Chapter 48

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I woke up the next morning to Alex getting ready for a run, I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. As he was leaving he kissed my forehead.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turned it off and stumbled into the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready. I walked back into the room and fixed the bed. "good morning Beautiful" Alex annonced as he walked in. "good morning" I smiled "how was your run?" I asked as he got his clothes "very humid" he told me. I groaned because I decided to make my hair look nice and it's probably going to get ruined. He smiled and walked into the bathroom.

Not too long later he walked out and got ready. I noticed the drawing on his back was pretty faded, I completely forgot to look at mine. "ready?" he asked and I nodded. We walked out and got into his car. We drove to school and did the normal routine of walking together until we couldn't anymore.

My classes went by super fast which was nice. Before I knew it I was walking towards English. I walked in and sat by myself for a while. I noticed Alex and Noah walked in together. I furrowed my eyebrows and focused on my papers again. "hey" Alex smiled "what was that?" I asked "that was a conversation, no arguing, no jealousy or hatred. A real conversation" he laughed "Intresting" I replied.

Alex and Noah had to leave class a little early due to the game. I finished my work and waited to be dismissed.

I met up with Brooklyn after class and we went to the game together. Today's game was really early for some reason. Whenever we arrived we got in our normal spot and hung out with Madison, Mason and David.

The game was pretty normal. Alex was playing amazing, he hit a walk off home run which sent the crowd crazy. The final score was 20-3, we won.

Alex made his way over to me, stopping along the way to talk with fellow students. When he finally got to me he pulled me into a hug. "you played amazing" I smiled and kissed him "here's the winning ball" he smiled and handed it to me "I'll sign it later if you want" he winked and laughed. We walked to his car and got in. "ready to go shopping?" he asked "right now?" I asked "yes right now. We still have to eat and get to the lake" he told me "ok" I replied. He drove to the nearest store, we got out and walked around looking for equipment. We found a tent and a blow up mattress, I grabbed some snacks and waters and Alex got new markers, paint, a few different sized canvas, and a floating device for the lake. We purchased all of the stuff and then we filled the car up.

We went to Alex's dorm, he took a shower and got changed. After he showered I put all of my clothes into my bigger bag and Alex packed. "ready?" he asked, I nodded my head and we headed down to his car. "so food" I started "how does pizza sound?" I asked "that sounds amazing" he smiled. I ordered it online and we picked it up on the way to the lake. "were really doing this" I smiled "we are" he looked at me and smiled. "I'm happy were doing this" I annonced "I am too" he smiled and continued driving. When we parked I got out and opened the trunk. "I didn't realize how much stuff we got" I laughed "it's going to be a couple trips" he stated. I grabbed my clothes, his clothes, the food, and as many bags as I could. Then I started the walk to the lake. Halfway there I almost gave up. I had to drop the bags and take a break. "I really need to work out" I groaned as I picked the bags up and started walking "you're doing great" I heard Alex, I laughed and kept walking. Whenever I got to the lake I dropped all of the bags and sighed "I think my arms are going to fall off" I groaned "you were perfect" Alex walked over dropped the bags and hugged me. "I've got to do another trip but that'll be all of it" he told me "ok, I'll start making the tent" I told him, he nodded and walked away.

I opened the tent box and ready the directions. I laid out the tarp and tried to put it together. By the time i understood what to do Alex arrived again. "need some help?" he asked and walked over to me. He grabbed the poles and started putting it together. "this would've taken me at least an hour" I laughed as he continued putting it together. "aren't you glad you have me then?" he smirked "very grateful" I smiled.

Once we finished making the tent I filled up the air mattress with the pump. I laid down on it once I finished "camping is so much work" I laughed "stop complaining" he laughed and put all of the bags in the corner of the tent and handed me the pizza box. "oh my gosh" I suddenly spoke up "what?" he asked while sitting down "what If we have to poop or something?" I asked "well we have two options, we could go in the woods or walk all the way back to the car and drive somewhere" he told me "what if it's explosive diarrhea?" I asked causing him to laugh "pick a spot in the woods" he told me "don't laugh at me" I told him "you're so funny" he told me I rolled my eyes and ate the pizza.

A few hours went by and its dark. The crickets are chirping and it's peaceful. Alex dug through the bags until he found the blankets and pillows and stuff. He put everything on the bed and we laid there talking about anything that came to our mind.

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