Chapter 40

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A couple days have passed since Alex cut his leg. A lot of student have asked what happened and when he will be playing again. He couldn't drive himself to work, so lack had been driving him around.

"I need a car" I groaned as I watched Alex shut the door and start walking into school. "do you even know how to drive?" Madison asked "yes I know how to drive" I laughed "she's not the best driver though" Brooklyn spoke up. "well maybe if I had a car I'd learn how to drive better" I groaned as I grabbed my books and shot the door. "how's Alex been?" Madison asked while running up to me "I don't know. I haven't really talked to him" I told her "why not?" Brooklyn asked "I've tried calling and texting but he doesn't respond" I said as I walked into my first class.

Every class was boring. Well it probably would've been less boring if Alex wasn't constantly on my mind. Today I had English with Alex. Last class he didn't sit in his normal seat next to me so hopefully I can get a seat next to him today.

My professor dismissed the class and I pretty much ran out of there. English was on the other side of the building. "hey where are you going in such a hurry?" a guy behind me asked. I turned around to see an unfamiliar guy, he had light brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was also wearing a baseball shirt "my last class of the day" I laughed. "I've never seen someone in such a hurry to get to class" he smiled "hey sorry, I'm Noah." he annonced "Anastasia" I replied "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiled "are you trying to flirt with me?" I laughed "not really, I could but you're in a hurry for class. Maybe I'll flirt with you another time" he smiled and turned around. I turned around and went to class.

When I walked in I saw Alex at the back of the class but the seat next to him was already taken by a girl I didn't like. I sighed and walked up to her seat. "move, I need to sit here" I told her and she looked over at Alex then at me. "I don't think he wants to be next to you" she smiled and turned around. "I wasn't asking. Move" I told her "like I said he doesn't want to sit next to you." she spoke up.

After a few minutes of getting nowhere the door to the class opened and Noah walked in. I noticed him scan the class and then his eyes landed on me. He smiled and walked my way. "you just can't get away from me can you?" he smiled "in your dreams" I smiled and sat down in front of Alex. "you want me to dream about you?" he smirked and sat next to me "no" I told him as I opened my book. "oh come on babe, why not" he nudged my arm and smiled. "I'm trying to focus here" I told him just as the professor walked in.

The class was pretty interesting. Noah was sitting next to me annoying me every chance he got. Alex was sitting behind me and I could tell he wasnt happy.

"So Anastasia, cats or dogs?" Noah whispered in my ear "what?" I laughed quitely and looked at him "I was wondering what animal I should buy you on our first date" he smiled "she has a boyfriend you know" Alex spoke up from behind me. Noah looked at me then to him "boyfriend huh?" noah smiled "boyfriends don't like me very much" he confessed "I wonder why?" I asked sarcasticly and focused on my book again "so about that date?" Noah repeated "in your dreams" I told him "you definitely want me to dream about you, don't you?" he smirked. I heard a sigh from behind me and then the chair scraped the floor. "sorry I have to leave" Alex annonced "Ok, just do the work for the chapter" the professor told him as he walked out of the class.

"I can tell he's your boyfriend. Like I said, boyfriends don't like me" Noah laughed after Alex left.

The rest of the class was less annoying. Noah didn't bother me as much and I actually got some work done. I gathered my things and walked out. I went down the stairs and then I walked outside. "hey runner" Noah's voice yelled from behind me. "what?" I turned around smiling "I'm gay, he shouldn't feel threatened" he told me. I laughed loudly which made people glance at us. "so you just wanted to annoy him?" I asked "definitely, I saw how annoyed you looked at him. he's hot too so I wanted to get a reaction from him" he laughed "oh my gosh" I laughed "so do you have any plans tonight? If you can't tell I'm new here and I'd like a beautiful girl as yourself show me around." he spoke up as we walked to the parking lot. "do you have a car?" I asked and stopped walking. "yes?" he asked "I'll show you around if you let me drive" I told him "deal" he smirked and threw the keys to me.

We walked to his car. It was pretty nice, a black camaro. I gently opened the door and got in. He flopepd into the passager seat and took my books off of my lap. I started the car and drove towards my dorm. "where are we going first?" he asked "my dorm" I told him "if you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask" he smirked and leaned over and kissed my cheek. His lips were soft and gentle. "you're ridiculous" I laughed as I pulled into a parking spot. "I know" he smiled and got out. We walked through the building until we arrived at my dorm. I opened the door and walked in on Brooklyn and Jack making out on the couch. "guys!  Seriously! I have company!" I yelled and they pulled away. "who?" Brooklyn asked as she fixed her clothes "Noah!?" Jack asked "dude what're you doing here?" Jack asked walking over to him and giving him a guy hug. "you're actually here" Jack said "wait you know each other?" I asked "not in person. I heard about Noah on the field and I talked to him on instagram" Jack annonced "wait what? I'm confused" I spoke up. "I played baseball for a university in California. I've always heard great things about the coach here so I decided I'd see how good he Is for myself" Noah told me "the coach is her dad" Brooklyn announced "no way" Noah smirked "that's awesome" he told me. The door opened and Alex walked in. "you've got to be kidding me" he sighed "what happened with you?" Brooklyn asked "I need to talk to you" Alex announced and walked into my room, I followed after him. As soon as I shut the door he started yelling. "I don't talk to you for a few days and you've already found someone new to fool around with? You're unbelievable" Alex yelled "I didn't" I start "shut up. I can't deal with this right now, I can't play baseball. I can't walk on my own. And my own girlfriend abandoned me" he told me "I didn't do anything" I yelled "too late, we're done." he told me and walked out.

I laid in bed not moving. "are you alright?" Noah asked through the door. "I'm fine" I annonced. "you're not, I heard what happened. The walls are kind of thin" he said as he walked in. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen" he told me "you didn't do it. He's been acting weird since he cut his leg. I've tried to be  there but he doesn't want me anymore." I told him. "well still I feel like shit. Do you want Ice cream or pizza or anything?" he asked "no thanks" I laughed and turned over. "Ok well Ive got to go, I'll see you around?" he asked "yea" I replied.

The rest of the night was a mess I went through fazes when I was fine then I completely lost it.

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