Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered not looking at the caller ID "good morning we will be leaving in 45 minutes so please get ready" my dads voice came through the speaker "ok" I replied and ended the call. I got dressed, went down to the buffet and ate then grabbed my bag and went to the front desk. Once my dad arrived we checked out, got in the car and left.

We arrived at the university around 2 pm and my dad called the principal once they hung up my dad took me to the dorms and dropped me off. I grabbed all of my bags and went where my dad told me to go which led me to an office. "Hello" a lady's voice pierced through the silence as I walked in "hi" I replied "how may I help you?" She asked "my dad told me to come in here" I told her "ok what's your name?" She asked "Anastasia Clark" I replied "oh you're Charlie's daughter" she stated, I nodded in agreement "it's a pleasure to meet you, you're dad is a wonderful man" she said "let me just check what rooms have an extra bed" she continued and stared typing on her computer as I took a seat. After a few minutes she spoke up "there's a few rooms you can choose from" she started "there's room 125 which is right down the hall" she announced and pointed to the right "there's room 240 and room 312" she continued "how many people are living there?" I asked "well in 125 there's already two but two beds are available, in 240 and 312 are three person dorm rooms." She said and i internally groaned. I can't have a room to myself. "I'll go with 312 I guess." I replied after a few moments. She smiled and started typing on her computer. She printed out a few papers then handed me some keys. "These are the directions to the dorm along with a map of the school. These are the programs we offer. This paper is the rules and regulations of on-campus as well as off-campus dorms. And last but not least these are your keys, the gold one is for your dorm, and the silver one is for the shower room. You're lucky though because room 312 has a shower inside of the apartment the key is just mandatory." she said sliding me the papers and the keys I thanked her and walked to the room and secretly hoped nobody was inside once I arrived.

I slid the key into the lock and twisted it and opened the door. Nobody is here thankfully. I looked around and the place was massive. I was picturing a hotel type room but I was completely wrong. It had a small living room and a tiny kitchen which only had a one burner stove with no oven, a mini fridge and a sink and little counter space which was taken up by a coffee pot and a microwave. I walked out of the kitchen and the door opened. In walked two girls and three guys laughing. Once they saw me they got quite. "Hi are you lost?" one of the guys said. He had curly blonde hair with green eyes, he was average height but he had a nice style. "Oh uhm no I was assigned to stay in this room. My name is Anastasia" I spoke up and extended my hand "oh my goodness you're beautiful" one of the girls spoke up. "thank you" I said laughing "I'm Brooklyn" she added and pulled me into a hug "I stay in that room" she said pointing down the hall. She shorter than me a few inches, I assume she is maybe 5'5" because I am 5'7". She had long blonde hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a cheerleader outfit. "hi I'm Madison" a girl with medium length black hair said. She had brown eyes and was around the same height as me. "I'm in the room right next to Brook" she said and smiled. "I'm mason by the way" the guy that asked if I was lost spoke up. "that's David and that's Jack" he said pointing to the other guys. The guy introduced as David had light brown hair and brown eyes, whereas Jack had blonde hair and blue eyes. "it's nice to meet everyone" I said I glanced over at Jack and noticed he had a baseball bag. "do you play baseball?" I asked "yea" he replied "we were going to go to the game did you want to come with us?" Brooklyn asked. No I didn't want to go. I'll see my dad and I'm really not in the mood. "yea it'd be fun!" Madison said excitedly "plus the guys are cute" David said causing everyone to laugh. "keep your hands to yourself you horndog" Mason said "I'll keep my hands on you" David announced and winked "are you two?" I started "yes we're gay" Mason said laughing. "that's cool" I replied "please come with us it'll be fun" Brook persuaded "but I'm not dressed for a baseball game" I answered "well we came back to change because I just got out of practice so you can change if you want" she replied. I'm not getting out of this I thought "Ok I'll go get ready" I announced and walked towards the only available room. I heard someone walking behind me but I ignored it. I walked in and a body walked to the other side of the room and set something down so I turned around. It was Jack. "what are you doing?" I asked "I have some stuff In here I was going to get" he said nonchalantly "why?" I asked confused "because Brooklyn wanted me to stay with her last night so I slept in here." he replied and grabbed his things "don't worry the sheets are clean we didn't do anything in here" he replied with a smirk. Ew. He grabbed his bag and left and shut the door. I shuffled through my bag until I found a decent outfit to wear. It was light blue shorts with a white shirt. I rebrushed my brown hair and did light makeup to make my greenish gray eyes pop. I put on my shoes and grabbed a bag and walked out. "Mason were leaving" David announced as we walked towards the door. Brooklyn changed into dark blue shorts paired with a blue shirt with her hair in a ponytail, and Madison changed into black shorts with a green shirt and her hair in a bun. As we walked towards the parking lot I panicked for a second "wait I don't have a car" I announced and stopped walking "neither do i" Madison said as if it wasn't a big deal "then how are we going to the game?" I asked "we normally carpool. "David takes Mason and myself and Jack goes with Brooklyn" she said "you can come with us or them it doesn't matter" Mason said running towards us. I decided to go with Madison.

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