Chapter 37

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About an hour later he walked into his room sweaty. "I'm back" he annonced "how was it?" I asked as I sat up on the bed and put my phone aside. "very humid" he told me "I'm glad I didn't run then" I laughed and he walked over to me. I smiled and backed away and he climbed on the bed and hovered over me. "Ew you're sweaty" I laughed as he leaned closer to me. "thats not what you were saying earlier" he smiled and kissed me. I felt my cheeks heat up and he pulled away smiling. I ran a hand through his sweaty hair and smiled. "what're you thinking about?" he asked "nothing" I lied. I was thinking about how sexy he looked all sweaty. "then why are you blushing?" he asked and kissed my neck softly "I'm not, it's just hot in this room" I told him and he laughed. "you're hot" he told me and moved away. "I'm taking a shower then I'll order some food" he annonced.

I laid on the bed and calmed myself down. I felt my phone vibrate and I checked my text.

Brooklyn: hey girl! How was break? I'm arriving super early tomorrow morning just giving you a heads up.
Me: it was nice, how was yours? That's fine.
Brooklyn: amazing!! Jack surprised me. I'll tell you all about it later, I have to go sorry
Me: Ok, bye have fun!

I sat my phone down and decided to look at the books on Alex's desk. He had a law book, a physics book, English books, a baseball book, and a huge binder.

"it's just school books" Alex spoke up from behind me. I turned around quickly "you don't have to act embarrassed" he laughed "anything you want to go through you can. I don't care" he told me "I was just looking" I told him "I know but you're welcome to anything" he told me. "so you're taking law?" I asked after a few minutes "just the basics. I don't plan on getting the degree or anything" he told me.

We laid on the bed not even eating the Chinese food he ordered. We just held each other. "I'm so glad you're here" Alex confessed "I'm happy with you. I'm a better person when you're around" he told me. "you know I've never let any girl in here, I've never had sex in this room, I've never trusted anyone except Jack." he started "but then you showed up" he smiled and kissed my shoulder "you changed me, I knew you were changing me before that why I lashed out. I didn't want to change. I wanted to be the player and the best lay. I didn't care about anyone until I saw you. I honestly love you, I want to show you things and experience things with you that I've never seen or done before. I want you to love me as much as I love you" he told me and held me close. "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" he confessed "I like how you've changed. I just want it to continue. Alex you've really hurt me. I don't know if I could survive that again" I confessed. His body went stiff. "just please give me the chance to make it right. To show you I've changed?" he asked "ok but if you haven't I'll let Brooklyn and Madison chop your dick off" I laughed "would you really?" he asked raising an eyebrow and smirking "If you're a jerk then yes" I laughed "trust me. I don't plan on it" he told me and kissed me. "so what does this make us?" I asked "let's say we're starting over. I'll take you on a few dates, maybe make love again and ask you to be my girlfriend" he smiled "how about all of that except the sex. I want to know you actually want to be with me. Not just for your manly needs" I smiled "then I'll do it. I don't need you for sex" he told me "thats not what I meant." he realized what he said "I mean I'll wait for you. We don't have to rush. I'm definitely not settling for any girl now that I have you again" he smiled "did you ever lose me?" I asked "for a while it felt like I did" he confessed.

I fell asleep wrapped up in Alex's arms. He was telling me about fun times he had with his sister back home whenever I drifted to sleep.

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