Chapter 51

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I woke up the next morning and got ready for class. Alex had already ran and gotten ready when I woke up. I grabbed my things and we walked to the car. "I have practice after school today but before school for the rest of the week." he told me "ok, I work tonight, tomorrow, and friday" I told him as we got into the car. "do we have time to get coffee before school?" I asked "yea we have half an hour" he told me. We drove off campus and got coffee because the Starbucks on campus doesn't serve all of the drinks. Whenever we got our coffee Alex started driving back. I thought back to when he let me drive. I leaned over and kissed him, he smiled and kept driving. "remember when I drove?" I asked and he looked at me then back to the road. "yea?" he asked "good" I smiled and I rubbed my hand across his lap. "wait, right now?" he asked and looked down at my hand "is that a problem?" I asked "it will be if you don't hurry up" he told me. I took my time and undid his pants, I slid my hand on top of his boxers and rubbed. He groaned a couple times but he kept his focus on the road. I decided to make it harder for him. I leaned over and kissed his jaw and down his neck. I put my hand under his boxers and I felt him getting harder. I moved my hand slowly and watched his body react. He didn't look down and he gripped onto the wheel. "what do you want me to do?" I asked innocently he looked over at me with dark eyes "go faster" he told me but I moved even slower. I kissed down his neck again then I his arm and looked up at him. This got his attention. I licked my lips and kissed his arm again. He looked at the road and then moved his arm away. "two hands on the wheel remember?" I asked and removed my hand. He groaned and put it back. I moved my hand faster and then I slowed down. I did this a few times and watched as he got annoyed. I smiled and bent down. "is this what you want?" I asked. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed "baby" he groaned as he glanced down at me "you have to tell me, I don't know what you want me to do" I batted my eyelashes and looked up at him "Alex use your big boy words" I laughed and he looked at me again. I sat up and saw we were getting close to the school. I kept moving my hand slowly and I saw he slowed the car down so it'd take longer to get there. I laughed and moved my hand even slower. He moaned and continued driving. As we pulled up I removed my hand and covered him up with his boxers. "you should've told me" I whispered into his ear and I got out of the car. I looked back and saw him hit the wheel and then look down. I laughed and walked to class.

After my first two classes were over I walked to Starbucks to get a snack. Whenever I got it I walked to English. As soon as I walked in I saw Alex who looked very annoyed. I smiled and sat next to him. "hey how was your morning?" I asked smiling as I ate a bite of my muffin. He looked over at me and didn't say anything. "what?" I asked and he leaned back in his chair. I furrowed my eyebrows and then I realized what he was upset about. I laughed and continued to eat. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "seriously?" I laughed as he walked to the back of the class and sat next to Noah. "Noah keep your hands to yourself" I warned and he laughed making alex even more annoyed.

The class went by smoothly, the teacher even let us leave early today, as soon as the class was over Noah rushed over to my seat. "what'd you do to him? He's been like that all day" he laughed "I have to spend two more hours with him like this" he stated "I didn't do anything, he must've woke up annoyed or something" I laughed as I watched Alex walk out of the class "oh my gosh he's going to kill you" Noah laughed "us, he will kill us if you act too friendly" I laughed "sorry" I told him "no I understand. I told you boyfriends don't like me" he smiled and gave me a hug "I'll see you around" he said and I nodded. I walked out of class and I checked my phone. I noticed Alex was calling. "hey" I answered "come to the car?" he asked and then hung up.

I walked to his car and saw him sitting in it. "hey" I said as I opened the door. "you have 45 minutes before you have to go to work and I have an hour." he told me "ok?" I asked and got in. He started the car and drove to his dorm. I got out and followed him inside. "you were playing with me this morning" he stated and kissed me as soon as we walked into his room. "you didn't tell me" I started "I know you knew what I wanted" he stated and he lifted me up and lowered me on the bed "and what is that?" I asked and smiled "I want you to finish what you started" he told me "and what if I don't want to?" I teased "I'll do it myself" he replied and looked at me. "go ahead" I told him and I sat up. He walked away and laid on the bed next to me. He took his pants off and started to move his hand. I watched as he closed his eyes and moved his hand faster. I didn't think he would actually do it. I moved over and kissed him "stop" I told him. His eyes opened and he looked at me. "I've had an uncomfortable boner all morning and it's made me upset, please let me finish" he told me "stop" I repeated and grabbed his hand. He didn't take his eyes off of me. "I wasn't going to do it in the car Alex" I smiled and grabbed onto him "I definitely wasn't going to do anything if you didn't want me to" I told him "I wanted you to, I want you to. I always want you" he groaned as I moved my hand "you don't have to be a jerk when we can't finish" I said "I'm sorry" he told me and he pulled me into a kiss. He bit my lip and deepened the kiss as I continued to move my hand. I pulled away and I kissed the top of his hard member. He closed his eyes and moaned. I slowly took him into my mouth and I looked up at him. His eyes were shut and his hand pulled my hair. I moved and he watched me. I sucked on him until his breathing changed. I used my hand and I kept moving my hand until he came undone. I swallowed some of it but not all of it. He closed his eyes for a few moments then he kissed me. He grabbed me and pushed me onto my back. He quickly pulled down my shorts and panties. I gasped as he started sucking on me without any warning. I pulled his hair and moaned. He inserted his fingers and he pumped them into me fast while he continued to suck. I arched my back as he moved faster and faster. "Alex" I moaned. He removed his mouth and kissed me. "I want you so bad" he told me and he removed his fingers out of me and rubbed "alex" I moaned again and I pulled him into a kiss. He inserted his fingers again and I pulled away from the kiss moaning. I screwed my eyes shut and pulled his hair. "you're so beautiful" he told me. I felt myself clench around his fingers. He pumped a few more times and I came undone. He licked his fingers then he sucked everything up. He hovered over me and smirked "Alex i" I started and he kissed my neck "please" I asked "hm?" he asked I grabbed his back and pushed him down closer to me. His member rubbed against me and I gasped. "you want me" he started and I looked up at him. "I've created a sex machine and I love it" he laughed and kissed me. I gripped onto his shoulders as he slowly inserted himself. I gasped and he kissed me as he started thrusting. "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He kissed me and started his movements. I gripped onto his shoulders as he moved faster. He sucked on my neck causing my already hot body to get even hotter. I accidentally rocked my hips and both of us moaned. "do that again" he told me and I did. He suddenly pulled out causing me to whimper. "I'll be right back baby" he told me and then left the room. He came back and grabbed the handcuffs. He drug an Ice cube down my body. I watched him and he kissed me. He quickly flipped me over and handcuffed me. He spread my legs and rested a hand on my back as he inserted himself. I moaned and he thrusted into me again. He leaned forward and kissed my shoulders and ran an Ice cube down my back. I gasped and he moved and he gripped onto my butt. I moaned and he moved faster. I leaned forward and rested my head on the pillow as he moved faster. "Fuck this" he groaned and undid the handcuffs and moved and flipped me back over. "I can't stand not seeing you" he told me and I nodded "you too?" he asked and I nodded again. I gripped onto the headboard and he kissed me and started rubbing while thrusting into me. I arched my back and pulled his hair. I pulled him down and kissed him "spank me" I whispered and his eyes got darker "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He didn't do it though. He thrusted a few more times and then I screamed as I came undone. He pulled out and finished himself off.

I laid there catching my breath and then Alex lifted me up and leaned me over his legs. "what are you?" I asked and then he slapped my butt. It stung at first but it wasn't hard enough to hurt. I turned my head and looked at him. He was already watching me. "I want to know what it's like" I told him "do you know now?" he laughed "I don't think so" I told him. He spanked me again and I gasped. He wasn't hurting me, he wasn't trying to. "Now?" he asked and I shook my hand no. He chuckled and did it again, then again. Every spank got more intense. I was craving the next one. "baby you have to tell me what you like and what you don't" he told me "do it again" I asked but he didn't. Instead he lifted me up so I was sitting on his lap. "I like the ice cubes and handcuffs" he told me "I like those too" I said softly "baby don't be embarrassed. I need to know so I can make it better for you" he told me "I don't like it when you flipped me over" I told him "I didn't either, I was trying it out." he told me "do you like the spanking?" he asked and pulled me close. I got on my knees and looked down at him "I think, a little bit" I shyly told him. He spanked me and I threw my head back in pleasure "a little bit huh?" he asked and I looked at him "a little bit" I repeated and he did it again. I arched my back and my body crashed into his "I think it's more than a little bit" he smirked and kissed me. "what about this?" he asked and rubbed my boobs. I looked down at him "it feels better when we're not experimenting" I told him. "did you like it when you were ontop of me?" he asked while looking into my eyes "you did" I told him "I did" he smirked "but did you?" he asked "I don't know, I wasn't used to it" I told him "you like it when you're laying down on your back?" he asked and I nodded. He kissed me and smiled "I already knew the answers I just wanted to make sure you realized what you liked" he told me. I glanced at the clock "were going to be late" I panicked and moved off of him. "Wait a little longer?" he asked.

He held me for a while "if you didn't like something i won't make you do it again" he told me "have you ever had a girl do this stuff with you before?" I asked "I'm not forcing you" he told me "I know, I want to try new things and learn" I told him "but how many others?" I asked "I've never gone farther than the handcuffs and I threw all of them away" he told me "most of the time it wasn't a kink, I just didn't want them to touch me" he told me "the ice?" I asked "just you" he told me "why? why me?" I asked "this isn't just a faze or a hookup. I want things with you, I love you. I want us to experience things together and learn together" he told me "were you waiting?" I asked "not exactly. I tried handcuffs a long time ago and i liked it, the ice I tried with you, it drives you crazy" he smiled "I don't plan this stuff. I just want to experience it at least once" he told me "I can live without it, it wouldn't be as interesting but it'd still be awesome with you" he told me "so if I didn't want any of it?" I asked "I'd stop, I love you. I won't make you do anything youre uncomfortable with" he told me "ok" I told him.

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