Chapter 58

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Whenever I woke up I was tangled up Alex's arms. I gently got off of the bed and went downstairs. I found a note from my mom saying she was called into work again but she was going to be home late tonight. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 11:30. I walked into the kitchen and checked the fridge, I grabbed the the ingredients for pancakes and a mixing bowl. I mixed the ingredients together and turned on the stove. I started making pancakes and then I grabbed some strawberries and cut them up. I felt a presence behind me, but before I could turn around I felt arms wrap around my waist. "good morning" Alex said then kissed my neck. "good morning" I smiled "it smells good in here" he confessed while he grabbed a strawberry and ate it. "are you feeling better?" he asked as he took over making the pancakes. "I am, I thought maybe today we could go ice skating" I turned around and saw him shirtless flipping pancakes. I walked over to him and ran my hands across his shoulders. "I've never been ice skating" he told me as he cooked another pancake. "I'll teach you" I replied and kissed his shoulder then walked away. I ran upstairs and put on black skinny jeans with a maroon top. I put my hair into a pony tail and slid on ankle boots. I went back downstairs and grabbed two plates and helped get the food ready. "you look nice" he smiled and sat down at the table "thanks" I laughed and sat down with him.

After we ate Alex got dressed and we grabbed our jackets then walked to the car. Alex got into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger seat. As he started driving towards the ice rink he reached over and held my hand. I smiled and started playing with his fingers. "When was your first time skating?" He asked as we continued driving "I don't know, my mom has pictures of me skating with her when I was little. But my first time without being held up I went with my friend Bri when I was 14" I told him "I'm probably going to bust my ass so don't laugh at me too much" he smiled at me as we stopped at a red light. "I haven't skated in years so it'll be a good thing If I make it home without a few bruises" I laughed.

Once we arrived at the ice rink we got out and walked towards the skate rentals. We told the lady behind the desk our shoe size and she grabbed skates for us. After she handed us the skates we sat down and put them on. "I hope I don't break my ankle" alex laughed "don't say that" I smiled and stood up after they were tightly tied on my feet. Soon after alex joined me and we walked carefully to the ice. "Oh gosh, here we go" he announced as he slowly stepped on the ice. He almost fell a few times but he eventually stood up straight. I walked out and I slowly started skating. "Stazie!" Alex yelled for me. I laughed and skated back towards him but when I tried to stop I slid down. He smiled and tried to help me up but instead he fell next to me. He tried standing up but he slid down again which caused me to laugh. "How the fuck am I supposed to get up?" He asked after trying again but falling down. I got onto my knees and crawled to the wall and lifted myself up. "Just like that" I smiled and offered him a hand which he gladly accepted. Once both of us were back on our feet we slowly started skating around the outside of the ice next to the wall. Alex decided he was ready to try skating at a normal speed so he pushed off and left me. I caught up just in time to see his arms flying around and then him falling down. I laughed and skated past him, I turned my head to see him pulling himself up next to the wall. I continued skating but I felt my foot slide inside of the skate and I looked down worried and I tried to skate towards the opening in the wall so I could retire my strings. Before I got to the wall I slid down and I momentarily freaked out. I heard Alex laughing but I ignored him. I carefully tried to stand up and eventually I made my way to the opening and sat on the bench. "At least we both suck" he smiled as he came up to me. "I have to tighten the skates again" I told him as I sat on the bench. He immediately reached down and pulled the strings tighter and tied them. "Thank you" I smiled "anytime beautiful" he replied and pulled me into a quick kiss.

We continued skating and of course falling down for another two hours. Whenever we finished we decided to go get some hot chocolate and food. We drove through downtown until I saw a dinner I went to when I was younger. We parked a few streets down and walked towards it. "I've had enough physical activity for the rest of the year" I groaned as we walked. Alex looked over at me and laughed "come here" he smiled, he stopped walking and motioned for me to get on his back so I did. "What would I do without you" I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my legs "you'd be walking" he chuckled "I love you" I told him and kissed his neck "I love you too" he smiled and continued walking.

He carried me all the way, until we stepped inside of the dinner. A few people glanced our way and smiled but then got back to their conversations. "You can sit anywhere you'd like" an older woman called out. We walked over to a booth by the counter and sat down. I grabbed the menu and almost instantly saw what I wanted to eat. A chicken sandwich with fries.

A few minutes pass and the same older lady from earlier came over and took our order. Alex decided to get a hamburger with fries. "So Christmas is two days away" he smiled as he picked up his cup of hot chocolate "it is" I replied and watched as he drank it. "What did you get your mom?" He asked "i was hoping we could go shopping because the coffee maker I bought her won't arrive for another week" I sighed "we can go after we eat?" He offered "that'd be amazing" I smiled.

Not too long later our food arrived. It was amazing and we definitely took our time eating it.

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