Chapter 68

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I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. I laid in bed hoping someone else would answer it but they weren't. I groaned and got up and walked to the door and opened it. "Hey baby" Alex smiled once he saw me. "Hi" I replied and let him in "sorry we haven't been able to hang out. I've been so busy getting ready for next semester and I'm trying to get ready for baseball season. You know how much work goes into being an athlete" he replied smiling. I wanted to laugh at his lame excuse but I missed him too much to do anything. "That's fine" I replied "so I was thinking, maybe we could go to the lake today. Or if you wanted to go somewhere else we can do that" he told me and I nodded "the lake sounds good, i just have to get dressed" i told him. He sat down on the couch while i went to my room and threw on a long sleeve and pants. Once i was finsihed i walked out and we left.

The drive to the lake was mostly quite. Neither of us spoke up. The only sound came from the music playing quietly.

"did you grab a jacket?" alex asked as he parked the car "no, i didnt think it'd be this cold today" i confessed and he smiled. "good thing i have an extra one in the trunk" he replied and opened the door. He walked around the car and grabbed it out of the trunk and brought it to me. "thanks" i smiled once i saw it was his baseball jacket and i put it on. We walked down to the lake and sat in the grass looking out at the lake. "It's so beautiful out here" Alex confessed "it is. I love it here" I replied and he turned to look at me. I furrowed my eyebrows "what?" I asked "You're the best thing that's happened to me." He replied smiling which made me smile "I'm serious Stazie. I don't even want to imagine what I'd be doing if I never meet you." He told me "I know what you'd be doing. You'd be partying and sleeping with random girls" I told him "probably but I don't like thinking about that." He confessed "then I guess it's a good thing you met me" I replied smiling. He smiled back and softly kissed my forehead.

After a few hours we went back to my dorm room and watched a movie and decided to order food. After we ate I turned on another movie. "What is this?" Alex asked "honestly I have no idea, it's one of Brooklyns movies" I replied laughing "your roommates have a weird taste in movies" he replied. I turned to look at him and he noticed me staring at him. He smiled and kissed me. I immediately kissed him back and pulled him towards me. He picked me up and carried me into my room and shut the door. He laid me down on the bed and started kissing down my neck. I wrapped my fingers through his hair and pulled at it to get his attention. He looked up at me and slipped his hands underneath my shirt. He kissed me again as his hands undid my bra. I pulled off his shirt and he pulled mine off. The kiss got even more heated and he took off my pants leaving me in my underwear. He slid his fingers down until they touched my most sensitive spot. I moaned and pulled him into another kiss. He moved his fingers around and he kissed down my chest. "Alex don't make me wait" I groaned. He immediately responded by taking off his pants and my underwear. He positioned himself and slowly slid into me. I moaned and grabbed his arms as he started thrusting into me. He took his time, memorizing how our bodies mold perfectly together. We both reached our climaxes together. When we finished alex laid next to me rubbing shapes on my skin and whispering sweet nothings into my ear until I fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to an empty bed and I looked around and noticed Alex's clothes were gone. I started panicking. He wouldn't have sex and then leave would he? Something inside of me told me that time was different. But I didn't want to believe it. I quickly threw on a shirt and I left the room checking the rest of the dorm. It was empty. No sigh of alex or my roommates. Freaking out I ran back to my room and grabbed my phone. I dialed Alex's number but he didn't answer. I tried again, no answer. He seriously didn't leave me. My heart was beating hard and fast. I sat on my bed trying to figure out what to do. That's when I saw the note.

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