Chapter 11

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Once work was over Alex picked me up and took me to my dorm since he was done with practice. "so what are your plans tomorrow night?" he asked as we parked "I'm off so I might study or something" I told him "do you want to come to my practice and hang out after?" he asked "you could study while youre there?" he added "sure id like that" I admitted. As we got out. "what time does it start?" I asked him "4:30" he told me as we walked up the stairs "I could pick you up around 4" he added once we reached my floor "ok" I responded as I unlocked the door. We walked in and heard muffled talking but I assumed it was just Madison and Brooklyn talking in one of the rooms. So I ignored it and walked into my room, I grabbed some stretchy shorts and a t shirt. I was about to change but I turned around to find Alex sitting on my bed watching me "do you mind?" I asked "I don't" he said while smirking "well I do so can you get out so I can change?" I asked his smirk faded as he got up and walked out of the room. I quickly changed and I walked out to find Alex lounging on the couch flipping through the tv channels. I sat down next to him and pulled my legs up to my chest. A few minutes passed by and I got up to go back into my room. I noticed Alex followed me. "I really like how you keep the stuff I give you" he announced "I like how you give me stuff" I announced causing him to smile "you should give me something" Alex said in a deep voice "and what's that?" I asked as he walked closer to me, he put his hands on my hips and kissed the side of my neck my hands wrapped around his neck and he pulled me closer to his chest. We backed up until he sat on the edge of the mattress, I sat on his lap. He continued kissing me and his fingers slowly went under the back of my shirt. He pulled away and backed up further on the bed and laid down I moved closer and straddled his waist. I leaned down and connected our lips. The kiss quickly escalated and Alex was kissing me like he needed it. I rested my hands on his stomach and his were still on my hips. Once we finished our quick make out session Alex removed his hands and rested them behind his head. We started talking whenever we heard Brooklyn scream "GET OUT!" Followed by something breaking. I quickly pushed off of Alex by pushing my hands off of his chest and getting off of him. I hurried towards my door and heard Alex groan then stand up. I walked out to see a random man pinning Brooklyn against the wall and she was crying. "Get off of her!" I yelled while grabbing the back of his shirt to pull him off. The only thing that happened was he removed a hand from her and pushed me to the ground. "You ass! Don't you ever fucking touch my girl ever again!" Alex growled and grabbed the guy and throwing him down to the ground. I rushed over to Brooklyn and I noticed her shirt was almost ripped off and she had scratches on her arms. "Hey are you ok?" I asked her while pulling her into a hug "he hit me" she cried into my shoulder. I rushed her into her room "stay here let me get Alex" I told her and she nodded understanding. I walked back out into the living room and I saw Alex along with the guy now standing up throwing punches at each other. "Alex stop" I tried to get his attention but it didn't seem to work "please Alex" I said louder walking towards him "Stazie stay over there" he told me. I was confused and upset and I wasn't thinking straight so I proceeded to walk next to him and grab his shirt. He turned to look at me which caused the other guy to get a clear hit. I gasped in shock but Alex only seemed to get angrier. He grabbed the guy by the collar and drug him outside then locked the door. He rushed back to my side with worry all over his face "I told you to stay over there" he said grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug "are you ok?" I asked and he pulled away "are you ok?" He asked me not answering my question. I nodded then I walked back to Brooklyns room. "Who was he?" Alex spoke up before I could say anything "a guy in my class. He said he wanted to hang out to study but he pushed himself on me and it scared me, he wouldn't stop." She explained "are you ok?" I asked again and lead her to the bathroom "where'd he hit you?" Alex asked me "I'm fine Alex" I told him as I started cleaning Brooklyns arms "look at me Anastasia" he sternly spoke up drawing my attention away from Brooklyn "next time I tell you to do something please listen to me" he said calmly, I nodded in response. "Thank you guys so much. I didn't even know you were here. I don't know what could've happened if you weren't" Brooklyn announced "hey don't think about that. I knew you were here I just didn't know you were with that guy. I'm sorry I should've checked on you" I honestly admitted "no it's ok. Everything was fine until like 10 minutes ago" she replied "jacks been calling me nonstop I should probably call him back" she announced after thanking us again then going into her room. Alex walked behind me and wrapped me up in his arms "are you sure you're ok?" He asked snuggling his face into my neck leaving small kisses. "Yea" I replied. I wrapped my arms on his and felt something wet so I pulled away. I realized he had small cuts on his hands. I quickly sat him on the toilet seat and started cleaning his hands. He winced a few times but he didn't seem too fazed by the pain. "You look beautiful" he told me "I look like a mess" I admitted "then you're a beautiful mess" he told me then pulled me towards him he leaned up and kissed me "your girl huh?" I smirked "always" he nonchalantly replied and kissed me again this time biting my bottom lip. The kisses didn't last long and they left me wanting more but I had to finish cleaning his hands. Once I was done we walked out and cuddled on the couch.

I ended up falling asleep but I woke up to Alex carrying me to my room. Whenever he laid me down he pulled the blankets over my body then kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight stazie" he whispered then turned to walk away. I reached out and grabbed his hand just before he was out of reach. He stopped walking and turned around "I didn't mean to wake you sorry" he apologized "I'll forgive you if you lay with me" I said in a gross voice "are you sure?" He asked and I nodded but I forgot it was too dark to see "yes" I told him. he slowly made his was over to my bed, he lowered himself on top of the blanket but I wrapped my arm around his torso anyway. My head made its way over to his chest then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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