Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked around but I didn't see Alex anywhere. I placed my feet on the floor and started walking to the door but I tripped over something and fell on top of something hard. I looked down and saw I was in top of alex. He groaned and opened his eyes. "I'm so sorry" I panicked and got off of him. He grabbed his stomach and groaned as he sat up. "what happened?" he asked "I didn't see you" I replied as he stood up. "are you ok?" I asked him "I'm fine" he smiled "are you ok? Is anything hurt?" he asked looking me over "I'm ok" I replied "I'm so sorry" I told him again "stazie I'm fine" he laughed and pulled me into a hug. I froze but eventually wrapped my hands  around his back. "why were you sleeping on the floor?" I asked him "I didn't want to end up cuddling with you and you freaking out on me" he told me "I wouldnt have" I said quitely "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable" he said "thanks but you didn't have to sleep down there" I told him.

We didn't do much at all for the rest of the day. We skipped our classes and watched TV and movies all day while snacking. I couldn't get what happened out of my mind but I didn't want to tell Alex because he already looks at me differently and I hate it.

I've been trying to eat a lot more today. I finished off the stuff I got last night which was soup and veggies. I could tell me eating made Alex happy. I haven't really noticed I haven't been eating. I just haven't felt like myself since everything happened.

The next few weeks went by really fast. I skipped two weeks worth of classes before I decided to force myself to go. The school has been investigating Bentleys case. Bentley told his family about Alex assaulting him so they're pressing charges against him. My mom and dad got a lawyer for me and eight girls stepped forward saying they've been sexually assaulted and even raped by him.

My first class was weird. Whenever I walked in everyone looked at me differently, a girl I never spoke to before sat down next to me and kept sending me sad glances. The principal said all of the girls names would be confidential but I could tell everyone already knew what happened. "miss Clark" my professor pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a couple of men in suits standing at the door. "you're needed in the office" my professor said. I stood up and grabbed my things and followed the men to the office.

Whenever I walked inside my mom and dad were sitting down along with eight girls, their parents, Alex, and the administrators of the school board. "please sit Anastasia" a woman said. I sat in between my mom and dad. "thank you for coming everyone. This is a meeting about a fellow student Bentley parkin. Everyone in this room has had some sort of issue with him is that correct?" she asked and i looked towards my mom then around the room. The girls nodded their heads so I did as well. "I am going to need all of you to tell a brief summary of what your experience was" she told us. "excuse me, we are the Clark's lawyers. We're also Mr. Johnsons laywer. I hope it's ok if we can take notes as well" one of the men annonced. "of course" she replied.

They went one by one around the room listening to the girls horrible stories. Most of them were just like mine but a few were worse. Alex was the only one being charged for assault though which confused me. Bentley did so much worse.

Once the meeting was over I talked with the girls and we exchanged numbers. We made a group chat so we could all talk.

I got back to my room and I was  exhausted. Tired from dealing with this Bentley stuff. Tired of school. Tired of trying not to act different. My friends knew what happened, I told everyone last week whenever they finally pointed out I wasn't acting normal. They are so supportive. How did I get so lucky to have such amazing friends?

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