Chapter 55

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I looked around confused and trying to figure out where Alex went. "Good morning beautiful" alex announced as he walked into the room. "Where'd you go?" I asked still half asleep "I put my bags in the car" he told me as he laid on the bed and pulled me next to him. "You're practically naked" I groaned as I leaned into his chest which caused him to laugh "I have gym sorts on" he kissed me softly "and how many people saw your bare chest?" I asked and sat up "probably no one" he told me. "I just don't like the idea of other people seeing you without clothes on" i confessed. He pulled me to him "i know" he whispered and kissed me again.

After a few minutes I finally got up and took a shower. Once I finished showering I put on my navy lace halter bra with a loose shirt and skinny jeans. I let my hair naturally dry and I cleaned up the room while Alex showered.

Once we were ready to go, we walked out to the car and got in. "what do you want for breakfast?" Alex asked as he started driving. "I really want a blueberry muffin" I confessed as I opened snapchat on my phone. "so Starbucks?" he asked "sounds good to me" I smiled as I opened Brooklyns snap. It was a picture of her smiling with the caption "it's almost Christmas bitches!" I smiled and once Alex stopped at a red light I took picture of us smiling and I saved it then I wrote "don't have too much fun without me" then i sent it to her.

A few minutes later we pulled up at Starbucks, I didn't want any coffee so I got water and my muffin, Alex got his regular coffee and a croissant. Once we received our things we started the long drive to Michigan.

Throughout the ride we talked about random things. From how many times truck drivers have to change their tires, to how competitive eaters can eat that much food. After 5 hours of driving we decided to stop in Charleston West Virginia and get some lunch and put more gas in the car.

We decided to get panera for lunch, we got off of the highway and drove to the nearest panera. Alex parked the car then got out. I opened the car door and I was immediately hit by cold air. I wrapped my arms around myself and rushed inside.

We ordered our food, got our drink and choose our table. "I didn't realize how far Michigan was from the school" alex laughed as he sat down in front of me. "We could stay in a hotel overnight and finish the drove tomorrow?" I offered and sipped on my green tea. "I'd rather finish it tonight so we can relax tomorrow" he replied and played with his straw. "I can drive if you want to rest for a little bit" I told him and he nodded.

We quickly got our meals and immediately started eating. I got half of a sandwich and a small bowl of broccoli cheddar soup, alex got a full sandwich and a side salad.

Whenever we finished eating we walked out towards the car. "It feels like the temperature dropped 20 degrees since we first went inside" alex groaned as he unlocked the car. Once both of us were inside he started the car and turned on the heat. "I thought you were used to the cold, it snows in Texas" I laughed "I know but it took my by surprise" he replied as we got back on the highway and continued the long drive.

After almost 4 more hours of driving we stopped in Findlay Ohio. We went to McDonald's and got a quick meal and then decided to put some more gas in the car. As well pulled into the gas station alex looked over at me. "Do you want anything from inside?" He asked "can you get some waters and a few snacks?" I asked him "sure" he smiled and got out. Before he went inside he grabbed a jacket from his bag in the trunk since the sun already set and it was just going to keep getting colder. He walked over to my window and knocked then motioned for me to roll it down as he slid into his jacket. "What's up?" I asked just before he stuck his head into the car and kissed me. I gasped because I wasn't expecting that, but then I kissed him back. He pulled away after a few seconds smiling. "Roll up the window I don't want you getting sick" he winked then walked towards the store. I smiled the whole time he was in there finding our snacks and grabbing the water. I looked over to the drivers seat and decided it was time for him to rest and I drive. I unhooked my seatbelt and climbed over the console so I wouldn't have to go outside. Once I finally flopped into the seat I noticed alex was walking out with a few bags. He noticed me and laughed. He walked over to the passenger side and put the bags in before he put gas in the car. Once he filled up the car he got in and buckled his seatbelt. "Before you start driving I want to do something" he announced, I looked at him patiently waiting for him to talk again but he didn't. He pulled me into another kiss. This one was more passionate than the first one. I leaned over and pulled him closer, he groaned and wrapped a hand around my back. I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed onto his lap so I could get closer. He grabbed my butt and pulled me as close as he could. I pulled his hair which caused another groan and I smiled. He kissed down my jaw and onto my neck which caused me to moan quietly. Just as he was working his way back to my lips a cheering came from outside. I pulled away and saw a group of guys whistling and laughing at us. I quickly got back into the drivers seat and Alex rolled down the window "fuck off you perverts" he shouted at them as they continued cheering. I quickly drove off feeling embarrassed and slightly insecure. As I stopped at a red light alex reached over and grabbed my hand. "I love you" he said before he kissed my knuckles "that was so embarrassing" I replied as I felt my cheeks heat back up. "That was fucking amazing, those pervs should've minded their own business." He told me as I continued driving.

After an hourly driving I glanced over and noticed alex was asleep. I smiled to myself, I knew he was getting tired he just didn't want to say anything. I decided to turn on the radio. As soon as I turned it on it started playing music very loudly, I jumped and turned the volume all the way down. I noticed Alex moving around but he didn't wake up all the way thankfully. I slowly turned it back up, just loud enough so I could hear it softly. I hummed along to the songs as time past. I started seeing familiar sights as I drove into Michigan. I once again smiled to myself, I definitely missed being home.

I continued to drive for 2 and a half hours before I got into Grande rapids. I checked the time and saw it was 3 in the morning. I quickly dialled my moms number and put it on speaker. I heard a commotion before she spoke. "Anastasia?" she sounded like she just woke up. "sorry to wake you up but I just wanted to let you know we will be there in about 45 minutes." I told her as I pulled off the highway and stopped at a red light. "Ok honey I'll see you then" she replied before she hung up. I quietly laughed and then decided to wake Alex. "Alex" I called out but he didn't respond "Alex wake up" I reached over and tapped his arm, still nothing. I groaned as the light turned green and I continued driving. After as few minutes I stopped at another red light. "Alex wake up" I announced again but this time I shook him. He groaned and moved towards the door. "Alex" I said again as I shook him. He groaned even louder "baby let me sleep" he replied "if you wake up I'll give you the best sex you've ever had" I smiled as I taunted him. He rolled over and opened his eyes. "I always have the best sex with you" He smiled as the light turned green. "well, I'll make it even better" I replied as I continued driving "how?" he asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. I had no idea what to say. I thought about all of the things he liked. Ice, handcuffs, my lace underwear. "I'll go out and by the sexiest underwear" I told him and he yawned and stretched. "you already have sexy underwear" he replied and looked at me "well then you don't get anything" I smiled and continued driving. "baby" he groaned "you didn't like what I offered" I replied. "I didn't say that" he smiled and leaned over and kissed my cheek "stop I'm driving" I told him. "that never stopped us before" he smirked and kissed me again "Alex I'm serious, stop" I told him. He sighed and flopped into his seat.

I finally pulled up to my moms house at 4 am. I turned the car off and opened the door. I immediately regretted it, I quickly shut the door to keep the heat inside. "here put on my jacket" Alex said as he took if off. "no then you'll be cold, I'll just get mine out of the trunk" I told him. "stazie use mine. I'd rather be cold then see you cold" he told me and handed me his jacket. Before I could protest he got out of the car and shut the door. I sighed and put the jacket on. I got out of the car and helped Alex get our bags. Once we got everything out we locked the car and walked towards the house. I tried the door handle and it was unlocked. I opened the door and saw a big Christmas tree with wrapped presents under it. Then I saw my mom sitting on the couch watching the news with a cup of coffee. "mom it's dangerous to leave the door unlocked" I annonced as we walked inside, she quickly stood up and ran over to us. "I saw you drive up, I just didn't want to go outside" she said while she pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed and hugged her back. After a few moments we pulled apart and she looked behind me. "it's nice to see you again alex" she smiled and gave him a quick hug. "it's nice seeing you again" smiled.  I thought back to when they saw each other before, at the hospital after Bentley. "what's wrong?" Alex noticed my mood change. "nothing, I'm just tired" I lied "I'd imagine so, you guys did just drive for a while. I put fresh sheets on the bed and I put clean towels in the bathroom" my mom smiled. "you guys are sharing a room right? If not I can set up the guest room" she added "I wouldn't want you to have to set up the guest room, I think we will manage" Alex smiled "of course you will" my mom laughed and wiggled her eyebrows "mom!" I yelled feeling embarrassed "Ok, Ok. I have to go to the office today but I should be home by dinner." she announced and hugged me again before she walked to the kitchen and grabbed her bag of of the counter then left. "she's awesome" Alex laughed from behind me. A few moments later he walked behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist "baby what's wrong?" he asked again. I turned around so I was facing him "I was just thinking about the whole Bentley thing" I confessed. His body tensed and he pulled me into a hug. "what about it?" he asked "that's the first time you met my mom" I sighed "let's just say that was our first time socializing, this will be the first time we actually meet. She'll tell me funny stories from when you were a baby and she'll show me baby pictures, it'll be great" he smiled. "I will burn the pictures before you can see them" I told him which made him laugh "just don't think about him ok? It makes me want to kill him even more" he whispered and pulled me even closer. "come on, let's go to bed" I told him and led him up to my old bedroom.

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