Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning to Alex gone. I felt a little bit upset about it but I decided it was probably for the best. I grabbed a towel along with some clothes and made my way to the bathroom to shower. "Good morning" Alex said while he sat on the couch with his shirt off "oh hi, I thought you left" I confessed "I left the bed not the house" he replied smiling just as Brooklyn came out of her room with jack behind her "wait" Brooklyn said as my eyes were about to pop out of my head "wait is right. What's this?" I asked "what happened here?" She asked "I think I asked first" I said and walked over and grabbed Alex's shirt and threw it at him. "Well you already know jack" she stated "yes but why is he here?" I asked "I thought you hated him" I added "ouch" jack said and Brooklyn glared at him "well I think my question is more valid because at least my boyfriend isn't half naked" she told me "he's not naked." I motioned towards him "he clearly has his shirt on" I stated "now he does" she replied "ok ladies why don't we talk about this like normal people" Madison interrupted us.

Everyone sat in the living room. I was next to Alex and Brooklyn and jack were sitting on the floor and Madison was standing. "Ok you first. What's with you at alex?" Madison asked "he stayed the night" I announced "that's literally all that happened" I added "details" she replied "I fell asleep and he took me to bed" I told them "then she asked me to stay and I did so we both fell asleep" he added for me "so nothing else?" Madison asked "nothing else" I told them. "So now onto you two. What the heck?" Madison asked "well we've been talking.." jack started "and everything is fixed and we're dating again" Brooklyn cut him off "that's why I said he was calling last night" she added "did anything happen?" Madison asked "I don't kiss and tell" jack replied smiling. "Gross" I stood up and alex stood up with me. I walked into the kitchen. "Are we still on for later?" He asked "if you still want me to?" I asked "of course I do" he smiled "but I've got to go, class starts in 45 minutes" he stated "you're going to be late" I told him "being the star player helps" he told me "get out you can't skip class" I smiled and pushed his chest lightly "ok ok. I'll meet you after?" He asked "yes" I replied before he walked out.

I got dressed and went to my classes, they took forever and I was not interested in any of them. Once my last class of the day came around I wasn't even able to pretend to focus. "Anastasia could you please give us your opinion on that paragraph?" My English professor called out and startled me. Oh crap what was the class talking about. After looking at my fellow classmates book I remember what the story was about since I read it a few night back thankfully. I got the courage to say "I fell like the author should rely more on the facts than the opinions of everyone else" and then I sighed at my stupid response and started thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "I think you read ahead Anastasia" my professor annonced "oh I'm sorry" I replied "nonsense don't be sorry about reading faster than everyone else. But thank you for your participation" my professor told me. Thankfully I didn't mess up that bad.

The rest of the class period I didn't focus at all and I kept checking the clock every 2 minutes. Our assignment for next class would be to turn in our essays and read the next assigned book and do the work for it. I groaned remembering I didn't get the book from the library yet. I walked out of class and immediately went to the library. I asked for the book and they were all gone. Everyone already checked them out. Great I thought. I made my way down to the very overpriced bookstore. I asked for the book and they had 3 in the system but they would have to order it from another university book store. I placed my order and made my way towards the parking lot.

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