Chapter 70

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A few months have passed since that dreadfully horrible day when alex left. I've cried myself to sleep so many times, I've gotten mad at everyone around me and tried to push them away. Thankfully they never left because I don't know if I would've been able to get through it by myself.

Brooklyn told me jack knew how alex was if I ever had questions but I couldn't get myself to ask.

Jack came over the day after Alex left and told me Alex changed his number. Not because he didn't want to talk to me, but because he did. He knew he would only be hurting both of us even more by contacting me.

I'm currently sitting on the couch with Madison waiting on Brooklyn to get ready so we can go out to dinner.

"were going to leave you if you don't hurry up" Madison yelled just as Brooklyn came out of her room wearing one shoe. "im ready you dont have to yell" she told us. We both got up and walked out to the car. "i haven't had Italian food in so long" i annonced as Brooklyn pulled onto the highway. "me either. Im so happy were going out. We desperately needed a girls night" she replied as Madison turned on the radio. "turn that off" i groaned and leaned forward to change the radio station when i heard tires screeching. I looked up with only enough time to see the car behind us slam into our car through the mirror.

When I woke up the annoying beeping wouldn't stop. I quickly remembered the accident and I forced my eyes open which was a bad idea since the bright lights temporarily blinded me. I groaned and opened my eyes again, blinking rapidly to let my eyes focus. I grabbed the call nurse button and I pushed it. A nurse quickly walked into the room and over to me. "The doctor just left, let me grab her really quick" she told me and I nodded. She walked out and came back a few seconds later with another lady. "Hello Anastasia my name is Dr. robins. Do you know where you are?" She asked "the hospital" I replied and she nodded "do you remember what happened?" She asked and I was the one that nodded this time. "So you remember the crash right?" She asked and I nodded again. "Ok, well your injuries weren't too bad. You hit your head and your stomach pretty hard." She started but she took a break to see my reaction "I'm sorry but you lost the baby" she told me. "What?" I asked "when you hit your stomach the amniotic sac broke and the ambulance couldn't get to you in time. The baby was just too premature. I'm so sorry for your loss" she told me. I was frozen. It felt like I was having a heart attack. I couldn't breathe and my vision became blurry.

I woke up again to the sound of the annoying beeps. I groaned and tried to knock over the machine but it didn't work. "Well it's nice to see you're still grumpy when you wake up" Brooklyn said. I opened my eyes and found her in a wheelchair at the door with a cast on her leg. "how are you?" i asked as she wheeled her way into the room. "shouldn't i be the one asking you that question? I heard you had a severe panic attack a few hours ago" she replied "yea" was all i said. She moved closer and grabbed my hand. "did you know?" she asked and i didnt reply "about the baby. Did you know?" she asked again "no" i told her "so alex doesnt know?" she asked and i looked away. "do you want me to call him?" she asked. "no" i replied "i don't want him to know." i told her as i started crying "he left and i was just getting over it. Now this happens" i told her "i know. But i think he should at least know. What if jack tells him not to come?" she asked "he will still come. He isnt heartless" i told her "i know that. But the guy deserves to know" she told me. "then tell him. Just leave me alone" i cried harder and she tried grabbing my hand again "get out. I want to be left alone." i screamed. I heard her sigh and then the door opened and closed and i was left alone with myself and the annoying beeping sound.

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