Chapter 64

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I woke up the next morning again to an empty bed. I sighed as i sat up and looked around. I saw a small piece of paper on the table next to me. I grabbed it and quickly read it.

Hey baby sorry for slipping out again to go to the gym but i promise i won't take as long today. Ive had a lot on my mind lately and i havent had the chance to work out in a while so im making the time. I know it's shitty of me not to wake you up and tell you good morning but you're so beautiful and you look so peacefull when you sleep. I love you and ill be back soon.

After i finished reading his note i laid back down and went back to sleep.

I don't know how long i was sleeping but i woke up to someone kissing my cheek. I groaned softly and opened my eyes to see alex. "good mooring beautiful" he smiled as he sat down next to me. "hey" i replied and stretched. "when did you get back?" i asked "like an hour ago, i saw you sleeping so i took a shower and waited some more. But then i decided it was time for you to wake up" he laughed as i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down to me. "lay with me for a while?" i asked. He was quick to agree, he slid into the sheets next to me and i laid my head on his chest. He ran his hand through my hair as i ran mine across his chest. "so i was thinking we could go see the statue of liberty today and then maybe the Brooklyn Bridge?" he asked "that sounds amazing" i smiled as he kissed my forehead.

We laid there talking for a while, until i decided to get up and start the day. While I quickly showered and changed into pants and a shirt with my jacket, alex bought the tickets for the statue of liberty. Once we were ready we took a cab to the ferry area and boarded the boat. The boat ride wasn't very long but it was even colder on the water than on the land. I was leaning against the railing watching the statue get closer and closer while Alex was right behind me. He rested his hands on the railing next to both sides of my body. "we should take a picture to remember this" he suddenly said. "ok" i smiled and watched as he grabbed his phone and took a selfie of us. "we should get one with the statue behind us" i told him and he agreed. "excuse me, could you take our picture?" he asked a stranger "yea of course" the old man replied. Alex stood against the railing next to me and we both smiled as the man took our picture. Once he handed the phone back to Alex, alex looked at the pictures and only one of the six were in focus, and the statue wasnt even behind us. I laughed as alex asked a younger lady to retake our picture. She agreed and alex stood against the railing but with me in front of him this time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and i smiled and glanced back at him. He smiled down at me then we got ready for the pictures. "You two are so cute together" The young lady said as she handed me his phone "thank you" i smiled and looked at the pictures with alex. I noticed she took pictures of when we smiled at each other before we focused on taking the picture. "this is my favorite" he told me smiling "thats my favorite too" i smiled. He quickly pulled me to his chest and kissed me, then he sent me all the pictures. Even the bad ones the poor old man took.

When we arrived at the statue, we didnt really talk. Both of us were so amazed by the size and beauty we didnt have to say anything. We took a few more pictures after we explored, then it was time to get back on the boat.

Once we arrived back on land we took a cab to the Brooklyn bridge and we walked acorss, we of course took even more pictures and had a fun time. Whenever we arrived in Brooklyn we walked around and found a cute cafe and decided to eat. While we ate we talked about what we were going to do for the rest of the trip. Whenever we finished we took a cab back to the hotel. My feet were sore and i was tired so i quickly changed and laid down and drifted off to sleep.

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