Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning and tried to get out of bed but something was holding me. More like someone. I held back a scream and turned around and saw Alex sleeping. I sighed and left the room after closing the door. I noticed Mason on the couch eating my food I had in the fridge. "mason-" I started but I didn't have it in me to yell at him. "sorry I was hungry and this was the only decently prepared meal I could find" he smiled and continued to stuff his face. "oh and Alex came by at like early thirty this morning and wouldn't go away until I showed him you were ok. He wasn't in the best shape. He smelt bad. Like he took a bath in alcohol and he wouldn't leave" he confessed "why don't you live in your own dorm?" I asked ignoring everything he told me "I like you guys more than my roommates" he told me. I walked over to him and sat on the couch and laid my head on his shoulder. He pulled me closer and brushed my hair out of my face. "you weren't exactly in the best shape last night either. Nothing like alex but you were a mess" he spoke up "I didn't even know you were here" I told him "I didn't want to bother you" he confessed.

Everyone had to leave so I stayed and tried to relax while Alex slept off his hangover.

"STAZIE?!" I heard him shout "ANASTASIA?" he shouted again and I heard stuff being moved in my room "ANASTASIA!?" he shouted again and ran out of my room looking frantically for me. He turned around and saw me on the couch. "oh my gosh. You scared me" he confessed and ran his hand through his hair a few times. "Anast-" he started after taking a deep breath and calming down some "stop" I said and closed my eyes "what?" he asked "I said stop" I repeated "why?" he asked "I want you to leave" I annonced "what?" he asked in disbelief "leave" I stood up and walked into the kitchen "I'm not leaving until we talk" he told me I could tell he was trying irritated "you can't ditch me in the middle of nowhere! I had to lie to your sister and tell her I wanted to walk home!  That's the last thing I wanted!  You know I hate walking but you left me! You know it took me 45 minutes to get here?! 45 minutes of walking! I have blisters on my feet from my shoes and my head really hurts. I told you to leave." I calmed down "sta-" he started "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE ALEX!?" TAKE A HINT!" I screamed "you're not the only one with a headache. Please don't scream" he told me. I laughed. Like actually laughed. "you know why you have a headache? Why you woke up and it's 3pm? Why you smell like sweat and alcohol? Ding ding! You went out and got drunk. Then decided to be an intoxicated idiot and drive here!" I yelled. He took a deep breath "I'm sorry-" he started "THEN WHENEVER YOU GET HERE YOU FORCED YOURSELF IN AND DECIDED TO SLEEP IN MY BED!" I shouted as I got angry "i-" he started "let me guess.. You're sorry? Did i get it right?" I laughed and grabbed a plate of food and a cup of water and started to make my way to the counter "anast-" he started "i-" I started "SHUT UP!" he yelled "SHUT UP FOR ONCE!" he continued "I CANT EVEN GET A WORD OUT BECAUSE YOU WON'T STOP TALKING!!" he yelled and I didn't like it. He ran his hand through his hair "YOURE THE ONE THAT STARTED ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT!" he screamed and it scared me "I wasn't-" I started but he interrupted me "what! You didn't what?! Cause this? You know I have a problem with my father and you made me go there!" He shouted "i-" I started "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled and swung his hand through the air and when he did it hit my arm hard and I dropped the plate and the cup onto the floor and the glass shattered. He immediately stopped telling and tried to grab me "I'm sorry" he started "please just leave" I begged as tears ran down my face "Alex leave!" I yelled just as David walked through the door "hey is mas-" he started "WHAT THE HELL!?" he yelled and ran towards us. He grabbed Alex and pushed him against the wall "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" he shouted "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he yelled and slammed him against the wall again "IF YOU DON'T-" he started "just make him leave" I said barley audible and David immediately grabbed him and threw him out of the door and locked it. He came back over to me. "are you ok?" he asked and I started crying "hey" he spoke softly and walked towards me and stepped on the broken glass with his shoes. He brushed my hair out of the way and whipped the tears. "are you hurt?" he asked "I don't think so" I told him "here" he said and lifted me so I was sitting on the counter. "your foot is bleeding." he announced "let me get the floor cleaned and I'll get the first aid kit. Hold this on it" he told me while handing me a napkin. "thanks" I told him "you're welcome" he said softly and cleaned the floor. He took off his shoes and went to get the first and kit. He came back and pulled out the piece of glass and put a couple band aids on it. "thanks" I told him again "did he hurt you?" he asked "no we were yelling at each other and he accidentally hit my arm and I dropped everything I was holding" I told him "where'd he hit you?" he asked "not like that" I told him "let me see" he told me and I showed him but nothing was there "he didn't forcefully hit you?" he asked "no of course not. He accidentally hit my arm. He wouldn't hit me." I told him.

For the rest of the day David didn't leave. He demanded that he stay and watch over me. Which meant we were watching movies and joking around. But it was nice. I've never had guy friends back home. I didn't really Have any friends. This was something I can get use to.

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