Chapter 36

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The next few days we were inseparable. We went everywhere together. I even started running with him. He slept over at my dorm and then I'd sleep at his dorm. Today's the last day before the students started arriving back.

I told Alex I had to go shopping and he decided to join me. It surprised me because aren't guys supposed to hate shopping with girls? He didn't seem too bored with me. "are you bored?" I asked as we walked into sephora "no" he smiled at me. "it's fun watching you try on different clothes and talk about how you like them and how you don't like them." he told me. "well this part might be less fun" I laughed and walked over towards the eyeshadows. "can I use your hand?" I asked "for what?" he asked and slid his hand into mine "to check the colors" I smiled and tested a few shades on his skin. "I like this one" he told me while pointing towards a sparkly gold one "I like that one too,  would it look nice with this color?" I asked and put a light brown next to it "I think so" he smiled "if you hate it you should tell me" I laughed "I don't, it looks nice" he admitted.

We spent about 20 minutes shopping for makeup. Then Alex saw Victoria Secret. "let's go in there" he smiled "Ew no" I told him and pulled him away from the store. "oh come on, you don't have to buy anything" he told me.

He eventually talked me into it. We walked in and I saw wings everywhere and in the back they were showing the fashion show. "they're so beautiful" I spoke outloud "they're nothing compared to you" Alex kIsed me softly.

We walked around and I did end up buying a couple cute sets.

We went back to my dorm after all the shopping and we dropped off the bags. "its time for a run" Alex annonced walking into my room "but we just walked across the mall 80 times" I groaned "can't we take the day off?" I asked and he laughed "no, we're athletes." he told me "you're the athlete not me" I groaned "and how do you think I stay in shape?" he smirked and handed me my running outfit. "fine" I mumbled and he walked out laughing as I changed.

Once I finished we drove to his dorm so he could get ready.

He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. "Alex you need to stop doing that" I laughed and picked it up and put it in the dirty basket. "maybe I do it just to see you bend down to pick it up" he laughed "keep your eyes up here" I warned and pointed to my eyes. "or whatll happen?" he asked and walked close to me. I touched his bare chest and my stomachs did flips. He looked down at my hand then to my eyes. "what's going to happen if I do this?" he asked and grabbed my butt. I gasped and looked into his eyes which were getting darker. "hm?" he asked. I bit my lip and he groaned "what if I do this?" he asked and picked me up and laid me on the bed. He hovered over me. I glanced at his muscular arms and his chest then to his smiling face. "what if I-" he started "just kiss me" I told him and he did.

The kiss was soft and slow but I let my hands roam from his hair, down his chest and to the edge of his pants. "stazie" he moaned and pulled away. "don't stop" I told him and he kissed me again. He slid his hand under my shirt and quickly lifted it off. He took a second to look at my body. He smirked looking at my bra. "I told you it'd look amazing on you" he whipped and sucked on my neck. I moaned and I fiddled with his pants until he took them off. He quickly took our shoes off and then took my running pants off. He looked over me again and his smile got even bigger. "you're so beautiful" he groaned and kissed down my body. He slid a  hand under my panties and started tugging them down. He undid my bra and started massaging my boobs. I moaned and watched as he touched me different ways. "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He immediately put his mouth between my legs and started rubbing his tongue over everything. I pulled his hair and moaned as he inserted two fingers and started pumping them into me. He brought his face up to mine and kissed me before going back. I felt the feeling in the pit of my stomach again and I came undone. He sucked everything up and then looked at me. "I love you" he told me "I love you too" I replied and he smiled. I leaned up and kissed him and pulled him down to me. He smiled and kissed me back. I tried pulling down his boxers but he stopped me. "I don't want to rush you into it" he told me "I'm ready" I told him and sucked on his neck. He groaned and kissed me "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded.

He leaned over and grabbed a condom out of his drawer. And I remembered he had a drawer full of stuff. "so you still have anything?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows and followed where I was looking. "nothing im ready to use on you" he told me. "I want to know what it's like" I told him "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He left the room and returned with a cup of ice water. He grabbed an unopened pair of handcuffs. He walked over to me and asked if I was sure again. Whenever I told him yes he put the handcuffs above my head and through the headboard so I couldnt move them. He looked at me and down my body. He took a sip of water and moved back to where he originally was. He kissed my chest and let the water run out of his mouth on top of me. I gasped as he ran an ice cube down my body. He put it on my nipple and sucked. My back arched and the handcuffs pulled and hurt a little bit not much. He smiled and aligned himself. "are you sure? I can still stop" he told me "I'm sure" I replied and he thrusted into me all at once. I moaned and moved so I could adjust.

Just when my body adjusted he started thrusting into me. He started out going all the way in really fast but he slowed down. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled my body up to his chest and he kissed me. I moaned and threw my head back. The handcuffs tugged again but it felt good. The pain felt good. He bit my lip and moaned. He kept thrusting into me until I felt the feeling in my stomach then he thrusted and rubbed. I threw my head back in pleasure as I moaned and I screwed my eyes shut as I came undone. I felt a warmth in the condom a few thrusts later then he pulled out. I laid there breathless and Alex laid beside me. He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. "god you're perfect" he told me and kissed my lips gently. He pulled me closer to his chest and I whinced as the handcuffs tugged. "sorry I forgot" he laughed and then he let my hands go. I looked at my wrists and saw they were red. "did I hurt you?" he asked "no" I told him. He grabbed my hands and kissed my wrists. "I couldn't touch you" I stated after a few minutes "it was torture wasn't it? Not being able to touch me?" he smirked "shut up" I laughed.

"Still want to go run?" I asked sitting up and noticing the blood on the sheet. "I'll run later" he told me and kissed my back "I'll change the sheets, why don't you go shower?" He asked and I nodded. He helped me up and I wrapped the sheet around me. "I'm sorry" I spoke up as he took the sheets off "for what?" He asked "I don't know what I was supposed to do and your sheets-" I started and he walked over to me. "You were amazing, better than amazing actually don't feel bad about anything. It's just sheets I can always buy new ones" he smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear "do you regret it?" I asked and looked down "absolutely not. I loved every second of it. I love every second I get to spend with you even without the sex." he told me as he pulled me into a hug. "do you regret it?" he asked and his breathing changed "no" I told him. He smiled and kissed me. "go get in the shower before I can't control myself" he smirked and kissed me again. I walked out of the room as he threw the sheets into the washer. I got into the bathroom and he walked in and handed me a towel and wash cloth. "thank you" I told him and he walked out.

I washed my hair and my body. Whenever I moved a certain my body ached. I thought back to how the ice felt as he dragged it across my chest and stomach. I felt my cheeks heat up and my stomach did flips so I quickly pushed the thoughts from my head. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel. I noticed a pile of clothes on the counter. I smiled and grabbed the shirt and threw it on, I slipped into his boxers and the elastic waist held them up but his shorts didn't fit. I wrapped the towel around my hair and I walked out. "hey beautiful" Alex smirked as I walked into his room. "Im going to order some Chinese if you're hungry" he told me and I nodded. "I put your clothes in the washer they should be done soon. I can go back to your dorm and get you some clothes if you're uncomfortable in that" he told me. "no this is fine" I spoke up and laid on the fresh sheets. "I'm going to go for a run now. I shouldn't be too long" he told me and I nodded.

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