Chapter 50

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I woke up the next morning tangled in Alex's arms. I smiled and moved closer. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. "good morning" he whispered "good morning" I smiled "did I wake you up?" I asked "no I was just laying here holding you" he told me. I leaned into him and wrapped my arm around his waist.

We laid there for what seemed like forever just relaxing, our heartbeats synced and enjoying the others presence. "this was a great idea" he spoke up. I felt his chest vibrate with every word. "I'm glad you're having a good time" I smiled and looked at him "I'm happy you're here with me, having a good time" he smiled. I leaned up and kissed him. I laid my head back down and then I heard his stomach growl. "you could've told me you were hungry" I laughed and sat up "I wanted to hold you for a while longer" he confessed "you can hold me for as long as you want when your stomach is full" I told him and pulled his hands so he was sitting up with me. "I'm in desperate need for a shower" I annonced as I threw on a shirt and shorts "you can shower later" Alex spoke up "I know. I was just saying its been days" I laughed. Alex got ready and we left. We went to the same diner and got breakfast and lunch again.

After we ate we went back to the lake. We swam for a while then hung out. We watched some movies and then Alex decided to paint while I tanned again.

After a few hours we went swimming again, ate lunch, then we decided to pack everything up.

I checked the time and noticed it was almost 5 when we decided to leave. We carried everything to his car and packed it up. Whenever everything was packed we drove back to the campus. "did you have fun?" I asked and watched as Alex drove "I had a lot of fun. It was nice to get away with you for a while" he told me "I love you" he smiled and continued driving "I love you" I told him. "how's your painting coming along?" I asked. "it looks nice but im not done yet" he told me. I reached over and held his hand.

We pulled into the parking lot and then carried everything up to his dorm with Jacks help. We put everything away then I took a shower. It felt so nice to take a shower. Whenever I finished I saw the drawing was completely gone. It kind of made me sad but at the same time happy because it was pretty faded. I got dressed and walked into Alex's room and laid down. He was sitting on the floor painting. "why don't you sit in the chair or something more comfortable?" I asked "I don't want to get paint on everything" he told me and kept painting. "whenever you finish will you lay with me?" I asked and he nodded.

I spent a few hours on my phone playing games, when I got bored of that I decided to study. I eventually got bored of that and I sat in the living room with Jack watching TV. "where'd you guys go?" he asked "we went to a lake" I told him "that's cool" he replied.

After a while Alex came out with a new outfit on. "stazie are you hungry?" he asked "a little" I told him "how does Chinese sound?" he asked "sounds good" I told him. He nodded and walked into his room. I stood up and walked to his room. "sorry, I've just been trying to finish the painting" he told me "it's fine" I reassured him and then I laid down on the bed. "I finished it" he smiled and laid next to me. "can I see it?" I asked "not yet" he smiled and held me close.

The rest of the night we hung out we had dinner and then we feel asleep watching movies.

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