Chapter 38

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"Alex! Man are you here?!" I woke up to the sound of Jack yelling. I remembered I was in Alex's room and everyone was arriving today. I looked up at Alex still sleeping. I moved closer to him and he opened his eyes and smiled. "I haven't slept that good in a while" he told me and kissed my forehead "good morning" he smiled "good morning" I replied. The door flung open "Alex are you-" jack started "you aren't supposed to come in my room like this, you know that man!" Alex groaned. I pulled the sheet above my head as Alex stood up. "what do you want?" he asked and left the room and shut the door. I sat up and checked my phone. I saw Brooklyn called twice. It's almost noon. Oh gosh. I started to panic whenever Alex walked back in with my clothes. "sorry he couldn't find his baseball uniform" he groaned and laid on the bed. He pulled me back down and into a hug. "what did he say about us?" I asked "nothing. He knows not to ask me about certain things" he told me and kissed my neck. "I told him to leave for half an hour so you can get ready without him here" he told me "I thought you'd be more comfortable" he finsihed "you didn't have to kick out your roommate" I laughed "too late" he smiled and sat up. "let's go get breakfast" he offered and grabbed a shirt and put it on along with some gym shorts. I slipped my bra underneath the shirt I was wearing and put it on so I didn't have to get naked. "don't look" I told him and turned around. I slid out of his boxers and put my panties on. I put my running pants on and turned around to see Alex watching me. "I told you not to look" I laughed "I can't help myself" he smiled and walked towards me then kissed me.

Alex drove us to my dorm so I could get some regular clothes on. We walked through the dorms and I saw Lucy. She noticed I was with Alex and she walked away. "that's not the best feeling" I spoke up as we walked down the hall "what isn't?" he asked "seeing a girl who's slept with the guy I've slept with" I admitted "stazie don't think about them. They don't mean anything to me, you do" He told me "yea but what if they had feeling for you and you hurt them?" I asked "I hurt a lot of people in the past, that's my problem not yours. Don't think about anyone else. I'm all yours, I promise" he told me and kissed my forehead.

I walked inside my dorm and saw Brooklyn running around putting her things away. "there you are! I've been calling you, where have you been?" she asked then saw Alex with me. "oh" she said and turned around "so you're with him again?" she asked and grabbed her things and went into her room. I sent Alex an apologetic look and he sat down on the couch as I went into her room. "I don't like this" she stated "I know, but he's changed" I told her "how do you know. He could be messing with you again" she said as she put her clothes away "I can tell he's changed." I replied "well you know I don't like it. Madison probably won't like it but we can't have you for being in love" she announced "I already told him you guys would castrate him if anything happened" I laughed "well then, I guess I can live with you two together." she smiled and pulled me into a hug. "speaking of Madison, have you talked to her?" I asked "yes. She will be here in a few hours" she told me "ok" I replied.

"I'm leaving I'll be back soon" I annonced after I changed my clothes "Ok, alex don't try anything stupid" Brooklyn warned and I laughed. We walked out and got into his car. "she's very protective" I laughed "I can see that" he smiled.

We had breakfast then Alex dropped me off back at my dorm. I helped Brooklyn unpack then we waited until Madison arrived then we helped her unpack.

A month has passed since everyone got back. I have a class with Alex surprisingly and it just happens to be my last class of the day, three days a week. It's English, his strong subject. We've been together and it's been nice. We're officially dating again and I'm very happy.

"hey there" Alex said while wrapping his arms around my waist. "hey" I smiled as he kissed my neck. I turned around and saw his shining eyes. "we have a game tomorrow, will you come with me?" he asked "sure" I replied and walked inside the class. Alex sat in his regular seat next to me. "hey Alex I wanted to tell you good luck for the game" a girl annonced as she walked past us. "thanks" he smiled at her then he looked at me. "I'm all yours" he smirked and sat his books on the table. "shut up" I groaned and got out my stuff.

During class all we did was read and write essays about what we read. I was ready to leave after I read the first paragraph but I knew I had to focus and get everything done. Once it was time to leave I turned in my papers and walked back to the table and waited on Alex. "ready?" he asked and I nodded.

We walked towards the parking lot and a couple baseball guys walked with us talking to Alex about the game. I zoned out but then I heard him say "I'll see you guys tomorrow" and he grabbed my hand. I smiled and we got into the car.

We drove back to my dorm so we could study together for a little bit. Whenever we walked in it was empty. I went to my room as Alex got some water. I put my books on my bed and started reading them. "I've got law stuff to do" he annonced and grabbed his law book. "I'm doing medical stuff" I laughed and held up my book "it's going to be a long night" he sighed and opened the book. He sat against the headboard and I leaned on his chest.

After a few hours of reading and taking notes I decided to take a break. I sighed and left the room. I got cup of water and a fruit bowl and went back into the room. I ate some of the fruit and Alex occasionally stole a few pieces. I didn't eat much just a little. Alex took a sip of his water and then he leaned in and kissed my shoulder dragging the ice cube along my skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He kissed my neck and then ate the ice before he kissed me again.

We kissed for a while and then Alex shoved the books off of my bed and laid me down. "that cost a lot of money you know" I smiled "but you're priceless" he told me. He smiled and slid his hands under my shirt. I pulled at his and he took it off then took mine off. He kissed down my chest and stomach then slid my pants off. He gasped and took off my panties. He didn't waste any time, he started rubbing and he brought his head up and kissed me passionately then he kissed his way back down in between my legs. He pushed his fingers inside of me as his tongue flicked against me. I moaned and arched my back. He sucked my aching spot and I screamed. He smiled and pumped faster and rubbed his tongue against me until my eyes screwed shut and I arched my back. He held me down and sucked up everything.

He made his way back up to my lips and he kissed me. I let my hands explore down his chest and I slipped them into his gym shorts. He groaned and kissed me. I rubbed him through his boxers and he seemed to get impatient. He bit my shoulder and then kissed it as I slipped my hand underneath the last bit of fabric separating us. He moaned right whenever I touched him. I rubbed his length as he kissed me and he moaned whenever I moved my hand or changed the speed. I disconnected our lips and I pulled down his shorts and boxers. I took his length into my mouth and Alex moaned loudly. His hands tugged on my hair as I sucked him. His breathing became hitched and his grip tightened and he cams undone. I sucked him clean even though it was really salty. "I love you so much" he told me as I kissed him "I love you too" I told him. "we should study together more often" he smiled and kissed me.

After we cleaned up we finished studying and we watched Tv. "it's getting late, and I still have to go for a run. I'll come by tomorrow?" he asked and kissed my cheek "ok" I told him and stood up. He stood up and pulled me into a hug and kissed me before he left.

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