class. "Anastasia oh my gosh it's true" Brooklyn said from behind me. I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows "what's true?" I asked "your back! It's a masterpiece!" she squealed and turned me around. "can I see the full thing?" she asked "I have pictures I'll show you later" I told her. I ordered my coffee then walked away from her to stand in the other line. "so who did it? And how much will it cost for me to get one?" she asked after she orderedI'm not telling you" I laughed "oh come on, I'm your best friend you have to tell me" she smirked "I don't have to tell you anything" I stated and grabbed my coffee and walked out. "hey beautiful" I heard Alex. I turned around just as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I almost spilt my drink all over you" I laughed "thats your fault" he smiled and kissed me. "what do you have?" he asked but before i could tell him he took a sip. "very refreshing" he smirked "you could get your own, you know" I smiled "why would I do that when yours is right here?" he laughed and handed me my drink "thank you" I told him. "Alex! Oh my gosh! Have you seen her back?" Brooklyn asked while walking over to us. I groaned "I have" Alex replied "isn't it beautiful!?" she squealed "it's very beautiful" he smiled "so you know who did it?" she asked "I do" he smiled "well who did it?" she asked "it doesn't matter" I told her "I did it" he spoke up. "what!?" she asked excitedly "you?" she asked "yea" he said nonchalantly "oh my gosh you're really talented" she told him "thank you" he smiled and grabbed my drink "Alex!" I tried to grab my drink but he lifted it above my head. "don't tell anyone, it should be a mystery" Alex told her and he handed me my drink "seriously?" she asked "he doesn't want anyone to know, so don't tell anyone" I told her "fine I wont, I want one though" she told him and then she walked away. I sighed and looked at him. "what?" he laughed "nothing" I replied and we walked to my next class.

Alex stood outside of my class with me talking for a few minutes before I had to go in. "when do you get off?" he asked "I'm closing tonight" I told him "I'll pick you up?" he offered "sure that'd be nice" I smiled "have fun in class" he said as he raised his arms above his head to stretch. I noticed his shirt lifted up slightly "alex" I panicked and I pulled it down. "he has one too" I heard a girl say from behind him. "great" I groaned and buried my head in his chest. "sorry" he smirked "you owe me if they try talking to me" I told him "deal" he smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I'll see you later beautiful" he told me after he kissed me. "ok" I replied and then walked into class.

Not even five minutes into the class the girls walked up to me and asked about Alex's drawing. I groaned and told them to leave me alone. I tried to focus on my assignments but I could hear them talking about it all throughout class.

When class got dismissed I felt so relieved. I walked across campus ignoring everyone's glances and I started my shift. It was a pretty slow day. I didn't get to do much, I sat down most of the day. Only about fifteen customers came in and only three of them actually ate at the restaurant. Two hours before closing the manager let me go home early. I thanked him and grabbed my things. I texted Brooklyn and she picked me up, we decided to go see the guys practice.

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