Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. I groaned and stood up. I was still in last nights dress but I had shorts on now. I ignored it and walked into the living room to see Alex, mason, and David passed out. Brooklyn peeked out of the bathroom and ran into her room. I furrowed my brows and walked towards her door. I gently knocked. "Who is it?" She whisper yelled through the door "me" I replied and she opened it. "Hey" she whispered and I walked in. We sat on her bed next to jack and started talking. "What happened last night?" I asked "whenever alex yelled at you we saw you were with Bentley" she started "he isn't someone you should get involved with, he's a man whore and he will use you and toss you aside." she told me "isn't that what Alex is known for?" I laughed "not exactly" she started "I've never known of Alex messing with someone's feelings. He just has sex, the girls know what their getting into before anything happens" She continued "some of them still get upset when he drops them though" she looked at me "no offence" she added. "Bentley does it for fun, to see how the girls react when he doesn't want them anymore" Jack spoke up "why is he even here?" I asked "he called me frantically last night asking if you were here, whenever I told him you were he demanded to see for himself" Jack told me. "why? I don't want him here" I spoke up "what even happened with you two?" Brooklyn asked "look he cares about you, even after what happened" Jack stated "he was all over those girls last night" I said and stood up "just take it easy on him right now" Jack said and I walked out. I took an asprin for my headache and decided to wake Alex up.

After five minutes of trying he finally woke up. I took him into my room to talk. "what are you doing?" I asked "I was sleeping" he told me "no I mean here" I sat on my bed "like I said, sleeping" he told me. i groaned "you don't need to check if I'm home" I told him "I can take care of myself" I sighed "it sure looked like it" he said nonchalantly "can you please just talk normally" I groaned "I am" he replied again, calmly. "just stay away from Bentley" he warned "why? What If I want to be reckless?" I asked "then go ahead I can't stop you" he laid down "but that's exactly what happened" I sighed "I won't stop it anymore" he told me and left.

Later that night I decided to go to another party but this time is go alone. I asked around campus until I got Bentleys number and I called him. I showered, put on a black skirt with a red top and light makeup but with red lipstick. He picked me up and we went to the party. Throughout the drive he kept his hand on my thigh and i was super uncomfortable but I didn't have the nerve to move it. We got to the party and I started drinking.

Around midnight the party was in full swing. I played beer pong again but with Bentley on my team this time. We won.

"want another drink?" he asked and that's when I saw Alex. I groaned "what's wrong? I thought we were having fun" he laughed and pulled me to his chest and kissed me. I have to be honest he's a good kisser. Very confident and in control. He pushed me against the wall and ran his hand up my leg. He reached the bottom of my skirt and he slowly moved his hand even higher. I grabbed his hand and tried to push him off of me. I was drunk, I couldn't think straight. I kept thinking Alex was kissing me but I knew it wasn't. "stop" I said quitely and he didn't "Bentley stop!" I said louder but he didn't. Instead he did the exact opposite. "stop!" I screamed and he slapped my butt hard. I started to cry as I tried to push him off. "please stop" I cried. He picked me up while I was hitting his chest and he carried me into his room. He shut the door and threw me on the bed. "please dont" I tried to get away but he held me down. I screamed but he covered my mouth with his hand. I bit him but he smiled. "feisty" he smiled and pulled down my underwear. I cried even harder as his he pulled down his pants. I tried to fight him off but he got even more turned on. He pulled up my shirt revealing my bra. Just as he was about to do the unspeakable the door busted open. Alex grabbed the back of Bentleys neck and threw him to the ground. I pulled down my skirt we'd shirt covering myself. He punched him until he was bleeding heavily and unconscious. He rushed over to me as I continued crying. He reached out for me but I backed away. I pulled up my underwear and ran out of the house. Alex ran after me and I fell on the road and just cried. He got next to me and knelt down. "stazie are you ok?" he asked full of concern I couldn't reply. Instead I screamed and cried. My knees were bleeding from when I lost my balance and landed on the street. "I'll take you home, come on" he said and ordered a hand. That's what he was telling me the whole time. I cried even harder. Alex disappeared but returned with his car. He picked me up but I freaked out and tried to get away. "please just let me get you away from here" he begged with tears in his eyes. After fighting him for almost an hour my body was too weak. He slowly put me in the car and put my seatbelt on then drove me to the hospital.

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