Chapter 20

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The next few weeks I couldn't stop thinking about the game. Why did he kiss me? I haven't seen him around at all. I've even been looking for him sometimes. Nothing.

"Anastasia there's a party at the guys frat house, we should go" Brooklyn said drawing me away from my thoughts "what? Why?" I asked "you haven't been to not even one party since you've been here, we should go" she stood up "Madison is going and mason is going with David" she said walking towards her room. "What!?" Madison asked walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "The party" Brooklyn announced "oh yea, come with us Anastasia it'll be fun" she smiled and went into her room.

After fifteen more minutes of them convincing me I finally went into my room and changed. I put on a tight dark blue dress. I paired it with black heels and did light makeup. I walked out and met David, mason, Brooklyn, jack, and Madison. We all walked out and headed to the frat house.

From a few blocks away we could hear the music booming. We parked and we all walked in together. I followed Brooklyn into the kitchen where a few kegs were set up and lots of bottles were places around. I grabbed a cup and filled it up.

A few hours have passed and I was getting a lot more comfortable, I didn't drink much but the party was pretty fun so far. I noticed a beer pong table and rushed over to it bringing Madison with me since Brooklyn was kissing jack in a corner and I have no idea where mason and David went. "Can we join the next game?" I asked a cute guy that had the ball "sure" he smirked and threw it in the last cup and cheered while the other team drank from the cup. I saw Alex making out with some girl in the next room but I ignored them. Another guy placed more beer in front of us and handed us the ball. "Do you know how to play?" The cute guy across the table asked "it can't be that hard" I laughed and tossed the ball but it bounced off and went onto the floor. He picked it up and placed it in the water cup. He smirked and threw it straight into the cup. I groaned and drank the beer. Madison threw it and it went in. I cheered and hugged her as they drank. The guy next to him tossed it but he missed. I threw it and it went in. "Have you played this before?" The cute guy asked while smiling "no" I confessed "I think you're lying" he winked and drank.

The game continued until it was down to a single cup in front of both of our teams. It was my throw and it went in. I jumped up and down and pulled Madison into a hug. Whenever we pulled apart the guys were next to us. "Cheers" the cute one said and drank. He put the empty cup down and wrapped an arm around my neck. "I've never seen you around before" he smiled "I normally don't come to these things" I old him as he led us into the kitchen "why not?" He asked "I just haven't" I told him "alright, alright" he laughed "so what do you want?" He asked "can i get some water?" I asked "of course" he smiled and brought me an unopened bottle. I thanked him and we continued talking. His name is Bentley. Yes just like the car. He told me he's apart of the frat so he's at every party.

We made our way into the living room and a lot of people were in a circle. "Hey Lee!" A girl walked up to us and he pulled Bentley into a hug "everyone's about to play suck and blow you in?" She asked and batted her eyelashes "sure" he laughed and pulled me along "you don't have to play" he told me as we walked over to the circle. Everyone was about to start. There were at least 20 people already. Bentley held my hand and we walked over to the couch. Whenever I sat down I saw Alex out of the corner of my eye. A girl held up and card and sucked it and placed the other girls mouth who took it from her. Whenever it got closer to me alex spoke up. "She's not playing" he pointed at me and Bentley furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes I am" I announced and sucked on the card as the guy next to me blew it. I turned my face so I was looking at Bentley and blew on the card. The card fell in between us and we kissed. The crowd cheered as Bentleys hand ran up my back. I was suddenly pulled away by Alex. "What the fuck?" He asked loudly causing a scene. "What are you doing?" He asked "playing the game" I told him "bullshit" he yelled. I stood up and grabbed Bentleys hand and pulled him with me. "What was that about?" He asked once we left the room "he's my ex" I told him "you dated the star baseball boy?" He smirked "didn't last long" I laughed. I was clearly drunk. I pulled him into another kiss. "Come on" he pulled away and led me to the stairs "where are we going?" I asked and he smirked "my room" he told me and I had an uneasy feeling "I don't-" I started "come on Anastasia were leaving" Brooklyn demanded and pulled me out of the house and into a car.

I passed out before I got back to the dorm.

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