Chapter 63

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The next few days went by extremely fast, alex and i spent time with my mom, as well as got ready for our trip to New York. Today we were leaving for New York. "stazie are you ready?" alex asks as i think if im missing anything "i think so." i tell him and smile as i grab my luggage and pull on my jacket. I decided to wear dark blue skinny jeans with a fitted black long sleeve shirt and nikes. Alex wore a white T-shirt and pants. He grabbed my luggage and my hand and we walked downstairs. Once we made it downstairs with all of our things we took turns hugging my mom. "have fun and be safe" she told me as alex walked out to his car. "i will, ill miss you" i told her "ill miss you too. I might have to visit before spring break" she said as we walked towards the door "id love that" i smiled and watched Alex put the past luggage into the car. "ok, i love you and ill let you know when we land" i told her as i pulled her into another hug. Once we pulled away I got into the car and Alex drove off.

Throughout the ride Alex and I talked about all the things we could do while we're in New York. The plans varied from Ice skating, to walking in Central Park and going to see the statue of liberty.

The drive only lasted about 25 minutes before we arrived at the airport. We parked the car and grabbed our luggage and went inside.

After walking around for what seemed like forever we found the check in area. "I'm going to have you all to myself once we get to New York" alex whispered in my ear as we stood in line. "Shh" I told him and he laughed. "Do you know how cold it's going to be New Year's Eve?" He asked as we walked closer to the counter "no, why do you have plans?" I asked smiling "I was thinking maybe we could go watch the ball drop" he replied "really?" I gasped and looked at him. He smiled and nodded "baby pay attention to the line, were next" he stated. I turned around just in time to walk up to the counter. After we checked in and went through security we boarded the plane.

We sat next to each other, i had the window seat while alex had the middle seat. "i think the first thing we do is go sightseeing" i annonced "sounds like a plan, but only after we get a hotel room so we won't have to drag all of our stuff around" he replied "well yea, that's what i meant" i laughed.

The flight didnt last too long. I did some school work while alex took a short nap. Wherever we landed i woke him up, grabbed our things and headed towards the baggage claim. Once we got all of our stuff we took a cab to a hotel, we split the cost of the room and put our things away. Then we got ready to walk around the city.

I grabbed a bigger jacket and headed out. "where to first?" alex asked as we walked out onto the street. "how about central park?" i asked "sounds perfect" he smiled and we started walking. "its so pretty here" i smiled as i looked around "its cold here" he laughed "it's pretty much the same temperature here and in Michigan" I smiled as we continued walking. Thankfully the hotel wasn't too far away from the park because halfway through the walk it started to snow and the sun started to set.

Once we arrived at the park we walked around for a little bit but it got dark fast so we decided to head back to the hotel and call it a night.

The next day I woke up to an empty bed. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room. I didn't see or hear any noises so I got up and checked the bathroom, empty. I started to panic so I grabbed my phone and immediately called Alex. It rang once, than twice, and a third time before he answered. "Hello?" He huffed "Alex?" I asked still confused "oh hey baby, good morning" he said "where are you?" I asked "I'm downstairs at the gym, I went for a run but it was so fucking cold I came back and found this place" he told me "oh" was all I said "I'll be back as soon as I hit 5 more miles" he told me "ok" I sighed and laid back down "see you soon" I told him before we hung up.

I waited about 10 minuets before I got bored. Even though I took an extra long shower, plus made an effort to do my hair alex wasn't back yet. So I decided to go to the gym. I took the elevator downstairs and got directions. After walking through the halls I finally found it. I slid the hotel card and the door opened. My eyes immediately found alex who was running with his eyes closed. "How can you do that? I'd fall and break my face" I laughed causing him to jump and almost fall. "Sorry" I smiled as I watched him press the emergency stop. Once the treadmill slowed down enough he got off. "how many miles have you ran?" i asked as he rubbed a towel across his sweaty face. "uhm, lets see. I guess i ran 15 miles" he said shocked "how many were you trying to run?" i asked "10" he smirked and walked towards me. "i guess i got caught up in it. Good morning baby" he smiled as he wrapped an arm around me "ew no, youre soaking wet and smelly." i groaned as i softly pushed him back "oh come on. You should be used to it by now" he laughed as we walked to the elevators. "well i spent a lot of time to look like this today and I'm not about to let your sweat mess it up" i replied and he smiled. Once we got back to the room alex went directly to the shower.

After half an hour later he came out of the bathroom fully dressed. "so where to today?" he asked "back to the park so we can actually look around?" I offered "sounds good to me." he replied as he grabbed his stuff and walked towards the door.

We walked around the park for hours. I loved every second of it. Even when i thought a limb would fall off from it being so cold. Alex on the other hand didn't seem so happy. Something seemed off all day and when i asked him what was wrong he would say "nothing" or "im fine". By the time we decided to leave it was 5 pm. We took a cab to a pizza reeturant, had dinner then went back to the hotel to call it a night.

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