Chapter 65

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A few days have passed since we went to see the Statue of Liberty. Since then we've explored all over New York and Brooklyn. Today is New Year's Eve and our goal for the night is to be in Times Square to watch the ball drop. I'm currently laying in bed waiting on alex to get back from the gym. He's been working out a lot recently, he's definitely in better shape. His abs are more prominent from all of the running he's been doing.

I laid in bed for 30 minuets before I got bored and walked downstairs to the gym. Once I walked in I noticed Alex was doing sit ups so I walked over and sat in front of him. "Hey baby, I'm almost done" he told me "that's ok. I'll wait for you" I smiled and leaned onto his feet to help them stay on the ground. After a few minutes he leaned forward and pushed me onto my back then hovered over me. "What are you doing" I asked shocked "I want to try something" he replied "alex we're not having sex in the hotels gym" i told him. He looked at me with wide eyes and then he started laughing. "not that baby" he replied in between laughs. Once he calmed down he did a pushup and when he came down he gave me a kiss. "see, no sex in the gym" he laughed and did the same thing every time he did a pushup.

After he finished he stood up and i reached out and he helped me up. "thanks" i smiled as we walked back towards the elevator. "what time should we get to Times Square?" he asked as we walked into our hotel room. "well i know the tv shows start at 8 and they have preformances up until like midnight or so." i told him "how cold is it supposed to be?" he asked as he pulled out his phone and checked the weather. "like 20 degrees" he answered his own question. "how are we supposed to stay warm for over 4 hours in 20 degree weather?" he asked "well we will be in a huge crowd so that'll help, but we have to layer up" i replied "so basically we dont dress to impress." he said and i agreed. "theres absolutely no way i would wear heels out in this weather. Especially not in a big crowd." i replied. "Good because I definitely don't want you to break you're ankles" he laughed and I agreed.

Later that night we started getting dressed for the night. Alex decided to wear jeans and a button up shirt while I decided to wear a gold sequin shirt with jeans and ankle boots. As soon as I finished getting dressed my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered "hey babe, do you have plans for the night?" Bri asked "Alex and I were going to Times Square, why?" I replied "well I flew out to New York and some people I met in Boston are throwing a party in manhattan. I was just seeing if you guys wanted to join me" She answered "hey Alex did you want to go to a party after we get done watching the ball drop?" I asked "what kind of party?" He asked "I don't know. It's a party, I'm sure they have alcohol and all that normal party stuff" I replied "if you want to go I guess we can go" he replied "text me the address we will be there once we finish" i told bri "ok great. Ill see you later" she replied and we hung up.

A while later we grabbed a couple jackets and took a cab to Times Square. Wherever we arrived we made our way through the crowd and got as close to the stage as we could. We ended up being only a few rows from the front which was nice because we could see the performances perfectly but we could also watch the ball drop.

Soon after arriving it was crowded, more than a normal general admission concert. I could barely move but I was definitely warming up. I felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me against a hard chest. "It shouldn't be too much longer. Are you excited?" Alex asked as he whispered in my ear "yes, I've been looking forward to this since I got those plane tickets" I told him smiling "good because they're coming on stage" he told me. A few seconds later the crowd started cheering and the hosts walked on stage. They started getting the crowd excited and announcing all of the performers for the night.

After a few hours and screaming the lyrics to several songs, it was finally time for the ball to start dropping. Alex pulled me up against his chest as we counted down the new year. Once the clock hit midnight he pulled me into a very passionate kiss. I pulled away breathless and smiled at him. "this was the best way to start the year. I love you so much" he told me and kissed my head.

We stayed in the crowd for another 30 minutes before we left and headed to the party. The cab ride consisted of Alex kissing me and telling me that he'd rather have me to himself than go to a party. I promised him we'd only stay a few hours then we could leave.

We arrived at the party shortly after. It was a massive house with people everywhere. Lots of people were drinking, a few people were throwing up in the grass. We decided to go inside and meet up with bri.

After an hour of walking around the big house drinking with alex we gave up looking for her. "i want another drink" i told alex "that's your third drink, why don't you show down a bit babe?" he replied "you're no fun" i whined as he pulled me to his chest. "we can get out of here and have some fun" he smirked "what kind of fun?" i asked as I traced  his jawline with my fingers. "sleep" he told me laughing "boring" i sang and moved my face closer to his ear "you don't have other plans for tonight?" i whispered and he gripped my waist "let's go back to the hotel" i told him and walked outside. He quickly called a cab and we went back to the hotel.

The reat of the night neither of us got much sleep

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