Chapter 60

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When I woke up the next morning the bed was empty. I was confused but I shrugged it off and grabbed my laptop. I knew most of the stores would be closed so I decided to buy Bri's gift online and have it shipped to her moms house. I searched Urban Outfitters, gap,  and topshop. I bought her a nice dress, and a pair of shoes then I went on Kyliecosmetics and bought her a lip kit, and a eyeshadow palette.

After my hour of online shopping came to an end I got up and went downstairs to find the house empty. I walked around but nobody was home. I didn't want to call my mom in case she was at work so I decided to call Alex. The phone rang a few times "hey baby" he answered "hi" I replied as I walked over and sat on the couch. "how long have you been gone?" I asked "I didn't have anything for your mom so I'm driving around trying to find a good store that's open" he replied "what kind of present are you thinking of?" I asked "oh shit" He said quickly "Alex what happened?" I asked as I started getting nervous "I missed my turn, hold on babe" he told me. "Ok" he sighed after a few moments. "you scared me" I confessed "sorry, I didn't mean to" he responded "you know she mentioned to me that she wanted to get a new jewelry set, she said she saw one that had pink gems and she really liked it" I told him "where?" he asked. I filled him in on where to go but I warned it might not be open. Eventually we hung up so he could drive carefully.

After I hung up I went into the kitchen and made a fruit salad and started eating it, as soon as I sat down the front door opened and my mom walked in with a few groceries. "hey honey" she smiled as she sat the bags on the counter. "hey, what did you buy?" I asked "I just grabbed a few things for dinner tomorrow that I forgot the other day while I was out" she smiled and put the food away. "where's Alex?" she asked as she got a cup of water and sat down with me "running around trying to find an open store" I laughed. "oh well it's crazy out there, plus it's starting to snow again" she told me "well I hope he drives carefully then" I annonced as I put my bowl in the sink. "you really like this boy don't you?" she asked before taking a sip of water "I do" I smiled "I mean he's not perfect but at the same time he is. He treats me amazing and he makes me feel safe and loved" I continued as I turned around and leaned on the counter "so how long have you two been dating? I know it's been a while" she asked "well pretty much since I started school, but then we broke up and I was a complete mess mom. It was ridiculous, but after a bit we ended up back together and he's completely changed. Before he was kind of a jerk a little, I don't know how to describe it. I liked him but he didn't have the best reputation and I don't know. It was different at first. Now he's kind of settled down and -" I continued but I was cut off "I fell in love. I was always in love with your daughter but I didn't pay attention until she came back from break and it was just us. She's the best thing thats ever happened to me" Alex spoke up. I quickly turned around and saw him standing by the door with a couple bags in his hands. I gasped and ran over to him, I pulled him into a hug which made him laugh loudly and hug me back. "hey beautiful" he smiled and kissed my neck "hey" I replied. "I'm happy for both of you" my mom smiled before she walked upstairs. "I didn't hear you come inside" I told him as I took in his appearance, he had on a black shirt with sweater and a jacket and his pants and Nike running shoes. "you were too caught up in the story of how we fell in love" he teased and sat the bags down as he took off his jacket. "ugh, what'd you buy" I changed the subject which caused him to smile. He took off his sweater and hung both of them on the jacket rack. He picked up the bags and walked upstairs not answering my question. I followed him into my room and sat on the bed. "I think I found the jewelry so I got that, I also got a hat and gloves for me" he smiled. I watched as he sat on the floor and took the jewelry out of the bag and grabbed the wrapping paper. "that's it! Its so pretty" I smiled he looked up and smiled "it's the right one?" he asked and I nodded.

He quickly wrapped the present and then he stood up and I pulled him to me and gave him a kiss. "you're the best" I smiled. He kissed me again and then kissed his way to my ear "I really fucking love you" he whispered and then sucked on my neck which made me moan. I gently pushed him away and smiled "none of that today." I pointed my finger at him and he laughed "I love you" he told me "I love you too" I replied.

A few hours past and I got the sudden urge to play in the snow. I walked downstairs and saw Alex in the kitchen and my mom on the couch watching tv. I quietly snuck out of the back door after putting on my jacket. As soon as I saw the snow on the ground I ran into the middle of the yard and laid down. I grabbed a handful and let it slowly melt against my warm skin. I started moving my arms and legs back and forth until a snow angel started to form. "Was I not invited?" I heard alex ask. I looked up and saw him standing near the door watching me "of course you're invited" I smiled and watched as he walked over to me and sat down. "coach is going to kill me" he sighed and laid down "why?" I asked "I haven't been working out and I've been eating so much food" he chuckled and pulled me down into the snow next to him "you do know my dad is your coach so he technically can't kill you because we're dating" I smiled and kissed him "I need to start running again, but it's so difficult to do that here" he sighed again and ran his hands down my back "we could go to the gym or something?" I offered "you'd go to the gym with me?" He asked "I'm not I'd work out but yea I'd go with you if you want me to" I told him. "Anastasia, Bri is here" my mom called out before we could continue talking "I guess it's time to go" I groaned and got up.

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