Chapter 30

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I woke up the next morning wrapped up in something. Someone. I opened my eyes and saw Alex. I screamed and pushed him off of the bed. I looked down at my clothes and they weren't mine. "what the hell?" he groaned as he woke up on the floor "I could ask you the same thing!" I screamed "listen I can explain" he started "get out!" I shouted and David rushed into the room. "not again" Alex sighed "David get him out!" I yelled as David stepped into the room observing the scene in front of him. "I think you two should talk, then I'll throw him out" he annonced and left.

I looked at Alex. "spill" I told him. "last night everyone was at the party, I saw you and I decided to kiss you." he started "you kissed me too" he told me "Madison and Brooklyn came over crying so I drove us back here. You were tired so I carried you in" he continued "your dress for stuck so you asked for help, hence my shirt and why you still have makeup on. You threatened me to stay with you" he confessed. "nothing happened, we just kissed and slept in the same bed" he finsihed "and why should I trust you?" I asked "because he was here when we came in" Alex replied "who?" I asked "david" he told me.

I walked out of the room and sat next to David. "what happened?" I asked "well y'all came back drunk and you made him stay with you" he told me. I looked at Alex and sighed. "I'll return your shirt after I shower" I told him "keep it" he replied.

"I should get going" Alex spoke up after a while. "I have to get to practice in a bit. I'll see you around?" he asked and I shrugged.

A few days have passed since I saw Alex. Brooklyn and Madison weren't happy when I told them what happened but they also weren't happy that they both cried at the party so I have no idea where that leaves me.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and noticed it was 10 pm. I answered the call noticing it was Alex. "hello?" I asked "baby" he slurred "are you drunk?" I asked "mm baby please come over" he said. "why?" I asked "I miss you" he told me "you're the one that hasn't contacted me" I replied "I know. Please come over?" he asked I sighed and agreed.

"Madison I'm leaving" I annonced as I grabbed my things and started walking to his dorm.

The walk took about 20 minutes but when I arrived I knocked on the door. "baby" Alex smiled and opened it up. "you're finally here" he added "I'm here" I replied as I walked in. "I've missed you" he told me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Alex come on you need some rest" I sighed and removed his hands. I walked into the kitchen and made him a snack and gave it to him. "you're the best" he smiled and started eating "this is so good" he moaned "why are you drunk and alone?" I asked "everyone's still out" he told me as he kept eating. "take this" I told him and handed him some water and asprin. "I'm going to marry you one day" he smiled up at me. Hearing that was like a tug on my heart. We weren't on best terms but he still knew how to make me feel things.

I walked into his room and grabbed some clothes for him to change into. "what are you doing?" he asked from behind me. I jumped and almost fell. "I was getting you a change of clothes" I told him "you know I sleep in my boxers" he smiled and started taking off his clothes. I closed my eyes and he laughed. "come on stazie, you know I'm hot" he said from in front of me. I felt his hand rest on my waist. "open your eyes" he demanded. I opened my eyes and noticed he was only inches away. "I love you" he told me and smashed his lips on mine. I tried to push him away but his kiss was to nice and I kissed him back.

The kiss got a little sloppy and we ended up falling onto the bed. "stazie" he moaned as I strattled him. "kiss me" he begged. I kissed him and one of his hands gripped onto my butt while the other made its way under my shirt, but then pulled away. "I cant" I told him and he sighed. "fine" he groaned and turned over once I got off of him.

I moved to get off of the bed but he stopped me. "just because we aren't having sex doesn't mean you can leave" he said "you don't want me here if I won't give you sex" I stated "that's not true. I always want you here" he smiled and pulled me to his chest.

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