Chapter 47

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We walked through the gates and sat in our normal seats. I watched all of the players work their hardest and they all worked together. I saw Noah in the outfield but I decided to ignore him. Alex and Jack noticed us and they waved.

After practice was over Alex walked over to us with his bag. "hey, I thought you were working" he stated "I was. It was really slow so I got off early" I told him. "well that's good" he smiled and gave me a kiss. "are you riding back with me or him?" Brooklyn asked "me obviously" Alex laughed, I gently hit his chest as I stood up. "are you come over tonight?" Jack asked me "what?" I asked "oh uhm I guess if that's fine with you" I looked at Alex "perfect" he smiled. We walked to his car and got in. "you owe me" I spoke up "what?" he asked "those girls tried to talk to me. I don't talk to people like that" I told him "oh yea" he laughed and started driving "so what do you want?" he asked "let's stay at the lake this weekend" I told him "sure" he smiled "we will have to go shopping for stuff but yes sure" he told me "I also want a picture, like one on a canvas that I can hang up" I told him "a big or small one?" he asked "a big one, or lots of small ones" I smiled "Ok deal" he smiled and held my hand.

We went back to my dorm and we walked in. I went into my room and forgot I left my bag. "Alex" I called out, he walked in a few seconds later eating candy. "I left my bag in your dorm" I told him "that's fine. I like having your stuff laying around" he smiled "that's not the point" I laughed "that was my big bag. All I have here are small bags" I told him "use a small bag then" he told me "you're such a guy" I groaned and he laughed. I grabbed my small bag and stuffed it with clothes, I grabbed purse and stuffed that one with clothes too. "are you moving out?" Brooklyn walked in "no, I'm just staying out for the weekend" I told her "you're going to need a bigger bag then" she laughed "see! She understands" I looked towards Alex "here wrap stuff in my shirt" he told me and he took it off and handed it to me. "Ew it's all sweaty" I threw it at him but it fell on the ground. He bent down to pick it up as I continued to shove clothes in my bag. "he has one too! There's no way he could've done that on himself" Brooklyn said excited. I sighed and she grabbed onto Alex's shoulders and turned him around. I got a little jealous seeing her touch him to while he's shirtless. "dude that's awesome" she smiled "I want one" she stated "who drew this one?" she asked as Alex put his shirt back on. "I did now leave us alone" I groaned. "I didn't know you could draw! I didn't know either of you could draw" she announced "yea we'd like to keep it a secret" I told her. "I'm not planning on telling anyone. But they're awesome" she smiled and walked out.

I finished packing and I noticed Alex was holding the baseball he gave me. "I also want you to come with me to visit my mom next time we get a break" I told him "what? Why?" he asked "because she's my mom and you might like it" I smiled and walked towards him. "I'm not good with parents" he admitted "my dad loves you" I laughed "that was before I was dating his daughter" he replied "no he still loves you, he's just cautious now" I laughed. He smiked and put the ball back, I grabbed my things and we left.

We got to his dorm shortly after and we went into his room. He changed the sheets and then he took a shower. I laid on the bed after I changed and I got comfortable. "are you already going to sleep?" Alex asked as he walked into the room "no I'm just relaxing" I told him. He put on boxers and some gym shorts and got in bed next to me. "do you want a sleeping bag or Air mattress?" he asked as we cuddled "an air mattress" I told him as I drew imaginary shapes along his chest. "are you hungry?" he asked "no" I looked up at him. He looked down at me and smiled "this is nice, relaxing, laying down with you just talking about whatever" I said "It is nice" he kissed my forehead. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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