Chapter 22

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He carried me inside and yelled at the nurses to get a doctor. They put us into a room and a doctor rushed in. "my name is Dr. Yates what happened?" she asked "my girl-" Alex started "my friend was almost raped please do something" he begged as he paced the floor. "Ok can I talk to her alone?" she asked and he hesitated but agreed "I'll be right outside" he told me and walked out. "what's your name sweetheart?" she asked as a nurse rushed out. I didn't reply so she asked again, "I know you're not feeling well but I have to know what happened" she said and i looked at her. I felt angry and sad and just broken. "ok" she sighed whenever she realized I wasn't going to answer.  The nurse came back in. "I'm going to clean up your legs is that ok?" the doctor asked but I didn't respond. She told the nurse to go get something but i couldn't make out what it was. "The police have to come to get some information from you" she told me and put on gloves. "I was raped whenever I was about your age" she spoke up after a few minutes of grabbing things out of the drawers. "I know exactly what youre going through so please help me help you" she asked. "Anastasia" I spoke up barely audible. "Anastasia, is that your name?" she asked and i nodded. "my name is Shannon" she told me "can I clean you up Anastasia?" she asked and i nodded. "have you had anything to drink tonight?" she asked and i nodded in response as she cleaned my legs and wrapped them up. "how much and what kind?" she asked "I don't know" I told her "any drugs? You're not going to get in trouble I just have to know" she told me "no" I told her honestly. "Ok, did he or she insert-" she asked but I cut her off "no. Alex stopped him" I told her and started crying. "that boy?" she asked and i nodded. "can I check you just to be safe?" she asked and i agreed after contemplating it. Its for the best. "everything looks ok, you have a few bruises forming so I'm going to give you something for pain and something to rehydrate you" she told me. The nurse walked in with a few police officers. Before they could say anything Alex rushed in. "it's just precautionary" the doctor told him but he still looked scared. The nurse told the officers what she did and what kinds of medications she's giving me and then left. "can we talk to her alone for a minute?" the lady officer asked Alex.  He agreed and left again. "Anastasia what's your last name?" she asked "Clark" I told them and she wrote it down "can you tell us what happened? Step by step?" she asked. "I was at the party and he threw himself on me, I told him to stop and I tried to push him off but he was too strong" I cried hysterically "he touched me and I kept telling him to stop and I tried hitting him to get away" I took a deep breath "but he carried me up the stairs and threw me down and took off his clothes and mine" I cried and held myself tightly "he wouldn't get away" I cried "what happened after he took off your clothes?" she asked "Alex rushed in and beat him unconscious and brought me here" I told them "Ok, did you have anything to drink at the party?" she asked and i nodded "a lot" I told her "what'd you have?" she asked "I'm not sure. He was getting the drinks" I told her "who? Alex?" she asked and i shook my head no "the guy that did this?" she asked and i nodded crying still "any drugs?" she asked "no, never" I told her. "I'm going to talk to the doctor I'll be back" the man announced and walked out. "Alex?" the lady asked and he came into the room "can I get your story?" she asked and he looked at me. "yea" he told them. "what's your name?" she asked "Alexander Johnson" he told her "ok, now what did you see happen?" she asked "I was at the party with a friend" he whinced and looked at me "her?" she asked "no another friend" he replied "we were having fun and I noticed stazie and Bentley kissing" he started and I cried harder hearing his name. "I got upset and started walking towards them" he said "why'd you get upset?" she asked "because she's my girlfriend" he told her "well, she was" he corrected himself "anyway before i could get there he took her upstairs and someone approached me about to puke" he took a breath "I took them to the kitchen and ran up the stairs. I heard her screaming and crying so I knocked the door down and pulled him away. I lost control" he confessed "I couldn't stop hitting him. That asshole deserved it" he finsihed "have you had anything to drink?" she asked "no, I don't drink anymore" He told her and looked at me. "how long have you been sober?" she asked "about two months or so" he said. That's whenever we were still dating. I looked over at him and he nodded softly. The doctor and the officer came into the room holding a folder. "she was drugged" was the only thing I heard the doctor say before everything got dizzy and blurry and i passed out.

I woke up to a massive headache. I saw I was in a hospital room and all the memories rushed back. I looked around and I saw Alex watching me. He stood up and came to my side. "are you ok?" he asked and took my hand. I pulled away and stared at him "I feel sick" I told him and he rushed and told the nurse. A man came in holding a bin and some tablets while Alex had a cup of water. "this is ibuprofen for the headache, this is for nausea" he told me and sat the bin down. I took the tablets and swallowed them. "your mother and father are one their way" he announced and walked out. Alex pulled his chair next to the bed and sighed. "I'm so sorry" he said and tears formed in his eyes. "I shouldn't have helped that guy get to the kitchen" he told me and buried his face into his hands. I heard a few sobs and it broke my heart. "Alex" I whispered and he looked at me. "I'm going to kill him" he told me just as my dad walked in. "Anastasia!" he said relieved "you're moms flight is about to land" he told me and glanced at alex. "Alex" my dad nodded to him "sir" he said instead of coach. "thank you" He sighed and shook his hand.

My dad didn't know what to say so he made small talk for a few hours. Mostly with Alex who refused to leave. The door opened and my mom rushed in crying. She pulled me into a tight hug. "honey are you ok?" she asked "Jessica don't choke her" my dad said and my memories went back to last night. I started crying and my dad freaked out. My mom held me tighter.

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