Chapter 19

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The next few weeks were hell to say the least. I drowned in my own tears for a week then finally threw myself into my studies. I haven't seen Alex at all and that made me sad. I'm in the last class of the day and half of the students haven't arrived yet.

"I really hope AJ gets out of that funk he's in." a guy said from behind me "he can't even hit the ball properly anymore" a girl said. "I wonder if it's because of that girl he was messing around with" a guy walked past me asking "dude she's right there" the other guy said and I could tell they were looking at me. They started whispering to each other so I wouldn't hear it. It made me super uncomfortable.

Whenever the class was over I slowly made my way towards the door. "AJ didn't need y poo u anyway." the same girl said "I heard he's banged half of the cheerleading squad already" she laughed and walked away. I tried convincing myself what she said didn't affect me but it did. I knew there was an early game tonight so I rushed to my dorm and got ready. Brooklyn noticed but she didn't say anything.

Whenever we got to the game the guy at the gates made me pay. I knew it was because of what happened between Alex and I. I tried to ignore all of the nasty looks I was getting as I made my way to the very top seats.

The game started and I saw first hand what everyone was talking about. Alex wasn't acting the same. He wasn't catching as many balls, he barely swung the bat. It broke my heart.

As the game continued he didn't change at all. He wasn't playing better. "AJ IF YOU HIT A HOMERUN ILL SUCK YOUR DICK" a girl yelled from the front. I noticed he shook his head and sung. He hit a homerun. I made my way down the stands and started to leave. "Anastasia don't leave" Brooklyn said. I turned around to face her just as Alex ran up to third. I glanced over at him and saw he was already watching me. He made it to home plate and slowly walked towards the dug out that I was in front of. "I can't" I told Brooklyn and turned around and made eye contact with him. His eyes looked broken and I tore my eyes from him and walked away. I started to walk out of the gates but a guy stopped me. "so you and Alex are officially over I'm assuming?" he asked and moved closer. I tired to ignore him but he grabbed my butt. "get off of me!" I yelled and tried to push him off "oh come on baby. If Alex kept you around for so long you must be easy" he smirked and tried to kiss me but he was immediately pulled away. I saw who did it and I couldn't breathe. "Alex what are you doing?" I asked and he turned to face me "were you really going to let him do that?" he asked angrily "no" I looked away. Before I could look back at Alex his lips were on mine. His hands held my face and then as quickly as he kissed me he pulled away leaving me breathless and confused. "I'll see you around" he told me and ran in the other direction.

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