Chapter 39

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A few weeks have passed since the night in my dorm. Baseball season is about to start so the guys have been busy.

"Anastasia" Brooklyn laughed as a fry landed on my lap "what?" I asked "I asked what you're going to do about tomorrows exam" she repeated "I don't know, maybe Alex can help me" I told her as I stood up from the table and threw my trash away. "what's been going on with you two?" she asked as she threw her trash away. We made our way over to the door, I opened it and turned to talk to her. "were starting over" I said as I crashed into someone. I quickly turned my head and noticed it was Alex. "I'm sorry" I laughed "it's fine, who's starting over?" he asked "us" I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. "get a room" Brooklyn groaned from behind me "you can't even talk Brooklyn" Alex laughed "well we weren't in public, it's his dorm too you know" she blushed and pushed past him out of the door. "what was that about?" I asked "your friend is very dirty" he laughed "You are too" i replied "at least I don't do anything on the couch while my roommates are home" he countered back. "what!" I said in disbelief which made Alex laugh. "I've got to go, I'll come over after practice?" he asked "yea" I replied "Wait Alex, would it be possible for you to help me study?" I asked shyly. He raised an eyebrow and pulled me to his chest "study like last time?" he smirked "no, study like I have a test tomorrow study" I patted his chest. "sure, but you owe me" he smirked "whatever" I laughed and walked out.

Since I was finished with my classes already I decided to go to alex's baseball practice. "Brooklyn will you come with me to their practice?" I annonced "sure, give me five more minutes" she announced. I sat on the couch and scrolled through Netflix. "there's nothing good on" I groaned and turned the TV off. "ok let's go" Brooklyn announced as she grabbed her keys. I stood up, grabbed my textbooks and walked out.

Whenever we got to the practice field we sat in our normal seats. I opened the book and started reading the words on the pages. After a while of studying it got boring. "quick look" Brooklyn nudged my leg which made my book fall. I sighed, picked it up, and looked at what she was talking about. Alex was hitting the ball. "he hit one over the wall but it went foul before that" she informed me. "he can do it" I smirked as I watched him swing the bat. The bat cracked as the ball soured over the infield and into the outfield before falling to the ground. He ran to first and then to second. He glanced back as he ran and noticed the ball was already at second base so he slid into third. I saw the base move then Alex's face change to discomfort. "what happened?" I asked standing up, "what do you mean what happened?  He's safe the ball didn't touch him" she told me "no, what happened" I repeated and walked towards the gate. The third baseman called over my dad as Alex grabbed his leg. "Wait, why hasn't he gotten up yet?" Brooklyn asked "I don't know but it's not good" I told her. I ran to the dugout "what's wrong?" I asked one of the guys that walked off of the field and grabbed Alexs bag. "he cut his leg when he slid" he told me "he's probably going to have to get stitches" he told me before leaving. I rushed over to where the gate was open, I ran through it and sat on my knees next to Alex. "you can't be here" a random guy said "yes she can" my dad told him. "who are you with?" my dad asked "Brooklyn" I told him "the ambulance is on the way" he told me. "Alex, everything is going to be fine" I told him and run my hand through his hair. "someone go open the gate for them!" my dad yelled. A couple guys ran away. "stazie how bad is it?" Alex asked as he held my hand and closed his eyes. "it's not too bad" I told him "tell me what's going to happen" he told me "you can't be serious Alex. It's not time for studying" I laughed "please just tell me" he sighed. "ok, the paramedics will come over, cut your pants and put you on the stretcher. They'd probably wrap your leg up tight and run you back to the ambulance" I started "they'd call the hospital and try to stop the bleeding and clean it up. They probably will give you pain medicine and doctors at the hospital will look at it and figure out what to do next" i told him "good" he replied and sat up and looked at his leg. "I'm screwed" he sighed and shook his head.

Just then the paramedics arrived and Brooklyn came over with all of our stuff. "what happened?" a lady asked "I slid into third and cut my leg up" Alex told her "ok how old are you?" she asked while a guy looked at his leg "I need a lot of gauze" the guy annonced "apply more pressure" she told him "honey what's your name?" she asked as they lifted him off of the clay and onto the stretcher "Alex and I'm 21" he told her "ok Alex we've got to take you to the hospital" she told him and he grabbed onto my hand as they started moving him towards the ambulance "is she your sister?" the lady asked stopping the stretcher "girlfriend" he annonced "come on sweetie" the lady motioned at me. I looked around and noticed my dad nod his head. I walked with them to the doors of the ambulance, I watched how they lifted him up and got inside. I followed after them and sat down on the seat.

"tell me what's going to happen" Alex looked at me as the paramedics cut his pants. "are you in pain?" the lady asked "not much" he annonced "what's going to happen is that you have a pretty nasty cut on your leg, you're going to get to the hospital and-" the lady started "no, no. Anastasia tell me what's going to happen" he cut the lady off. "oh, uhm" I looked at her "you're going to arrive at the hospital and they'll rush you into the ER. A bunch of doctors will be talking and asking you questions and then they'll look at your leg." I told him "nurse?" the lady asked "no, I'm trying to be a surgeon" I smiled "she's very smart" Alex smiled and grabbed my hand. "how do you feel?" I asked "it's got to hurt." I continued "if anything hurts you have to speak up" I told him "it doesn't hurt that bad, its probably from the adrenaline. Ill be fine" he reassured me.

Once we arrived at the hospital Alex was rushed into a room and I had to sit in the waiting room.

A while passed until Brooklyn came in and sat with me. "how is he?" she asked "I don't know, nobody's said anything" I told her. "he will be alright" she told me and rubbed my back.

About half an hour passed before a nurse took us to his room. "how is he?" I asked as we walked down the hall. "he's going to be fine, he needs a couple stitches but he should be good to leave later tonight" the nurse told us.

We walked into a room and I saw Alex laying down with his leg wrapped up. "there you are" he smiled "the doctor gave him a little bit of pain meds but it wasn't a lot." the nurse told me before she left. "I was starting to think you left" he smirked "I wouldn't do that" I told him and sat next to the bed. "I know." he smiled "Jack said he was coming by" he looked at Brooklyn "ok" she replied. I looked down at his leg "how long are you supposed to be off of your leg?" I asked "I'll be using crutches for a while but hopefully itll be better by the start of the season" he told me.

We waited for a while, alex helped me study while we waited for the doctors. The whole baseball team showed up but they had to take turns visiting. They gave him stitches and a prescription and sent us back to school.

Alex wanted to stay the night so I let him.  When we arrived at the dorm I helped him out of the car and through the building and into the elevator while Brooklyn took the stairs. "thank you" Alex annonced and looked at me "for what?" I asked "staying with me the whole time.  I know I'm a mess but I appreciate it" he told me. I looked at him and smiled then kissed him. "you're welcome" I smiled again just as the elevator opened and revealed a couple girls that live on the same floor. "oh my gosh Alex are you alright?" one of them asked "what happened?" the other asked and ran her hand down his arm. "I cut my leg, ill be fine" he told them and we walked away. "go on say it" Alex said as we continued walking down the hall "say what? What do you want me to say?" I asked and he laughed.

Not much happened for the rest of the night, everyone just hung out and watched movies before bed.

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