Chapter 6

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A few days have passed, my classes have been more intense and I haven't seen Alex nor Jack and everytime I go to the dorm room it's empty. After my classes ended I decided to walk to a sushi place on campus then go back to the dorm and call Bri or my mom. "hi what can I get for you today?" a boy working asks "can I get a spicy tuna handroll with Miso soup and vegetable tempura?" I asked "someone's hungry" a familiar voice said from behind me "that'll be $14 even" the boy said and I paid the money "I haven't seen you around" he said "you didn't look too hard I assume" I replied "stazie" he came closer to me "I looked everywhere I even went to your dorm a couple times but nobody answered the door" he told me "I'm not that hard to find. I don't have anywhere to go" I laughed "you're here" he smiled "ok the one day I go out to get food" I laughed "I was probably listening to music because I was in my room everyday with nothing to do" I admitted. "well now that you're out want to do something?" he asked "what?" I asked "well there's a game tonight" he started "and I was thinking about going" I replied "well then" he smiled and raised his eyebrow "the game isnt until later. Want to join me for some food?" he offered "sounds nice but my books are calling my name." I stared "Anastasia" I whispered "do you hear that? They sound very desperate" I continued "well you deserve a break plusbwere both hungry and were both here so why don't we sit at the same table and eat our food." he replied "touché" I said "soooo..." he started "ok" I replied and walked to the counter where my food was placed "thank you" I announced and the guy nodded. I sat down at a table while Alex ordered his food. Once he got his food and joined me "are you ready for the game tonight?" I asked "I'm always excited for games. What do you think about the pitcher?" he asked "well hes pretty good but I know of someone who's better" I replied and ate some of my food "who's this person?" he asked smirking "jack" I said quickly and his face fell "I'm kidding! I'm kidding" I said laughing at his reaction "that's not funny" he admitted "it was you should've saw your face" I told him. He grabbed a vegetable and dipped it into the sauce then dabbed it on my face "you should see your face" he said and laughed "ugh" I groaned and cleaned it off.

After our meal I went back to my dorm and studied and did some assignments as well as put in job applications and then watched some TV. Whenever it got close to game time someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Alex "hey what're you doing here?" I asked "it's game time baby!" he said and pulled me out of the room "Alex stop hold on!" I protested. He stopped and looked at me "I have to get my stuff" I told him and got my bag and keys and locked the door. "ready?" he asked and I nodded. We drove to the field. Whenever we arrived we walked through the gate and I stopped to pay "what are you doing?" Alex asked "I have pay" I told him "no you don't" he replied "yes I do. It's $7 for a ticket" I told him "hey you're with him its fine" the guy at the ticketbooth told me "come on let's go" Alex told me then grabbed my hand and lead the way. He dropped me off at my normal seat while he went to change. Brooklyn, David, Mason, Jack, and Madison walked towards me. "hey girl" Brook said "hi" I replied "why are you here so early?" she asked at the same time Alex was walking back towards me while holding his shirt and belt in his hands. "you're here with him?" she asked and i nodded. Once he arrived Jack pulled him away and started talking to him "Where have you been?" Madison asked "what do you mean?" I asked "we haven't seen you in days" she replied "I've been locking myself in my room so I could focus on my assignments" I told her she nodded like she understood. Alex walked towards me while Jack went to change "mind if I steal Anastasia for a few minutes?" he asked "not at all go ahead" David said excitedly.  We walked away from the group and I noticed he still doesn't have his shirt on. He must've noticed because he smiled and put it on then put his belt on. We talked until the rest of the team showed up then they went and started warming up.

After they finished warming up they had a few minutes before the game and Alex came out of the dugout. "who wants sunflower seeds?" he yelled at his team "me" a lot of them yelled in unison. He walked past me and got some sunflower seeds, on his way back he stopped and handed me something. "hey" I called out making him stop and turn around "why do you let the count get so high then swing?" I asked curiously "it eventually tires the pitcher out" he said and smirked as he walked away. I looked at what he put in my hand. It was a small flower, he must've picked it himself on the way to the consession stands. I smiled at the thought and put it into my bag.

The game started off normally Alex was playing second base and he kept getting people out. Whenever it was his turn to bat he swung on the first ball and it went ouver the wall. The crowd screamed I'm excitement as he ran the bases. Once he hit home plate the team ran out and stared jumping up and down chanting a song.

The rest of the game went pretty much the same way except the other team was now ahead of them by 3 runs. It was now the sixth inning and Alex was up to bat first. He got a full count 3-2 and on the last one he swung. The ball flew through the air and the outfielder caught it at the wall. Alex kicked the clay unsatisfied and walked off the field slowly.

This inning they only got 4 runs so that meant they couldn't let more than one person over home plate. Alex was playing second base and the pitcher threw the ball. The batter hit the ball straight at the pitcher making him duck and Alex ran to it and caught it in a slide. I jumped out of my seat and cheered at the play. Brooklyn and Madison just smiled at me. The next batter swung and it bounced off the ground in outfield the guy threw it to Alex then Alex threw it to first base and the runner was out. The next batter swung and he hit it in between center and right field so Alex ran and jumped and caught it midair.

After the guys changed and walked towards us trey came up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck "so what do you have planned for tonight?" he asked and I looked around for Alex suddenly we locked eyes and walked over towards me "she's coming with me" Alex spoke up and smirked "I think she can speak for herself Alex" Trey spoke up "or you could back off" Alex announced as he clenched his jaw and walked towards us Trey didn't back down and I looked around for anyone I knew but they weren't paying attention. I slid out of Trey's grasp and went to Alex, I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back he didn't move at first. "alex" I quietly called out. He looked down at me then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me away. Once we got to his car he opened his door and threw the bag on the seat.  "why'd you do that?" he suddenly spoke I looked at him and furrowed my brows "what?" I asked confused "what did I do?" I asked "ugh!" he exclaimed "you're the one who got in his face" I started getting annoyed with him "because he was all over you and you didn't do anything about it!" he almost yelled "Alex calm down!" I yelled back "no! This is more than just him putting his arm around you!" he got even angrier "then what's it about?" I askes calmly "you think everything is about you don't you!" He yelled at me then huffed and got in the car and drive off leaving me there standing alone in the parking lot. I walked over to the bench and sat down then called Madison, she told who I assume was David to turn around and then she said she was on her way.

Not long after two cars pulled up in the parking lot. I noticed Alex get out of one car and walk towards me. Whenever he got close enough to talk I saw Madison get out of the other car. "stazie I'm sorry" Alex announced "I have issues with trey and I took it all out on you. I shouldn't have done that." he started to say whenever Madison joined us "I'm leaving" I told him and got up to walk away "I'll take you home" he offered "no thanks" I said getting upset I walked past him and he grabbed my hand "let me go" I told him and yanked my arm away. I walked with Madison and got in the car. Nobody asked me what happened the whole ride back to the dorm. Whenever we arrived I immediately took a shower and curled up in bed. I heard my phone ring so I grabbed it and saw an unknown number. I didn't feel like talking so I turn my phone off and went to sleep.

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