Chapter 62

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I woke up the next morning tangled in Alex's arms. I yawned and turned over to face him, I ran my fingers across his jaw and into his hair. He slowly started to wake up so I smiled and kissed him softly. When I pulled away he groaned and opened his eyes "good morning" I smiled "merry Christmas baby" he smirked and pulled me into another kiss. "Let's get ready" I mumbled against his lips. "Shower with me?" He asked and I slowly nodded. He sat up and looked over at me "I have a present for you and I can't give it to you in front of your mom" he admitted as he stood up, the sheets fell showing off his naked body and walked over to a wrapped gift. He picked it up and handed it to me. "Why can't you give it to me in front of my mom?" I questioned as I shook the package to try to get a hint "you'll find out once you open it" he smiled and watched me. I tore the red wrapping paper off and I saw two lingerie sets. One was black lace and the other was a light pink. I held the pink one up noticing it was see through. "I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not" I confessed as my eyes continued to explore the material. "They'll look sexy on you, don't feel embarrassed" he said softly as he lifted my chin with a finger and kissed me. I sat the gift on the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

After a hot shower I walked back into my room with a towel around me. I glanced at the lingerie and decided to put one on. I grabbed the black one and started putting it on. I heard a moan from behind me so I turned my face in the direction of the sound as I put on the last piece. I noticed alex's eyes were wide and were scanning my body. "you need to get dressed right now or were not going anywhere today" i was surprised by his reaction so i wrapped the towel back around me and walked to my luggage on the foor. I pulled out a solid red dress and slid it on. Once i was finsihed getting ready i saw alex hadnt moved at all. "stop staring and get dressed" i smiled as i hung the towel up "its hard not to stare when youre so fucking sexy" he told me in a deep husky voice. My cheeks instantly heated up and I hurried out of the room.

I walked down the stairs and found my mom already in the kitchen making breakfast. "good morning" i smiled as i started helping her make eggs and toast. "merry Christmas" she smiled and gave me a quick hug. "is alex awake yet? Should i make his breakfast now or should i wait?" she asked "mom you know you don't have to make food for us" i laughed "i know but i want to. You're my little gitl and hes with you so im cooking like a good mom would" she smiled as alex walked into the kitchen "you're the best mom in the world." i smiled and hugged her.

After breakfast we sat in the living room and i handed everyone their presents. We decided to open them one at a time like we did at the dorms. "ill open mine first" my mom annonced as she collected her presents "you have a couple more on the way,cthey just haven't gotten here yet" i told her and she smiled. She opened the necklace i got her and gasped "Anastasia this is beautiful thank you so much" she smiled and pulled me into a hug, she opened the candles next and took the time to smell each one. Then she grabbed alexs gift, she opened it and smiled "oh alex its wonderful but you didn't have to get me anything" she smiled as she examined the pink gems. "i wanted to, but i may have had a little help" he said as he laughed nervously "its the one i wanted. Thank you" she smiled. Alex opened his presents next. He grabbed the biggest gift first which was the backpack filled with stuff. He unwrapped it and smiled then he unzipped it and carefully pulled out all of the individually wrapped gifts. He unwrapped the batting gloves first "ive been putting off getting a new pair for a while" he laughed as he put them on to maks sure they fit "your other ones have a hole in them, its desperately overdue" i laughed as he took them off and unwrapped the shirts and gym shorts. He smirked and looked at them approvingly. Then he sat them aside and grabbed the other gifts. He slowly pulled the gift wrap of. Whenever he saw the canvas and paints he smiled a huge and bright smile. "ok now open mine" my mom said as she handed him a gift. I watched as he pulled away the paper revealing two jerseys. One was an Evan Longoria jersey and the other one was a Kris Bryant jersey. "How'd you know?" he asked my mom and glanced at me "did you forget i know your coach and your girlfriend?" she laughed at his reaction. I knew those were a few of his favorite players but i guess she asked my dad for help too.

When it was my turn to open gifts i got nervous for some reason. I glanced at the gifts in front of me and i grabbed one that had a green and red bow on it. I opened it up and saw a really pretty infinity scarf and make up. "thank you" i smiled and opened the next gift. It was new booties and a gift card. I grabbed the next present and started opening it. It was slightly heavy so i was excited. Once i unwrapped it i was the back of a picture frame, i turned it over and saw the sketch i found in Alex's sketch pad. I gasped and studied it carefully, i noticed a canvas under it. I looked at the canvas and found a painting of me at the lake smiling. He even added the tropical flowers he painted on my leg. I was speechless. I looked over at Alex and pulled him into a tight hug. He laughed and kissed my neck softly. Once we pulled away i grabbed the next gift.  "im guessing you made that?" my mom asked "yea. Nobody knows except Anastasia, and she wanted me to paint her so i did" he smiled. I handed her the art and slowly pulled the wrapping paper off the last present. It revealed a beautiful white dress "this is beautiful" i annonced as i looked at it, suddenly something fell out. I picked up the paper and noticed it was a plane ticket to New York. "what's this?" i asked "well both of us made this gift. Alex bought the dress and i bought the plane ticket" my mom said "you're leaving in two days and coming back January 3rd." she smiled "wait this is a new years present?" i asked and she nodded. I squealed and pulled her into a tight hug.

After we cleaned up my mom left to deliver presents to her friends. I sat on the couch with Alex next to me watching tv. "what's your favorite present?" he asked "definitely the pictures" i smiled "it's not New York?" he asked "thats a close second" i smiled and kissed his neck. "what's your favorite gift?" i asked "im sorry babe but i love those jerseys" he laughed and pulled me on his lap. "but the best gift is definitely knowing what you have on under this dress " he told me as he let his hand roam up my legs and under the dress. "are you ready to unwrap this gift?" i asked and his eyes darkened  and he nodded. He slammed his lips onto mine and lifted me up. He carried me into the room and shut the door. He pushed my back against the door and took off my dress. "fuck me" he groaned as his eyes scanned over my body. He reconnected our lips and let his hand roam in between my legs. I moaned when he started rubbing me and kissing down my neck. I gasped as he pushed his fingers inside me and i tugged at his shirt. He stopped kissing me and removed his hands and pulled his shirt off. He shoved his fingers back inside and i moaned and hit my head softly on the door. He pumped his fingers in and out until i came undone. He placed kisses all over and then he undid his pants. He slowly removed my lingerie once he was naked. He lifted me up against the door again and slowly inserted himself. I pulled his hair and bit my lip as he started thrusting. He thrusted harder and faster and sucked on my neck making me a moaning mess. I scratched his back and pulled his hair as he kept thrusting into me. I felt myself tighten around him and he started becoming sloppy. He thrusted a few more times and we both came undone. He walked us over to the bed and laod us down.

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