Chapter 13

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"Stazie" Alex called out while pulling up next to me "hey" I replied "hop in" he told me and I did. "What took so long?" He asked "oh sorry I had to find a book for class" I confessed "which class?" He asked "English" I told him. He told me he has the book and I can study with him. We drove to the baseball field then got out. We walked through the gates and Alex pulled me into a hug. "Thanks for coming with me" he told me before disappearing. I made my way into the stands and I started studying.

I did over half of my work and then decided to stop. I looked up and noticed all of the team was still practicing. Alex was on second base and one of the players threw a ball up and out towards him but it went too far so he jumped and caught it. I smiled and continued to watch them. Alex was switched to pitcher and also center field before practice was over. Once practice was over alex stared walking towards me. "Alex" I heard my dad say and I stood up and looked at the two of them. Alex closed his eyes and turned around so he was facing my dad. I didn't hear what was said I just saw Alex run his hand through his hair a couple times and my dad pointed at him and then towards the field. I tried to ignore it by putting my stuff in my bag. Well that was until I heard heavy footsteps approaching me. I looked over my shoulder to see Alex walking up to me looking very annoyed. "Let's go" he demanded "ok let me finish putting my stuff up" I replied "Anastasia I said let's go" he sternly told me. It didn't scare me but it definitely put me on edge. I've heard him talk like that once before and that was when he was fighting the guy in my dorm. "Let me put my stuff away alex" I told him standing my ground "you're so stubborn" he groaned and grabbed my last book and walked away without saying anything else. I stood up and ran after him but he was a lot faster than I was. He unlocked the car and threw the book into the passenger seat. I slowly opened the door and sat down after shoving the book into my bag.

"What happened?" I asked during the drive "nothing" he replied as if he didn't care about the conversation "well obviously something happened and you pretty much almost freaked out on me back there because I wasn't packing fast enough" I said a little too loud. "Stop" he warned "stop what! I don't even know what is going on" I told him louder getting upset "I just told you to stop! Why won't you drop it!" He shouted and hit the steering wheel. I immediately shut up and pulled out my phone. I decided to text Brooklyn.

Me: are you in the room?
Brooklyn: yes
Me: ok good
Brooklyn: why? What's wrong? Where's Alex?
Me: let's just have a girls night?
Brooklyn: uhm ok, I'll call Madison
Me: ok

Whenever the car stopped I looked up to see we were at his dorm and not mine. "I want to go home" I told him as he stepped out of the car "Anastasia please just stop for two seconds" he groaned. I got out of the car and started walking towards my dorm "Anastasia!" He called out but I ignored him "my dads coming to the game" he said and I immediately stopped walking "please just don't leave" he told me as I turned around to see him running his hands through his hair. He wasn't walking towards me so I decided to go to him. "Why didn't you just say that?" I asked "because you don't know my dad. You don't know what he's done to me. You don't know anything about me" he confessed "that's because you always get like this and push me away" I replied slightly getting annoyed "because you won't drop it!" He stated "how many times have I told you to stop and leave the conversation alone?!" He shouted "you got what you wanted, the answer so just stop acting like you're the only person dealing with daddy issues!" He shouted at me and walked away. I took a deep breath and sighed and sat down on the curb before calling Brooklyn. "Hey where are you? Madison is here and we've prepared snacks and movies" she told me "hey I don't want to sound needy or anything but are you with jack?" I asked "yea but he's about to leave so it'll just be us" she told me "would it be possible if he came pick me up?" I asked "uhm sure let me ask him" she told me and I heard shuffling around "hello?" Jack said through the phone "hi" I replied "so you need a ride?" He asked "yea is that ok? I mean if it's not-" I started "yea of course it's ok, where are you?" He asked "your dorm" I told him "mine?" He asked "yea" I replied "where's Alex?" He asked "uhm-" I started "never mind, yea I'm on my way" he told me before ending the call.

It didn't take long until jack pulled up with Brooklyn. "Anastasia" Alex called from the dorm entrance "I'm sorry" he told me while walking towards me just as Brooklyn got out and walked towards me "you're leaving?" He asked "yes" I replied and stood up. He grabbed my arm to stop me "why?" He asked "let me go" I told him "not until you tell me why" he told me "she said let her go" Brooklyn said as jack got out. "This doesn't involve you" he told her dryly "yes it doe-" she started "Alex let me go" I told him cutting her off "I'm leaving. You need to calm down and do whatever else you need to do but I'm leaving" I told him and pulled away. Jack walked up to Alex as Brooklyn and I walked away. We both buckled our seatbelts and I saw jack talking to Alex. "What the heck happened?" She asked "I don't want to talk about it" I confessed.

After we got back to my dorm jack said goodbye and drove off.

I didn't watch any movies I just went to bed and laid there trying to sleep.

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