Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning confused and a little scared that I wasn't in my room it didn't take too long until I remembered last night. I sat up and panic automatically hit me. I didn't have anything with me. No brush, no toothbrush, no new clothes, nothing. I grabbed the blanket and sheet and folded them up because I didn't know where to put them. I set them in a pile on the couch with the pillow on top, then grabbed my bag and put my shoes on. As I was walking towards the door i heard a door open behind me. "you know most girls wait until after breakfast too disappear" Alex announced in a sleepy deep husky morning voice. "I guess I'm not most girls" I told him then started to walk to the door again "definitely not like most girls" he said barely audible. I'm not sure If I was supposed to hear that or not so I kept walking. "I'm going to assume you brought me back here and then proceeded to seduce me so I would take my clothes off" he said which caused me to turn around to face him. He was still only wearing his boxers but I didn't care. "that's not what happened at all. You decided to get drunk then come to the sushi place with the whole baseball team and wait for me to get off. Jack couldn't bring you back because you're so stubborn so I offered. And no I didn't seduce you and I didn't take your clothes off." I told him kind of offended "it was kind of the other way around" Jack announced coming out of his room. "well the seducing part. How long has it been man? You were all over her last night" he jokingly said. Alex looked at him and furrowed his brows "I'm sorry" he told me "I have to go Madison and Brooklyn are probably confused and worried" I announced "how is she?" Jack asked "could be better" I told him honestly "I'll drive to back it's too far to walk" asked told me then disappeared into his room. Not long after he came out wearing gym shorts and a t shirt. He had his keys in his hand and we walked out before he put shoes on. "no shoes?" I asked causing him to smirk "you're going to have to get used to it" he told me which made me confused but I didn't think about it. Once we got in his car he looked at me "I really am sorry last night I don't know what I was thinking" he told me "why'd you guys go and drink in the first place?" I asked as he drove towards my dorm "one of the guys suggested it after the game and everyone just joined in" he honestly told me. We stayed silent for the rest of the car ride. He parked at my dorm and as I was getting out he stopped me "do you girls have any aspirin? I couldn't find any at our place" he asked "yea I'll give you some" I told him as I got out. He followed me up to my room. I unlocked the door and he followed me inside. "where were you last night?" Madison said in a concerned voice "we got your text but you didn't respond to any of ours" Brooklyn chipped in right as Alex walked in. "oh you were with him" Madison stated while smiling "it's not what you think" I told them "where's the asprin?" I asked as I checked the medicine cabinet "did you two have too much fun last night?" Madison asked while raising her eyebrow "no nothing like that" I told them. Once I found it I tossed it over to Alex who took some and then drank some water. "thanks girls" he announced "no problem" I told him as he walked towards me with the bottle of medicine and the cup of water "I'll see you later, make sure to wear a swim suit." he told me "or not" he whispered in my ear as he hugged me he pulled away smirking. "gross" I told him as he walked to the door. "bye girls" he announced before he walked out.

A few hours later I got a text from Alex saying he was downstairs. I let him inside of the dorm room since I wasn't ready for whatever he had planned. "You're wearing that?" He asked motioning to my pjs I had on "if you wouldn't mind" I went along with it "that's fine with me" he smirked "no I'm not wearing this, I don't know what to wear" I told him honestly "were going back to the lake" he told me "ok wait here" I told him then disappeared into my room. I put on a coral colored swim suit along with a big t shirt and some stretchy shorts. I walked out and I grabbed my bag and phone and put on my shoes. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded.

A while later we arrived at the wooded area and walked to the lake. Alex laid out a huge blanket along with a bag of snacks and a few waters. I took off my shorts and I felt his eyes glued on me from behind. I turned around and I noticed he was indeed staring at me. I took off my shirt and watched his body go rigid. I smiled and then jumped in the water. Whenever I came up for air he still hasn't moved. "are you going to join me or are you going to stand there and stare?" I asked pulling him away from his thoughts. He looked away and took his shirt off then jumped in the water. I felt hands on my waist pull me under. I swatted at his arms and squirmed out of his grasp. I reached the surface and took a deep breath. "you're no fun" Alex said from next to me "well whenever you try to drown someone it's not fun" I joked "I wouldn't ever hurt you" he admitted. I splashed him and swam away laughing he quickly swam up to me and spun me around. "where do you think you're going?" he asked "away from you" I laughed again and swam up to the shore and tried getting out. I couldn't pull myself up on the rock but I felt Alex behind me. He picked me up so I could sit on top of the rock. I offered my hand and he pulled himself up too. I stepped off the rock onto the ground and walked over and sat on the blanket. Alex joined me and we started to snack and drink some water. We were having a good time joking and enjoying ourselves. "Let's play truth or dare" Alex offered so I agreed. "truth or dare?" he asked me "I'll start off with a truth" I told him "what's the best thing you've done since you've arrived here?" he asked "probably making so many friends. I never really had friends back home" I admitted "oh gosh that makes me sound like a loser" I thought it loud "no it doesnt" he told me "truth or dare?" I asked "dare" he replied "I dare you to call jack and tell him you pooped your pants and you don't know what to do" I told him. He did the dare and it was hysterical. Jack basically told him to drive back and change.

We continued to play the game. Alex was dared to jump in the lake naked which he did like it was no big deal but I threw him his swim trunks and demanded he put them back on. The game faded away and we decided it was time to leave. I was laying down enjoying the sun with Alex next to me so I really didn't want to leave. "stazie we really should go" he announced next to me. Whenever I didn't reply he sat up and put his arms on each side of my body. He leaned on his arms so he was above me. I stared in his eyes and I noticed they got darker. He looked ten times hotter than normal. His hair was still a little wet and he was shirtless. "we should go" I spoke up softly and leaned forward and accidentally bumped my nose on his cheek. He looked at me as his pupils dilated and his eyes got even darker. He leaned in and brushed his lips on mine. I immediately wanted more. I gently pushed my lips against his and he took advantage of the situation and he kissed me. The kiss was magical. My stomach was doing flips as our lips were moving in sync. It was as if his lips molded into mine perfectly. He pulled away softly and moved me out from under him as he sat down. I was on my knees and my hands went to the back of his neck as his moved to my back. My hands quickly grabbed onto his bare shoulders as I felt his hands on my bare skin. He pulled me into another kiss and I moved and sat on his lap. The kiss deepened and he eventually laid me back on the blanket and hovered over me. He kissed my jaw and down my neck. I left one hand tangled in his hair and my other hand moved down and explored his back. I could feel his muscles all over his body. He kissed down to my collar bone and then up to my neck and my body reacted before I could think. My nails scraped on his back as my other one grasped onto his hair. He smiled into the kisses. He hovered back over me and his lips were pink and a little swollen and his hair had little balls of water forming at the ends. He leaned his lips against my ear "we should get going" he whispered and kissed the skin. He moved from above me and helped me up. He handed me his shirt as I was putting mine on "I like this better" he admitted "what will you wear?" I asked "I have stuff in the car" he told me as he picked up the rest of the stuff. I put his shirt on along with my shorts and shoes. I checked my phone and noticed it was almost time for work. "I completely forgot about work" I told Alex "when do you work?" he asked "6" I told him "are you hungry? We can stop and get food on the way?" he asked "that'll be nice" I replied as we started walking. Alex stopped after a few seconds and I bumped into his back "what're doing?" I asked laughing "don't you want a ride?" he asked "sure" I told him as I got onto his back. He rested his hands on the back ofy legs but every now and then he'd move his thumb rubbing circles on my skin. Whenever we got to the car Alex packed everything up and grabbed a shirt but he didn't put it on. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and we stayed like that the whole ride back to my dorm. We walked in and got bombarded with 20 questions by Madison and Brooklyn. I quickly took a shower and got ready then we drive to my job.

Whenever we arrived we got there early so we could eat. "today was nice thank you" I told him as my cheeks heated up thinking about the kiss "I enjoyed it too. Especially the kisses" He admitted smiling. My cheeks flushed red and I tried covering them up. "don't hide. It's cute when you blush" he told me which only made me blush even more. We ate until I had to clock in then Alex had to go to practice so he left.

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